Big Buddha Cheese: Part Deux

Well I can't post a video w/out using my name, not a good thing.
I am post the still again, at least you can see how it works, and I am getting about that same look from all 24 plants, it's a good thing!
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They are in day nine of veg, 7 to 9 inches tall, roots growing from the bags (I love it when that happens), drinking well, and the color is very good. I am running 200 to 225 ppm of A&B, less is more.
Will begin raising this to 350 to 400 ppm gradually over this week, prior to flipping.
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Looking forward to watching this grow, I believe it will be fun. Not a lot of work, just more plants to look after.
Just a couple of pics. First from 1/21, the day after they were put in the coco smart pots.

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And today 9 days later.
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Just switched to 3 drip cycles a day.

Here are four of the 24 clones, approx. 8 inches tall. Hope to flip them this weekend. My question is each photo has stems that I am unsure if I should remove them, they are marked 1, 2, 3.
Can someone please advise on removal of these, as I will remove these same stems from all 24 plants. I have marked them by plant and if you could give the plant # and which if any stems 1, 2, or 3 to remove.
I am use to doing trimming but have not grown this method before so am very unsure of what to and what not to remove.
Plant 1
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Plant 2
Plant 3
Plant 4
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If you grow or have grown a SOG please reply.

Still looking good my man , I've gotta make up 3 gal of mix feed tonight and brought home a bunch of cabinet grade plywood leftovers for new growing shelves in the same room as my 2 that are flowering seeing I not own 1 large LED which is in me starting area (closet) and 4 HID setups 3@ 400 and 1 @ 600 all dimable except one
Well not much advice on trimming so guess I will just play it by ear.

OK, this AM I started with a Wake and Bake.
Followed this by emptying and cleaning the rez. Got about three gallons of nute solution, added 2 gallons of RO and nutes to bring the total EC to 0.95 and pH'ed to 5.8. Added Great White, 1 tsp/5 gallons and SubCulture II, 1 tsp/5 gallons, then treated all the plants with this solution, at about a 30% runoff. Checked the runoff, which I rarely do and it was 1,1 EC and 6.02 pH. I can live with that!
After cleaning the rez with Clorox and rinsing the rez well, mixed up a new batch of solution, 25 gallons, 0.95 EC. Will allow this to stabilize until this afternoons watering, at that point I will pH the solution.

Yesterday prepared the plant for flower by doing some minor trimming. Basically just trimmed the undergrowth and removed a few of the massive fans blocking light. Cut some lower stems off but know I will have to do more.
An example of the trim.


A shot of the under canopy taken this morning.

Was very glad to see this when I pulled the plants out to work on them, they all had about this much roots coming from the sides of the SP's. I do love me some Great White and SubCulture II.
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I would add it to my rez for constant feed but I have no way to circulate the mix. Just have a small fan blowing on the surface of the rez to gradually move the solution to help introduce O2 in the mix.

So that's where we stand here. It has been 31 days today when I took the clones and started up the cloner and 12 days since they went into the 1 gallon Smart Pots.

Only two of the SP's have not rooted all that well as they stay more damp than the others, will be hand watering them for a bit allowing them to dry a bit more and hopefully establish a better root system.

Still looking for some recommendations on pruning.

With the pruning it depends on how tall you want them to get and if you just want the big spears you see in some sog stuff or if you want to let them keep the lower auxillary branches and get a little wider on the bottom.

If you decide to take more of the bottoms off now it will help push the plant upward. If you leave them on there and prune them off next week or just before flip the plant won't be as tall.
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