BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madness!

Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Damn they look healthy I just gave my babies some soil life tea and cal/mag feeding hope to grow some prize winners like your BID!!!!!!:peace::thumb::goodjob::high-five::bravo::cheer::circle-of-love:

Thank you but can't say I've ever won a prize for any of my bud work, I'd love to be able to say that, and one day I will be able to say it,but not at present, IM glad to hear you think that,and honestly your ladies look just as good, but wow how proud I would feel to win a potm or motm here, mean more to me than a cup,since to win here you have to do it on looks alone! No easy feat, we have world class growers among us:high-five:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

nice girls man :bravo:
Have a Great Weekend BID
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Things look nice and green and I am digging the new led sponsor may have to invest in some in the near future.

Cheers Bid your charisma and passion really shine in your journals and that is refreshing to have and the reason I stay here.

Good people, better growers, best camaraderie anywhere.

Cant wait to see the results.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Thanks suddenly Sara! Your light is Rokkin my grow zone! Now I just need more power IM givin her all she's got capn'!!
nice girls man :bravo:
Have a Great Weekend BID
Thanks CHD! Shh damn IM on da cheese!
Oh man you are the only one who gets me to laugh just looking at your pictures. I laughed my ass off at "gettin veggie wit it", you are a very fun loving guy BID. Thank you for the laughs

well thanks homie! I hope your able to reattach it that would be hell at a ball game! You can borrow my gorilla glue (it's the fast set kind) I have to wear a prosthetic ass since mine got lost at the laundromat! Lol I guess I just like to have fun in everything I do life is short !

Things look nice and green and I am digging the new led sponsor may have to invest in some in the near future.

Cheers Bid your charisma and passion really shine in your journals and that is refreshing to have and the reason I stay here.

Good people, better growers, best camaraderie anywhere.

Cant wait to see the results.
man you guys are gonna make me go a big sissy wet one with all this love, I don't wanna cry like when I was a little girl! Lol thank you these are such nice things to say, you are why I do it ,I found a way to keep records and store days ages ago, but this community is why I keep the journals going despite times of wanting to quite and feeling overwhelmed, IM here for you guys, I don't get feedback of this caliber from a program! Not to say I don't get far more than I give,cuz I do, anyway much love & respect goodnight gang:circle-of-love::high-five::Namaste:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Girls looking good:bravo:
Happy Friedday BID and Spiffy:)
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

...You can borrow my gorilla glue (it's the fast set kind) I have to wear a prosthetic ass since mine got lost at the laundromat! Lol I guess I just like to have fun in everything I do life is short !

Just be careful where you put that does expand a bit when it dries. ;)

man you guys are gonna make me go a big sissy wet one with all this love, I don't wanna cry like when I was a little girl! Lol thank you these are such nice things to say, you are why I do it ,I found a way to keep records and store days ages ago, but this community is why I keep the journals going despite times of wanting to quite and feeling overwhelmed, IM here for you guys, I don't get feedback of this caliber from a program! Not to say I don't get far more than I give,cuz I do, anyway much love & respect goodnight gang:circle-of-love::high-five::Namaste:

I gotta say too, there are a few members here that have authored threads that I'm sub'd to BECAUSE of their attitudes...and their grows, be sure.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Great Weekend to ya BID:thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

This is what I did today, ran out of dry ice before I got done and the humidity was messing with me big time so I may have to do another shake or cool some butter,
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I am just stepping into the world of growing, and this thread has convinced me that these are panels worth getting. Have ordered one on this night, looking forward to receiving it. The plants look totally awesome, even a noob like myself can tell that BID knows his crap.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I am just stepping into the world of growing, and this thread has convinced me that these are panels worth getting. Have ordered one on this night, looking forward to receiving it. The plants look totally awesome, even a noob like myself can tell that BID knows his crap.

very good choice grasshopper. Follow Master BID and you will prosper!!!!!!:peace:
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