BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madness!

Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Dear AzmedMan, thanks for your information. but as to the wattage, I think we have post on our website, why not check there? Here I'd like people sharing their grow experience, and tell people how to grow with LED. as to the light specification.Please email me, I will tell you what you want.I like your opinion.

There has a sticker on the light to tell people the basic information of light. we just put this information on light recently. so do not worry about this from now on. thank you all.

I actually know someone who burned down their house with an LED setup, no they weren't replacing HPS but some people are doing setups and I do get a little riled up when it's a safety issue, no one should do this sort of thing without knowing to the watt what every fan and every light draws and what their ratings are, you know there are people who will come here read this thread go to their hydro store see the meter and laugh go home and burn their homes down, or at least it could happen being how the posters here feel about such things...
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Good night everyone! hope all of you have a nice day. ah, I promise we will improve our product information and service for sure. of cours e we improve the thing we think is necessary. so if we want to run our company smoothly , we have to do better than you expected. thank you for all your help my friends. welcome more suggestions from you, I am here reading everyday. :peace:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Depends on what Led company your dealing with, the problem has been most grower dont have or dont want to dish out the money for quality panels so they buy from no name chinese companies with cheap junk for sale on Alibaba.These companies gave Led's a really bad name and scared most growers away from them for years because they didnt know enough about them to take a chance with that kind of money.I did weeks of homework before I bought mine, I educated myself on how they work, which diodes are best that sort of thing before I made the decision on which ones I was going to buy and im very happy with my lights, I cant wait to get my rooms all led.TopLed is one of the first companies ive seen that has been completely open with us growers,Sara wants us to be totally honest about her lights, if theres something we dont like about them she wants us to tell her so that TopLed can improve them, this tells me they are a legit company, there are several great led companies out there, but most of them are very expensive, TopLed has the best prices ive seen to date and they are actually using the diodes they claim to use unlike alot of other chinese companies and they actually honor they're warranty.They know that led's are the way of the future for indoor cannabis growing, led's are just going to get better and better and cheaper to buy, I think TopLed knows this and want to make affordable quality panels, giving a few of them to reputable growers on a forum like this is a great way to get they're name out there,thats the whole point of these test and just to satisfy my curiosity I ll borrow my friends light meter when I get my light, im sure the light will draw what TopLed says it draws, after all the bad press led's have gotten it doesnt make much sense to pay however much they paid to become a sponsor here then give a few lights away to test and then lie to us about actual draws or what components they use...right?
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Yes, a huge step coming on here to promote your lights & asking for input on what we want to see...I'm stoked for that as I'm looking to buy some more soon & the near future holds a huge grow room possibility...Bring on the tests....What I want to see is happy Cannabis plants under it, reliability & that they honor their warranty should the need arise...At the price with a 3 year warranty this is the most accessible LED company on earth right now...So looking forward to these tests as I need to decide where to get my next lights soon...
Yes, a huge step coming on here to promote your lights & asking for input on what we want to see...I'm stoked for that as I'm looking to buy some more soon & the near future holds a huge grow room possibility...Bring on the tests....What I want to see is happy Cannabis plants under it, reliability & that they honor their warranty should the need arise...At the price with a 3 year warranty this is the most accessible LED company on earth right now...So looking forward to these tests as I need to decide where to get my next lights soon...

True that. I was going to buy a 600watt hid this fall but after seeing toplight come in here with these lights I think i can afford to jump into the led game.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Good night everyone! hope all of you have a nice day. ah, I promise we will improve our product information and service for sure. of cours e we improve the thing we think is necessary. we are on ebay and Amazon also, there have high request/requirements on light and other service. so if we want to run our company smoothly , we have to do better than you expected. thank you for all your help my friends. welcome more suggestions from you, I am here reading everyday. :peace:

Sara your one of the type of sponsors all should take notes from,your proactive,you care what we think,and listen,these qualities are what make a great sponsor that we end up loving and becoming loyal to, I do wish I had a veg/flower,full switch on my light,, a question, what light would be the best for my 4x4x7 tent, and supply lots of light? IM thinking about selling some of my hid lights to get an LED for that tent
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Feck all the BS what do you think of the light so far!?BID.
All I need to know is if you think it is a good product. If so I'm sold!
BTW Happy Weednesday too You and Spiffy:circle-of-love:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Yea WHAT FISHY SAID!!!!!!:thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Feck all the BS what do you think of the light so far!?BID.
All I need to know is if you think it is a good product. If so I'm sold!
BTW Happy Weednesday too You and Spiffy:circle-of-love:

Thank you, well at this point I can say for sure my light can veg beautifully very rapid growth and tight super tight node spacing! Now 2ish weeks into flower IM very pleased with what IM seeing,the flower are coming on fast and big, very long and lush pistils it looks like they are going to be very dense a little squeeze reveals already solid feeling nugs,typically at this point they feel soft and squishy, if things continue as they are it's possible I will be looking to switch my big grow tent to LED,I will have to sell some of my hid lights,and save as much $ as I can I figure on the 180x5watt or 2 of the ufo's and add them to the one I have, either way I will drop my overall wattage by about half for lights and no idea how much I'll save on cooling and heat removal doubt I will need to run my 6 inch 365cfm inline on full blast 24/7 reducing my energy usage is very appealing being on a a fixed income, our power bill is double in the summer I did some calculating and my equipment as is is costing 110-125 buxz a month not counting the little circulation fans and air pumps I run 24/7 for teas there's 3 of each if I copies cut that in half I would be very happy:thumb:
I mean I love my JDL 600s they surely produce, and if money were no issue well you know, so yeah IM loving the new light so far, I have had no issues with it and will likely get more
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I have something fun I want to share, it's my bedside med box I get these at wallyz they are great for this and seed storage, to keep the meds Nicely moist and not dried out I cut some foam sponges and keep them moist it works perfectly I can adjust by adding or taking out a sponge (really I just let one dry out) anyway here's something you guys might like
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I wanna BID sampler :smokin:
Dude that's freaking awesome! That's totally how i want to do it, pick and choose a different med for your time of need. I like your variety good sir, great growing.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

So when does the BID box O Joy hit the retail market!!! ??? lol What an awesome Idea BID!!! Its like a tackle box for catching stoners :)
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I lol'd ice! It is a favorite among friends & family, you know spiffy has one! Mom got a fancy version for xmas, I try to keep it well stocked with fresh gear and some old favs it's fun and portable, I have caught many a Stoner for sure, it can be tough to decide sometimes,, it's always bittersweet when I empty a slot, like chemdog is just crumbs,and this makes me sad, but what will it get replaced with? Maybe it will have to wait till the Hso chemdawg is done!:thumb: it's a smell assault when you open it! Fills the house with yum! All of them escaping at the same time your brain locks up for a second, like a food truck ,a perfume truck and a florist van got in a 3 way head on!
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Hey BID... I'm totally thrilled so far with the Reflector unit I bought... I just uploaded some new pics... That said, I'm looking at getting this one in Oct. TopLED 192x3w The unit is made for 4.4 x 4.4 and is basically 2 of my unit in one case. If Sara's sit had been up and running a month sooner, I would have gotten that instead of the HID, so now the HID goes into the veggie room once I get this thing :)

The reflector units have the veg/flower switch, which I like... I think based on the light stress I got at 2.5ft initially and about 20" now if I'd put them in under flower mode that first couple days, they would have crisped, lol. So having that veg mode is great. I am more than pleased with this so far, I'm seeing more than 3 times the growth over CFL that ran hotter and more watts and more than twice the growth of the HID on the clones I've put into there for extra veg... I'm just blown away and I have been researching these lights for general gardening for years and I'm still just tickled, me, lol. Hope you're groovin to your light as much as I am to mine BID ;)

Spiffy, it was good to see you pop up again :Namaste:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

yea stiff competition in both contests
I need to enter a month when everyones too busy or something and they forget lol
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