Bgsixx's 2x4 Grow Lab, Different Strains, Lots Of Pics

Spk. Just one, but it did slightly pollinate the others. Its all good, still very smokable. The og is to the right. The rest are spk's 3 different phenos, as you stated earlier on in the grow, and my dumbazz was like naw i think they're the same. Hey man this smoke is pretty good. I love the smells coming from this shit too.
1 plant is dry and jarred, 1.25ozs.
It was the smallest plant, with densest buds. The smoke is pretty dam good. Smoked a couple of blunts with some homies and they were saying shit was better than shit they been copping on the streets. It is smooth and tasty, and gives me a nice buzzz!! I was surprised this one dried first. The others are still damp. A few pics.
Turned out pretty good. Glad it's fuckin herms.
Yeah i hate them hermies!!! But its part of the game. Just hoping i cleaned tent good enough. Gave it a lil extra wipe down. Still got the cheese. Those babes are filling out nicely. Yeah its definitely smokable!!! And the smells, are my kinda smell and flavor. Will definitely run some more of these seeds.
Day 7 flowering tent
Babes are growing great. Both are confirmed females. The blueberry is kicking ass, gonna have to start supercropping hard if she dont stop stretching. The o. Gasm is staying short. But growing nicely. Just cruising along no problems yet

Day 60 for autos
The bigger 1 is starting to fade out. The breeder(bf) says 65-70 days. Gonna let her go. The other one looks like it has a while. Gave both .5gal of calmag and kelp water. I think 3 of the 1st batch of 4 clones i took will make it. 1 orangegasm is looking rough. The s.Skunk clones are still green. These autos are super funky, and that donkey dick is dense af, im surprised she aint fallen over but shes leaning. She definitely up there with my biggest bud ever!!! The way these autos are shaping up they might each produce over 2 ozs which is fine to me. These plants are growing in 2 gallons of soil, just realized 3gal pots were half full. Another idiot move. But they seem ok to me. Its crazy bc one day the big gal was looking green af, the next day her leaves were like they are in the pics. Looks like mag def, got rust spots on both. I did remove affected leaves. Overall im happy af with the way these autos are turning out!!!
A few pics.
Harvest numbers for the SPK's and the SFVOG.
SPK #1- was the smallest plant up front. She's the densest and has the best high, long lasting, relaxing, w/o the sleepiness. Ended up with 35 grams off of her.
SPK #2 - shes the back one that hermied. Her buds are wispy but frosty and she's loaded with seeds. But the smoke is great gets me high af for about an hour then quickly wears off got 37 grams off of her. She smells the best and strongest of sour diesel and gas, terpentiney. Shit is loud.
SPK #3 is the plant on far left. Shes a cross of the other 2. Nothing special. Her high is ok, probably be good to make brownies. Along with #2 ended up with 38 grams off of her.
SFVOG - nothing too special about her, she smells like og and has great frost. Her high is pretty dam good. And last a good 2hrs. Ended up with 58grams off of her..
So all in all ended up with 168 grams or 6 ozs. Not the greatest harvest for me but definitely not the worse. Except for the hermie, the low harvest numbers, and having small plants is all my fault. Happy overall. Will run these again in buckets.
Glad at least one had some terps. Thanks for growing them out. Good to see how they do in a different environment.
Yeah man my pleasure!!! But I didn't do them justice, i wanted to put about 6-8 of them in there, but shit just didnt happen... Im a lazy ole guy!!!! Lol but i really saw potential in 2 of the 3 phenos... And i definitely will grow them again, in buckets next time though. Kinda wish i wouldve cloned the spk # 1 that lil bitch is small but packs a nice kick to the nutz!!! Lol and her buds are dense and beautiful!!! She was my favorite, but i love the smell of the #2 pheno, the heshe, gassy af, thats all i can say!!! The smoke aint bad either just gotta get all the seeds out. All of the plants have seeds, but the hermie has the most. The other 3 have very few seeds, but they're there!!! Yeah im anxious to see them in buckets and coco.
Also note to self!!! If you get seeds in these flowering plants, its your fault, didn't scrub everything in tent down, fans, lights, cords etc!!! Will take plants out tonight, and scrub everything, hope its not to late. Scrubbed tent itself down, and sprayed with water. But didnt get other shit. Gonna douse plants down with water too after i clean, again!!! Hell a few seeds wont hurt, just dont want a hermie again .
Day 10 flower tent
Blueberry is beasting out, already showing budlet buttons. Looks like the o.gasm is falling behind, but shes no lil slouch!!! This blueberry is definitely my biggest plant to date. Gonna have find a way to raise these lights all the way to the top. Or will probably switch plants around. Its just day 10 flowering so im sure theres more stretch. Both plants are sipping a gallon a day. But i wait a day to fill up.
Day 63 for autos
Measured both autos. Cheese auto #1 is the 1 in the front, almost done. She's 27" tall from dirt. Cheese auto#2 in the back is 31"These are gonna be some rock hard funky nugs. Auto#2 is turning out way better than i thought, glad i didn't kill her!!! The smell is funky cheesy when u open tent and in room, but when i put my nose right in bud it smells fruity!!! Crazy.

On a side note put in a order with royal queen seeds, anybody ever try them. Got dynamite diesel, punch pie, from the mike tyson collection, also some og kush and orion F1 auto freebies.
Day 10 flower tent
Blueberry is beasting out, already showing budlet buttons. Looks like the o.gasm is falling behind, but shes no lil slouch!!! This blueberry is definitely my biggest plant to date. Gonna have find a way to raise these lights all the way to the top. Or will probably switch plants around. Its just day 10 flowering so im sure theres more stretch. Both plants are sipping a gallon a day. But i wait a day to fill up.
Day 63 for autos
Measured both autos. Cheese auto #1 is the 1 in the front, almost done. She's 27" tall from dirt. Cheese auto#2 in the back is 31"These are gonna be some rock hard funky nugs. Auto#2 is turning out way better than i thought, glad i didn't kill her!!! The smell is funky cheesy when u open tent and in room, but when i put my nose right in bud it smells fruity!!! Crazy.

On a side note put in a order with royal queen seeds, anybody ever try them. Got dynamite diesel, punch pie, from the mike tyson collection, also some og kush and orion F1 auto freebies.
Never ran RQS, but Dynamite was one of the first cultivars I ran. Shit will be fire if they used a real dynamite.
Never ran RQS, but Dynamite was one of the first cultivars I ran. Shit will be fire if they used a real dynamite.
Yeah this dynamite diesel is sour diesel x godfather og.
The punch pie is purple punchxpurple kush. I've heard good things about this collab between tyson and RQS. Im somewhat of a sucker when it comes to buying seeds. Hell i figure im saving so much from growing my own, $60 every now and then wont hurt.
Yeah, def not same plant. The dynamite was a plant from the Vietnamese community. Almost a pure indica. I got mine from next generation seeds. Those ones you got though, sounds fire.
I think i read they named it after Tyson's first nickname, from the famous Nintendo game punchout,"kid dynamite". The diesel i guess would come from sour diesel. But my favorite terps are the gassy kind, so i hope there's some of that in those. Probably be a while before i run them, bc these clones are going in next.
So planning on harvesting cheese auto#1. I think shes done, trics are mostly cloudy, with 10% amber. She's fading out a lil, but i did give them a nice dose of ff big bloom and calmag a few days or so ago. So shes coming down in the morning.

The clones are looking real ruff!!! Took the dome off of 2 of them. Dont know which is which, bc i forgot to put labels after i cloned them. Then rotated tray and when i remembered labels, dont remember which was which, im a dumbazz sometimes!!!lol. Looks like i might lose 1 of the 4 older clones. The 2 sensi skunk are still green.

Gonna feed big gals in flower in the morning. Gonna give them some calmag and kelp. Will also switch them around so shorter plant can be under shorter distance light. Gotta check orangegasm again to make sure she's a girl. No budlets yet. The blueberry is vigorous af. So far so good.
Day 67 cheese autos
These autos look very yellow in 1 day!!! The back 1 is ready or very close, the front 1 idk think shes ready, but shes swelling quickly, all her leaves just turned yella!!! Strange!!! I guess ill see what they look like in 3 days or so.
Dam i can't wait to smoke these gals!!!! They got some chunky butts, i mean buds!lol. I will never kill a auto, they are some weirdo plants!!! These 2 have some crazy leaves. Mostly small, long 3 fingered leaves, a 5 finger here and there. The 1auto in the front cheese auto #2 has a faint smell, not as funky as #1 yet.

Day 15 flowering
These 2 gals are doing great. Just gave them some plain water. Week 3 or so ill go ahead and defoliate and topdress again. I think the blueberry is done stretching, but the orangegasm has just started, bent 2 of her taller branches over. The blueberry is stacking great, now just hoping she fills out. They both have great internodal spacing for me.
The clones its a crap shoot on who's who on the right side, on the left are the sensi skunks, gave them a slight tug, and theyre rooted. I know I've lost 1 on the right, RIP. And one is real small and over watered, but shes anchored down, ive had worse. I always can pop a bean. Got a few pics
Day 67 cheese autos
These autos look very yellow in 1 day!!! The back 1 is ready or very close, the front 1 idk think shes ready, but shes swelling quickly, all her leaves just turned yella!!! Strange!!! I guess ill see what they look like in 3 days or so.
Dam i can't wait to smoke these gals!!!! They got some chunky butts, i mean buds!lol. I will never kill a auto, they are some weirdo plants!!! These 2 have some crazy leaves. Mostly small, long 3 fingered leaves, a 5 finger here and there. The 1auto in the front cheese auto #2 has a faint smell, not as funky as #1 yet.

Day 15 flowering
These 2 gals are doing great. Just gave them some plain water. Week 3 or so ill go ahead and defoliate and topdress again. I think the blueberry is done stretching, but the orangegasm has just started, bent 2 of her taller branches over. The blueberry is stacking great, now just hoping she fills out. They both have great internodal spacing for me.
The clones its a crap shoot on who's who on the right side, on the left are the sensi skunks, gave them a slight tug, and theyre rooted. I know I've lost 1 on the right, RIP. And one is real small and over watered, but shes anchored down, ive had worse. I always can pop a bean. Got a few pics
Good looking buds, never tried autos.
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