Bgsixx's 2x4 Grow Lab, Different Strains, Lots Of Pics

Day 39 flower and veg plants, autos are day 36 or so.
Everything is going good. Not a sick plant in sight. Flowering plants are staring to flop over a lil. Will grab some stakes to hold them up. These babes smell pretty damn good!!! Buds on 2 spk's on the left are dense af, the SPK and sfvog on right side has ok density, not fluffy, but also not rock hard. These babes are healthy and chugging along. 30 or so days left, looking at these, i think they'll be done before 70 days, but we'll see.
Vegging plants are doing great. They are feeding from the reservoir on the bucket plants. Waiting on the blueberry to get a lil bigger before i start taking clones gonna take 2 from each of the blueberry and orange gasm.
The autos....what can i say, they're growing, i think. These are gonna be some whispy buds, unless they explode with growth these next few weeks. Well got 8 more of these seeds, so not gonna be upset. Not expecting much from these gals, just hope i can get a oz a plant, which im thinking .5 oz each. Watered all of them last night, so wont water again until in the morning on flowering gals and autos. Buckets were filled yesterday and still about halfway full. Straight water. Pics of course.
These babes are smelling great. Im very happy the way its going. Small plants, but its all on me. Got kinda lazy this grow!lol Couldve went with bigger pots and vegged another week or 2. So i learned about how these strains grow and know i know.
The orangegasm is taking over the veg tent. Definitely cloning her over next few days. The other 2 are picking up pace too. Im tempted to clone orangegasm and throw her in flower tent but ill hold off until about 10 days from harvest when i turn light back to 18/6. Will update tomorrow when i water everything and train the veg plants. Also have to stake or tie up the SFVOG and 1 spk, they're flopping over. These babes are frosting up nicely. Dam i cant wait to smoke these gals!!!!
Day 43 flower
These are some frosty Babes, and the smell is right up my alley. Next time will definitely put them in buckets. Watered all with a liter of plain water. 2 on the left are looking like they might not need stakes.

Day 43/40 veg/auto tent
Orangegasm is taking over this tent, gotta get her in the flower tent as quick as possible. All the veg plants are doing awesome. Also need to get the sensi skunk transplanted into bucket. The bigger auto is starting to swell up, but the lil gal still looks the same to me. But this orangegasm is a strong grower and huge fan leaves. Gotta clone her but gonna wait until i move her to flower tent in a week or so. Gotta few executive decisions to make in the next week or so. A few pics.
Ok so ive crowded my veg tent out. Gotta make some kinda move to free up some space for clones. Was thinking of harvesting these plants at day 56-60 that way i could turn lights back to 18/6 on day 46-50. Then i could move the orangegasm over to keep vegging while they finish up. The blueberry is beating out too. Might have to get rid of the sensi skunk. I know it might be too early to harvest these babes at day 60... But i need the room for my buckets. This run was an experiment with new genetics, and trying to get my watering under control. Then new genetics are great, but the watering and decisions ive made, have hurt my harvest weight really bad. So i will do what I need to get this next run started. And if that means chopping earlier then i will.
Day 47 flowering
Ok so the plan to make room in veg room. Gonna switch lights back to 18/6 in flower tent for last 10 days or so. That way i can move 1 of those bigger plants outta veg. These babes have taken off in these buckets. Also gotta transplant sensi skunk into bucket. Gonna be hell trying to fit all 3 of these in a 2x4, but it will happen. Also ordered the vivosun clone dome kit, should be here Saturday, so will do all this on day 49 flowering, Sunday. Thats the plan, but shit could change.
The autos, are chugging along. One of them is just not fattening up at all. If she doesn't start fattening up and spittin pistils, shes gone!!! Gotta a few pics.

Pic of dome i ordered
They are definitely fattening up.getting heavy and dense. Buds are flopping all over the place on the 2 on the right. The 2 on left are shorter with stronger stems and tighter buds. And one of them really looks ready. She'll go first. Looking at a harvest day of next sunday which will be day, but might push it to 60. Which would be 14 days
Day 47 flowering
Ok so the plan to make room in veg room. Gonna switch lights back to 18/6 in flower tent for last 10 days or so. That way i can move 1 of those bigger plants outta veg. These babes have taken off in these buckets. Also gotta transplant sensi skunk into bucket. Gonna be hell trying to fit all 3 of these in a 2x4, but it will happen. Also ordered the vivosun clone dome kit, should be here Saturday, so will do all this on day 49 flowering, Sunday. Thats the plan, but shit could change.
The autos, are chugging along. One of them is just not fattening up at all. If she doesn't start fattening up and spittin pistils, shes gone!!! Gotta a few pics.

Pic of dome i ordered
Damn homie! Lol sounds like a good plan. But damn, veg is in point!
From seeing your plants, and the ones I've grown, I definitely want to try and get them to stretch out a bit more. I like more of a stretchy plant. It allows to train a bit in early flower. These girls are so squat, they really don't allow much training. Also would like to get the calyx to leaf ratio up. Too many leaves. Lol those two phenos look pretty similar. The other one looks better IMO. I hope you like the smoke.
From seeing your plants, and the ones I've grown, I definitely want to try and get them to stretch out a bit more. I like more of a stretchy plant. It allows to train a bit in early flower. These girls are so squat, they really don't allow much training. Also would like to get the calyx to leaf ratio up. Too many leaves. Lol those two phenos look pretty similar. The other one looks better IMO. I hope you like the smoke.
Yeah the sfv stretched pretty good. And the one spk. But the 2 on the left are squat and leafy. But the buds on those 2 are rock hard, the 2 on right are solid. I think they will smoke good. They smell like some fire. I also didnt do them justice. I'll run them again down the line, I'll throw one in here and there. I wanna do a run in the buckets.
Yeah the sfv stretched pretty good. And the one spk. But the 2 on the left are squat and leafy. But the buds on those 2 are rock hard, the 2 on right are solid. I think they will smoke good. They smell like some fire. I also didnt do them justice. I'll run them again down the line, I'll throw one in here and there. I wanna do a run in the buckets.
Hell yeah. I might have to make me one of those buckets. Your guys stuff grows fast as fuck!
Ok im getting rid of this scraggly ass cheese auto(bf). Its taking up valuable real estate. Shes gettin put to sleep tonight, I'll have a small ceremony!!! 😂

I'd just let it be crowded. Maybe take some lower branches of the bigger plants, and some big fans, clear up some space. She does look pretty Larfy, but ya never know. Lol it'll at least be a blunts worth.🤷 Sometimes I'll leave the tent doors open, and put one right out side, so still getting light, just not direct. You can even drape the tent doors over the plant and half zip the top to reflect most of it down.
Hell yeah. I might have to make me one of those buckets. Your guys stuff grows fast as fuck!
Its easy man, i have one thats diy. I just think the real inserts work better and are easier to clean. Plus less parts. By the time u build 3 diy buckets you'll have about 30 bucks into it. Unless u already have buckets then all u need is pvc pipe and zipties. When the inserts are 3for 50 or 10 for 120!!! My dumbass ended up buying 2 3 packs for 100 bucks, when i couldve gotten 4 more for 20 bucks more. Idiot!!! But yeah man try em, betcha you'll never look back. Unless you just love handwatering. I dont, so its buckets all day, even on the autos, unless room is an issue. Which is my only con of the buckets. They take up a lil more height than normal pots.
Its easy man, i have one thats diy. I just think the real inserts work better and are easier to clean. Plus less parts. By the time u build 3 diy buckets you'll have about 30 bucks into it. Unless u already have buckets then all u need is pvc pipe and zipties. When the inserts are 3for 50 or 10 for 120!!! My dumbass ended up buying 2 3 packs for 100 bucks, when i couldve gotten 4 more for 20 bucks more. Idiot!!! But yeah man try em, betcha you'll never look back. Unless you just love handwatering. I dont, so its buckets all day, even on the autos, unless room is an issue. Which is my only con of the buckets. They take up a lil more height than normal pots.
Could you use different containers? Like maybe those cat litter buckets, or even smaller. Like some 2 gallon trash cans or I don't mind hand watering. It's a daily chore, but, sometimes I don't feel like it. Lol.
Could you use different containers? Like maybe those cat litter buckets, or even smaller. Like some 2 gallon trash cans or I don't mind hand watering. It's a daily chore, but, sometimes I don't feel like it. Lol.
Pretty sure u can, if they fit inside each other. Heres one of many links on how to build sip buckets. Pretty simple to diy with just about any kind of container. Shit sometimes even hate filling the buckets!!!! 😂 Is that lazy or what!!!
Ok so the dome i ordered is not big enough for clones, but can still use tray. Not tall enough. Thats ok, i can still use it for seed starting.

Day 49 flowering/veg Autos Day 46
So flipped lights back to 18/6 in flower tent. These babes will be harvested in 10-14 days, gotta be careful dont want them to start revegging. Hoping they get to finish, but these vegging plants are freakin outta control!!!! Not complaining though. Can always prune them back. Both have pistils, so they're female. Pulled some of the bigger leaves. Got time for taking clones. Need to get some clear solo cups.
Its getting tight around here. Just gonna let nature take its course. The combination of the buckets and coco are killer. These are some of the nicest veg plants I've ever had. And about the longest veg too. Will transplant sensi skunk today in a bucket. Watered everything that needed it. Will fill buckets tomorrow, just hit them with a foliar. A few pics.
Auto/veg tent



Cheese auto

Cheese auto might not make it.



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