Bgsixx's 2x4 Grow Lab, Different Strains, Lots Of Pics

Day 34 flowering gals are chugging along nicely. Had to dim light to 50% that's over the blueberry...looks like shes getting slight light damage. Seeing some spots and slight yellowing on top leaves. Thinking it could be not letting them dry out enough too. The bucket is empty but theyre still heavy, so will also let them dry out for a day or so.But she's still swelling nicely. The blueberry buds dont feel to dense right now. But the Orangegasm is pretty dense. She's looking good too, no spots or yellowing. I'm thinking having to dim lights to 50%, will definitely hurt my yield and quality. But day 42 they will get a hard defoli. I will then blast them with light on 100%.

The clones have been transplanted into 2 gallon pots. Everything went ok, except no worm castings. Gotta re-up! Will throw some veg dry amendments on top, and water in with some kelp in a couple of days or when they dry out. Nothing on auto seeds yet.
Ok update. Blueberry is a hermie. Cant be light leaks. All i can think of was left over pollen from last run. Found a couple of nanners towards bottom, that was busted open. Shit!!! Dont know if orangegasm has been pollinated but more than likely she has been. Well dont think it was left over pollen bc i found sacs. On smaller buds. Dammit, thats 2 harvest in a row. So will probably scrap these clones and start over. Will totatally clean this tent and closet.

Or maybe its the genetics dont know whats causing these babes to hermie but I'll figure it out. Will definitely let these finish out bc they are frosty af. So will get something from it. I hate fuckin seeds. Dammit
Found a couple faves that were herm. Not all is lost! Keep separate, spray and cull nanners to minimize seed and enjoy the fruits Herm is not end of world and goodness is surprisingly good. You won’t get same yield guaranteed but nothing to cry over in my experience!
Found a couple faves that were herm. Not all is lost! Keep separate, spray and cull nanners to minimize seed and enjoy the fruits Herm is not end of world and goodness is surprisingly good. You won’t get same yield guaranteed but nothing to cry over in my experience!
Thanks for the encouraging words growmie! You're right not the end of the world. Just keep on keeping on. Yeah ive been looking for nanners, only found a couple so far.
Not too bad if there's just a couple in the bottom. My old bubba 76 used to do it. Maybe like 3-4 male flowers. Usually they just dried up but very few seeds. You'll learn to look religiously. Lol if there's seeds, there should only be a few. Bummer. That's a nice looking plant.
Got a few pics of some more nanners that i picked off tonight. You can still see some pollen coming out, so these babes will probably be heavily seeded. But these babes still smell great and are frosty af. So smoke might not be to bad. Still wondering about what to do with the clones. Might just keep orangegasm and throw other two out. Still debating. Also forgot to mention the orange gasm has no nanners. This bitch was a full blown hermie, genetics!!! Bc stress dont produce this many nanners, i picked off about 10-15 so far in last 2 days




Fuckin sucks balls bro. I'd say that's not stress related at all. Fuckers should be heavily tested. Damn breeders.
Yeah man i agree, genetics all day. I just sprayed them down with plain water. Hopefully that'll kill some of the pollen still floating around, will inspect again tomorrow. They were freebies from seedsman. So you know how that goes. It was only seed that germed outta 3pk. Thats probably why i never buy their brand. But they ship fast and safely, so i fucks wit em!!!
Not too bad if there's just a couple in the bottom. My old bubba 76 used to do it. Maybe like 3-4 male flowers. Usually they just dried up but very few seeds. You'll learn to look religiously. Lol if there's seeds, there should only be a few. Bummer. That's a nice looking plant.
It is a beaut!!! Ive picked like 10 off this hoe, and all were open. Some even a puff of pollen came out, i was like dam theres some more seeds. Didnt think about water until after i pick them....another lesson learned spray b4 you pluck nanners!!!! I will be looking with my glasses hard at these girls from here on out. Starting week 2 flowering on. Im used to seeing stress nanners coming out of swollen buds. This is new to me but now ive experienced it a few times, and will probably happen again, ive learned.

Just wish all my growmies, NO HERMS!!!!lol
Day 41 flower
They're still growing and stacking seeds! Lol The smell is nice in that tent when i open it. Hit them both with recharge 1 gal. I sprayed them both down pretty good with water the other day. Hoping to stop some of the pollen. The blueberry has something going on with her, shes been topfed, ill just keep hitting them both with kelp until the end. Also been letting them dry back more.

The 2 clones are still kickin. They haven't had a drink in about 3-4 days. The pots still gotta a lil weight to em. I'll check again tomorrow. Just gonna keep one. Gonna guess the smaller one is the orangegasm. Also the dynamite diesel i planted hasnt popped.
The LSD and orion autos are still the lsd is kinda light green.
Snapped a few pics.
Dam that blueberry is gettin uglier!!? I think its the lights, the tallest bud is like 5-6inches from it. Got it dimmed to 75%. Shes got nutrients. She smells good and is swelling, so ill just water her with plain water. I think shes gonna finish earlier than orangegasm.
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