Beginning To Understand Her

No pictures yet. Did a bunch of gardening today. I am beat, gonna relax with some Thai delivery and a fat joint of Sungrown Headband.:peace:

Thai sounds so good about now but no restuarants in my vicinity...I will be patient until you can post some pics because I know they're going to be some good ones.
My new camera arrived. I am stoked. Just imagine the scene from The Jerk where Steve Martins character, Navin R. Johnson gets the new phone book. That was me with my camera. Battery is just charged. Time for some "get to know it" . Reading the manual and stuff, m'kay.

have fun,mmmmkay!!! lol
so did you plug it in? :cheesygrinsmiley:
Some early shots with my new camera.
New camera and photographer are taking some great pics already! :thumb:

Loving the garden as always, S2J.

"First I get my name in the phone book and now I'm on your ass. You know, I'll bet more people see that than the phone book". Navin R. Johnson
Thanks for the kind words, here are some more pics. The Bamboo lattice is for the pole beans, they will make an effective screen and provide top cover once they grow out. You can see the top of the modified tomato cage that protects a Dented Romulan female.
Dented Romulan
Ogre, under the Blue LED
Sour Poison, bottom shots
Metal Head is coming in the afternoon to help me plant lots of little ladies. I have some decisions to make as to what will go where. I wait to decide on that after I have a better understanding of my planting area. I will be growing mixed in with my cannabis, marigolds,eggplant, peppers,Lovage, Roma Tomato, Sun Gold tomato, Water Melons, tiny sweet pumpkins, hierloom Okra, corn, sunflowers, & beans. The beans have all been planted and beginning to grow up. My water pump just kicked on, quick peek tells me ,temp 76, PPM 860, pH 6.6, all are happy...I constructed an additional bamboo lattice ( I have hella beans), this effectively encloses one grow area, recreating the lighting conditions of my 1st years grow. I also picked up a 30 site flower tower from the thrift shop down the road, $2, lined it with weed barrier, filled it with dirt, boom,this will hold herbs, flowers, and greens. Did I mention its a mobile flower tower? Boom, super score! :peace:
Thought I would ask how my second fave kitty is doing? I haven't heard you mention her in awhile....Kharma was wondering
Hey Quennie, sorry to be so long in getting back to you about BC, She is hard to catch on film. Fast and furious all over the place, gallops by like a horse , and she leaves a trail of dust. She loves being around me and when not tearing up the yard she chills and watches me garden. Then when I notice and go to get my camera she is gone and will have none of it. But i did manage to capture these slow moving life forms, plants that is:peace:

What an awesome garden this year! Everything looks awesome!! I really liked you pointing out the beneficial insect beating plants. I have many of the same started in my outside garden. In the past I had planted marigolds around the perimeter... I just read that while they control many insects they also attract slugs and SPIDER MITES :yikes:. I snipped this from the net

Artemisia - This plant produces a strong antiseptic, although not unpleasant aroma that repels most insects. Planted in drifts it can also deter small animals. My favorite variety is 'Powis Castle'. I prefer to use this plant in flower borders and not in my vegetable garden because it produces a botanical poison.

Basil -The oils in basil are said to repel thrips, flies and mosquitoes. I plant basil along side my tomatoes for larger, tastier tomatoes. However, basil and rue should not be planted together.

Bee Balm - I love this plant because it attracts bees to my garden. It is another plant that you can grow with your tomatoes.

Borage - This plant is a real workhorse in the garden. It repels tomato hornworms and cabbage worms and attracts beneficial bees and wasps. Borage also adds trace elements to the soil. This is an annual, but readily comes back each year from seed.

Catnip - I think that this plant repels just about everything, except for cats of course! Use it to keep away flea beetles, aphids, Japanese beetles, squash bugs, ants, and weevils. I use sachets of dried catnip to deter the annual parade of ants that invade my kitchen. My favorite variety of catnip is 'Six Hills Giant' because of its proliferation of sky blue blooms.

Chives - Chives are one of my favorite herbs. Not only do I love the flavor but their grassy foliage and round flower heads also add so much interest to my garden. You can plant chives to repel Japanese beetles and carrot rust flies. It has also been said that chives will help prevent scab when planted among apple trees.

Chrysanthemums - When I do use an insecticide I use one made from chrysanthemums called pyrethrum. This all-natural pesticide can help control things like roaches, ticks, silverfish, lice, fleas, bedbugs, and I like to use it to control ants in certain parts of my garden. In the garden white flowering chrysanthemums are said to drive away Japanese beetles and C. coccineum, commonly known as Painted Daisy, kills root nematodes.

Dahlias - I have a renewed appreciation for these old fashioned favorites. Dahlias repel nematodes and the blooms are great for adding bold splashes of color to flower borders and fresh arrangements.

Dill - I always find a place for this plant in my garden. Dill is best planted with cucumbers and onions. During the cool season I plant it with my lettuce. Dill attracts hoverflies and predatory wasps, and its foliage is used as food by swallowtail butterfly caterpillars. Tomato hornworms are also attracted to dill, so if you plant it at a distance, you can help draw these destructive insects away from your tomatoes. Dill repels aphids and spider mites. I like to sprinkle dill leaves on my squash plant to repel squash bugs.

Four O'Clocks - This plant is a favorite food for Japanese beetles. However, because of its poisonous foliage rarely do they get to finish their meal. It is important to note that Four O'Clocks are also poisonous to people and animals, so avoid planting it if you have small children or pets.

Garlic - I could write endlessly about garlic. I love the stuff. In addition to its great taste and health benefits, garlic planted near roses repels aphids. It also deters codling moths, Japanese beetles, root maggots, snails, and carrot root fly.

Hyssop - This is another one of my favorite plants. Hyssop is great for attracting honeybees to the garden.

Lavender - I can't imagine my garden without lavender. I just love its fresh scent and delicate blue blooms. Lavender is a favorite among many beneficial insects and also repels fleas and moths.

Marigolds - The marigold is probably the most well known plant for repelling insects. French marigolds repel whiteflies and kill bad nematodes. Mexican marigolds are said to offend a host of destructive insects and wild rabbits as well. If you choose marigolds for your garden they must be scented to work as a repellant. And while this plant drives away many bad bugs, it also attracts spider mites and snails.

Nasturtiums - I plant nasturtiums with my tomatoes and cucumbers as a way to fight off wooly aphids, whiteflies, squash bugs, and cucumber beetles. The flowers, especially the yellow blooming varieties, act as a trap for aphids.

Petunias - I plant petunias throughout my garden just because I love them so much. As an added benefit they repel asparagus beetles, leafhoppers, a range of aphids, tomato worms, and a good many other pests.

Sunflowers - I use sunflowers as a way to draw aphids away from my other plants. Ants move their colonies onto sunflowers. The sunflowers are tough enough that they suffer no damage.

I thought it was pretty interesting ... and I started planting!!

awesome garden!!
Today I delivered 4 more plants to my OC (Original California)hippy lady friend(76 years young!). She was real happy with the Strawberry Couch Loch, Neongerene, Purple Fairy(aka Prince) , and Dented Romulan. She had promised me a joint for my troubles and had 6 rolled by the time I got there. " Pick a joint she said", I picked a fatty, and she said "fire it up!" we shared the joint and , were quickly wasted . She then hands me a bag, about 3 eighths of what we had just smoked, perfectly cured. She says "Its #4, I'm calling it that cause that's in order, the fourth plant I harvested last year". I said " From the plants I gave you?". " Yup" she replied ,all giggly from the excellent smoke. I tell her that "This is my Fairy Wings, I can tell by the flavor and high, but the strawberry flavor is new" . She then showed me the strawberry patch she grows her cannabis in. Turns out, she is also fan of teroir. Mmmm strawberries. During our conversation, she told me she donates most of her harvest to cancer patients in the form of brownies. We talked recipes, long story short, next time she is ready to make brownies I am going to help, and show her a different method. She currently throws all the cannabis in a coffee grinder, then mixes it into the brownie mix before baking. MMmmm, brownies. I think I will bake some tomorrow. On my way out she gives me a big hug, hands me another joint, and says" Here's one that's ready to go for when you get home". I love them OC Hippies.:peace::yummy::hippy::green_heart:
What makes this extra awesome is, I was out of cannabis. Now the rest of month will be easier.
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