BeezLuiz & LiquidIntel Outdoor Grow 2019: White Widow, Northern Lights & CBD Lemon Potion

Thanks everyone! :circle-of-love: They are indeed looking pretty good currently.

Today my pest control guy is coming out for the bi-monthly service, so I moved everything into the garage. Don't want any chance of bug spray hitting them even though he knows to stay away from my garden area.

Some pics of my latest pipe, in case you didn't see it in my pipe tutorial thread:

That’s wicked sweet Beez! I’ve got 2 big stems that I’ve saved and I’m prepping to make a pipe! I doubt it will be as nice as yours though! I’ll have to read along as I’m building it! I love the decals you put on I need to do that for sure!

Again amazing work and can’t wait to try it out
Thanks, guys :love:. So far, I'm just making them for myself and friends. :Namaste:

They’re awesome bud. I’m going to give it a shot and see what I can do. I just need to grow more weed...doh!
That's what I was thinking... or maybe a joint holder. :Rasta:
You got me so stoked on this I'm gonna look through the scrap bucket and see if I can find a nice piece of maple to shape I'm thinkin a straight one piece with the bowl.

I made one similar from a wooden dowel when I was 19. Just big enough to fit in the high top boot and sneak into the Floyd show. Yes I still have the pipe, it ain't much for showin but I guess it you could consider it my first one. Pics when I make the next one, again thank you for the tutorial and reminder about one of my other favorite hobbies.

thank you for the tutorial and reminder about one of my other favorite hobbies.
Glad to inspire - and be sure to post pics. :)
Ahh yes...

Show Me Don't Tell Me ~ Rush

I found some walnut and managed to ph#ck it all up, then I remembered I have some nice 1" dowels. I chopped a nice section and went to work. It's roughed out, has a bowl a carb and nicely shaped mouth piece. All one piece. I still gotta decorate. I got some ideas, some stain and finish coats still to use.

Pics when I'm ready Shed... :passitleft:
Got me gigglin...

First up, the PF pipe.

Had to smoke some BeBo bud.

The new one, just a bit of work so far. Thinkin bout using some galvanized wire for decorative. Ive done a few knife handles so this is right about my pace.

27 years apart.

Excellent! David Gilmore should be honored to see that original piece. :cool:
It's been almost a week since our last update. So here we go with a Friday update:

White Widow & Northern Lights:

They are still vegging along nicely. No issues to speak of, and growing at a rate of about 3/4 inch per day.

Lemon Potion Auto #1:

Buds are still bulking up. At 63 days, it's near the breeder's life cycle estimate, but still looks like it'll be at least a couple more weeks away.

Lemon Potion Auto #2 & LSD-25 Auto:

The LPa2 is looking better than LPa1 did at this stage, so I'm pretty happy about that. LSD-25 is also looking pretty good and starting to pick up on the growth rate - it grew about 4 inches in the last 5 days. At 23 days still no sign of flowering so that's good. LPa1 showed pistils at day 29.

Lab Rats (Sour Diesel & Bagseed):

Sour Diesel seems to continue bulking up, but Bagseed might be starting to reveg. It's grown 1.5 inches in the past 5 days after halting it's growth a couple weeks ago. It might be time to start moving it into the shed a couple hours before dusk each night to get it back into flowering mode. Here's what the growth chart looks like:
Growth chart 02.jpg
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