BeezLuiz & LiquidIntel Are At It Again: Outdoor Grow Season 3

Wow! I guess you had a lot of catching up to do. :Namaste:

You might want to see if that tape is getting too tight as the plant grows. That's not a good place to be restricting the pathways.
Thanks for the heads up. I did indeed check the repair job and it is still ok. Fortunately the garden tape I use is designed to stretch a little as the plant grows.
No BT spraying this year?
I do have some BT, but haven't used it yet. The autos caught us off guard. I'll probably try it out on the photo girls though - they are too big to hunt the caterpillars by hand. The BT is safe, right?
Dr Bronner's and another week if it were down here.
I use Dr Bronner's Castile Soap regularly on my ornamental plants, but for some reason have never sprayed my cannabis plants with anything. But I think I will need to start soon.
@FelipeBlu recommends washing off oil sprays before it dries which could save the pistils.

Actually, I’ve never used oil sprays (like neem?). My suggestion applies to insecticidal soap, like Safers. Since it is only effective while wet, I suggest rinsing it off after it dries if you don’t want it to unnecessarily accumulate on the leaves. Also, make sure you spray soaps after the plant is in the shade for the day - wet insecticidal soap and intense light do not go together - your leaves and stigmas will suffer.

Outdoors, at least in veg, and where I live, through stretch and early flowering in August, I find it very effective to spray the plants down after they are in the shade for the day. It rinses off dust, cools the plants, knocks off aphids and thrips, and mites, white flies and many other pests prefer dry conditions, so it keeps them down. It works for me because it is so dry here, I don’t usually need to worry about PM and mold.
I got some new candy molds so wanted to try them out with a batch of infused gummies. I know there's a bunch of good recipes here on 420mag, but I thought I'd share my process including the oil infusion.
Oil Infusion Ingredients:
2 oz refined coconut oil.
5.06 g of decarbed White Widow (an odd number indeed, but that's what it ended up weighing).
1/2 tsp liquid sunflower lecithin.
Assumptions & Calculations:
THC concentration for WW according to the breeder is 17%. I assumed a 95% decarb efficiency, so 16.2%. Then assumed 82% infusion efficiency for coconut oil, so 13.24%.
With 5.06 grams at 13.2% concentration I got 670 mg total THC for the batch. Divide that by the 2 oz to get 335 mg/oz. After straining the plant matter from the oil, I was left with 1.65 oz of infused oil, so multiply that with the 335 mg/oz and I got a total THC content of 553 mg. While still warm I add the lecithin. I usually make the infused oil a day or two ahead of using it in edibles. This is both for convenience, and I've read that 24 hrs in the frig will help the mixture stabilize.

Gummy Ingredients & Recipe:
6 oz of Green Apple Jello.
2 packets of unflavored gelatin.
1/2 cup of water (118 ml).
1/4 cup of corn syrup (59 ml).
Infused oil (quantity differs from batch to batch, but in this case I used 1.65 oz).
Pour the unflavored gelatin into a small dish and add about half of the water. Mix and let stand a couple minutes - this is called "blooming the gelatin" and ensures a smooth texture in the finished product.
Pour the Jello (any flavor of your choosing) into a small sauce pan, add the corn syrup, the rest of the water, and the bloomed gelatin. Heat the mixture on med/low heat until everything is fully dissolved. Once the mixture just starts to bubble remove it from the heat.
Excessive heat is bad for gelatin as it starts to break down. Just need it hot enough to fully dissolve everything. Once off the heat, add the infused oil and wisk it in thoroughly. This could take a couple minutes to get everything emulsified. A wisk works better than a spoon.
Once everything is incorporated I pour the mixture into a squeeze bottle. The bottle will be very hot so wear an oven glove or hold the bottle with a towel.
Pour into molds and let sit in the refrigerator at least an hour. After that you can remove the gummies from the mold, arrange on a plate or cookie sheet the put back into the frig uncovered for about 24 hrs. This will help dry them out a bit so that they don't stick to each other so badly. I store them in the frig in a ziploc until I'm ready to consume.

Dose Calculation:
The entire jello mixture results in just about 300 ml. As mentioned above, the oil contained a total of 553 mg THC. So the mixture would be 1.8 mg/ml. The molds hold 2 ml each so each gummy will be 3.6 mg THC.
Outdoors, at least in veg, and where I live, through stretch and early flowering in August, I find it very effective to spray the plants down after they are in the shade for the day.
Are you saying spray them down with hose water?
Love your green leaves! :yummy:
Thanks, but they're a little pale. Maybe I need to bump the nutrients in my next batch. :laughtwo:

Oh, I forgot to mention the sour patch recipe for the gummies. If you want to add to the gummies, it's really easy.
Sour Patch:
1/8 cup of white sugar.
1/2 tsp of citric acid (adjust to your personal taste).
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Hey Beez, have you ever had a problem with your mixture separating? Gelatine/cannabis oil? When I first tried this method without sunflower lecithin oil, the gummies worked out good but if left out of fridge they soon just about turned back to liquid again. So I tried using some sunflower lecithin oil to help stabilise the gummies, but it ended up separating the mixture once I poured into molds. Could this be from over heating do you think? This is the method I used;
Hi @Curiousnoob :welcome:

Comparing your recipe with mine, I see that you are using twice the oil (1/2 cup = 4oz) that I do, while only using half the jello and half the gelatin that I do. Also your recipe calls for 1/2 cup of water, which is how much I use for twice as much jello ingredients. I would think this is probably the main reason your batch didn't set properly. Also, it takes a good while to properly mix the oil into the dissolved jello - it helps to let it cool down a little bit before adding. Also, I use corn syrup, but not sure if that will make any difference.
So my recommendation for next time would be to double the jello and unflavored gelatin if keeping the amount of fluids the same. Also, the amount of infused oil seems high - that will affect how well it blends into the mixture. :goodluck:
this is called "blooming the gelatin" and ensures a smooth texture in the finished product.
I just dump the gelatine in with everything else- I'll start "blooming" it from now on.
That's probably why my mix takes awhile to get everything totally dissolved...
I'd heard the term mentioned, but didn't know what it meant (or why to do it)... now I do -thanks,Beez!
Hi @Curiousnoob :welcome:

Comparing your recipe with mine, I see that you are using twice the oil (1/2 cup = 4oz) that I do, while only using half the jello and half the gelatin that I do. Also your recipe calls for 1/2 cup of water, which is how much I use for twice as much jello ingredients. I would think this is probably the main reason your batch didn't set properly. Also, it takes a good while to properly mix the oil into the dissolved jello - it helps to let it cool down a little bit before adding. Also, I use corn syrup, but not sure if that will make any difference.
So my recommendation for next time would be to double the jello and unflavored gelatin if keeping the amount of fluids the same. Also, the amount of infused oil seems high - that will affect how well it blends into the mixture. :goodluck:
Ok great, I will try increasing the gelatine and jello and maybe reducing the oil, Thanks for the help mate, will let you know how goes. :Namaste:
Loving the variety on tap this season! Everything is looking smashing :). I'm having my second crack at the Pink Kush 30:1 after the first turned into a stunted mutant lol. The new one looked just like yours when it stretched and flowered. So happy to see you doing another LPa, I was supposed to do another one or two this outdoor season but I think I'll save it for when I do my critical mass autos for the indoor fall run.
Loving the variety on tap this season! Everything is looking smashing :)
Welcome back JCTJ :ciao: I've got the Pink Kush curing now, will probably give it a try in a week or two. I think I got maybe an ounce out of it. I guess some of my auto recently harvested are ready to be weighed now.

Regarding my Lemon Potion, it's looking odd. It started out great and vigorous, but now is extremely yellow but still growing. Not really sure why as everything else is looking fine and getting the same attention. Here's a pic of the 2nd round autos. Lemon Potion is bottom row, center.
What do you all think?
Yellow on new growth is a sign of Fe def. That one strain must be needing more. If it was something systemic, like high pH, the others would be affected too. There’s Fe in most CalMag products. Maybe a slight increase?
Could it be lock out due to too much nutes? I did start with the feeding a bit early on these babies, although at a very mild concentration.
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