Bandaid Haze #7 And Other Goodies

Had an Afghan that smelled of burning rubber. Not my favorite terp. Lol
Same here. Had a white widow with overwhelming burnt rubber coming out in the dry and cure. I thought there was something wrong with it! LOL! Then I read around and saw it’s a sought-after terp for some people. I makes me sick! And I have a rollicking headache the next day. :eek:
gonna be awhile
:popcorn: I’ve got plenty of popcorn...
Yea lake was packed, first day of summer and this weekend people don’t need a liscense to fish. Gonna try to get out there early tomorrow. We stayed about 3 hours and came home.
Hello P, all.... :passitleft: Since moving back to Cali after 25 years in rural Alaska, I miss fishing so much. I got spoiled with all the fishing and I spent many summers in fish camp, tending the net and cutting and smoking salmon. I do go out for tuna infrequently (cost too much!) But I can't enjoy the local mtn spots. Just not the same. Enjoy your day!
Hey penny thinking about doing a video or two of my back yard girls and what people think I should any help from your family here including you bro would be super awesome .

Sorry about fishing but I always say a bad day of fishing is good day of nothing .
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