Hey everyone...ROUGH past few days. Unexpected to say the least. Weekend plans went down the tubes. Spent most of yesterday and likely most of today in bed. Fighting some nasty allergies or a bug. Feels like a bug.but thankfully no fever. Blah...just overall feeling very shitty and weak. So are the plants in the tent though...seeing them like this is incredibly deflating.
I turned the AC unit lower to combat the heat. Honestly...I just have no idea why the two on the left look so horrible. I'm chopping everything soon either way.
Hey BA, It's fortunate that your tent girls are so close to being chopped that they should still make good for you.
Take it easy and I hope you're soon feeling heaps better.
I let my outside plant go until they really slow down the drinking, Trichome checks are more for fun!

Oh gotcha. I'd just keep an eye on it rather than dump it. You can always toss the Zkittlez in a pot outside if there's somewhere to squeeze it in.

LMK and I'll make sure to have one available if it turns out you need it. I'll be needing to trim the mother in a few weeks anyway.
Please show me a picture of your Mother, Shed. I am starting a bonzai mother and could use some pruning references.
lol, a like is not a photo! Just teasing you, bro!
Please show me a picture of your Mother, Shed. I am starting a bonzai mother and could use some pruning references.
I do an awful job of staying on top of the pruning of my mother plants (2 out of 3 of my current ones most folks would flower immediately!), but if you're interested in learning about keeping a bonsai mother, this is the thread to read:
I do an awful job of staying on top of the pruning of my mother plants (2 out of 3 of my current ones most folks would flower immediately!), but if you're interested in learning about keeping a bonsai mother, this is the thread to read:
Already have that book-marked, thanks. Was just hoping for examples from others. :Namaste:
Hey everyone! I hope you're doing well. This post was intended for Saturday evening. Here I am Monday morning, rushing to get this out and get ready for work! o_O:rolleyes:

I'll start with the most recent big change. That is, I harvested everything in the tent on Saturday. The Space Queen and Rosetta Stone were well past looking pretty. I know it looks horrible but it was an extreme drought if you want to call it that. Pushed them to the brink to see what happens. At harvest time, they were putting off a potent aroma so I'm hopeful there's still something good left in those buds. I have so much in my mind that I wanted to share about the past week leading up to the harvest but it is lost somewhere in there. So if you have questions, feel free to ask and I'll do my best to fill in the blanks.

FYI...yes, they looked this horrible for a couple days. They were starting to look very sad for the past couple weeks. I made the decision to let them end most of their life in the pot. At chop, they still had residual moisture in the soil and in the trunk.

You can see the buds were looking good though! Fan leaves...not so much though.

It took about 3 full days for this one to suck her reservoir dry. In the end, the soil had more moisture and the plant was harder to "drought"

C99 looking toasty and ready for the chop.


Pre-Chop pics for good measure. They look horrible don't they?! Yikes!

Candida getting a bud wash.

Everything chopped and hanging. My goal was to hang dry this round. A 2 week hang was the goal. I knew that won't be the case because I still can't hit the ideal numbers of 60° and 60% RH. I have the AC unit set to 62° (coldest setting) and the humidifier set to 65%. My averages for the past 48 hrs are 69° and 54% RH. So my dry times will be a bit faster than I would like. It's still far better than I've been able to do than the past few years. Crossing my fingers for a decent cure that I would be proud to share with friends.

Candida close up after the bud wash! I wish you could smell her right now. Only a couple days into the dry and she is putting off a divine terpene profile. I haven't slowed my mind down enough to distinguish the aromas.

Have a good one folks! Off I go...
Congrats on the harvest! C99 looks like some dense buds!

My basement is 50rh and 68f when I hang dry and it's usually 7-10 days that last three harvests. Seems like a long time to go 14 days, but then again, I do have to pop the jars often and sometimes leave out of jars for a few hours during the first couple of days.
Congrats on the harvests Baked and sorry for my absence here. A few pages back I was!

Those trichome shots were absolutely AMAZING! Looked so professionally done.

Your updates always enlighten are chock full of such wonderful information.

Absolutely one of my favorite grow journals to follow as you can just tell how much you love what you do, even when it drives you batty sometimes!

Hope all is well Baked!
They look beautiful brother! A little drought ragged as they should.
Hey Otter! Much appreciated. Yeah, a little ragged sounds about right. I felt so bad for them. During my GSC grow last year, I droughted #9 and she came out the loudest of them all. So I'm hoping I was able to replicate it with these two. Part intentionally and partly because of grower error.
Congrats on the harvest! C99 looks like some dense buds!
Thanks Tim! Yeah, she has the densest buds of the bunch for sure. Rosetta Stone is the least so far.
My basement is 50rh and 68f when I hang dry and it's usually 7-10 days that last three harvests. Seems like a long time to go 14 days, but then again, I do have to pop the jars often and sometimes leave out of jars for a few hours during the first couple of days.
Well, my goal was 14 days of 60 & 60. Trying to replicate some others' methods. I'm anticipating around 7-10 too honestly. I'm doing my best to only open the tent to refill the humidifier.

Burping and getting the cure right, will be the true test for me. I have failed continuously in this part of my journey. Ruined many harvests already from inconsistent behavior.
Congrats on the harvests Baked and sorry for my absence here. A few pages back I was!
Nah '82. Don't even worry like that. Nor an apology is needed.
Those trichome shots were absolutely AMAZING! Looked so professionally done.
Thanks amiga!
Your updates always enlighten are chock full of such wonderful information
Glad they help. Take the failures as good info too!
Absolutely one of my favorite grow journals to follow as you can just tell how much you love what you do, even when it drives you batty sometimes!

Hope all is well Baked!
Thanks so much '82. Means a lot. I think growing is able to bring me some calmness to the battles of life. Does not always go that way of course. But I'm taking the gut punches the best I can and moving along.
Congrats on the huge harvest day Baked!
They look exactly as you'd expect after getting droughted and all that goes after trimming, so I bet the buds underneath the ugly are stellar. :)
Thanks man! Yeah, I'm stoked. I won't be doing this many varieties again if I only have a single space I control the environment. Too many variable harvest windows to try and get them all to align. So one or two may be right on the money for ripeness and the others either too long or premature harvest. Good experience to make that firm opinion in my mind.

Also reminds me to make a dedicated drying space that I can control better overall. Then I can harvest each plant individually and dry as needed. I hope that made sense...haaa haaa
Did you only wash the Candida or only get a pic of that one?
So I only ended up washing the Candida. I know...I know...

I wanted to whole plant hang the tent plants and don't have a container large enough to dunk the whole plant. So I decided to skip it. A few cat hairs never killed anyone....right?!

I also cannot wait until I can get my grows outside of the garage. When my grow space is only for growing...and smoking...that will bring my soul some peace and tranquility. I despise the handfuls of cat hair my tent pulls in when I open the door. To explain my anxiety about budwashing...I very much thought about how much work I will be causing myself scouring through the buds come trim time to remove unwanted hairs...
Where is the pissed off emoji face?!
You do the best you can and we cheer you on from the sidelines!

Tell me when to start and I'll schedule text messages (because Android) to remind you to open and close the jars/bags. Deal?
I appreciate it man! I think I will have no choice but to bring in the help of my older kiddo. I'll only have time first thing in the mornings and early evenings. So hopefully that routine will work.

Here is the other side of the coin that I don't understand. Why have I heard some say that if it is dried right, then there's no need to burp for the cure?! I don't know...I have tried a lot of shit I got from other sources that bit me in the ass. Haa haaa. So anyway...that was a long way of saying that my plan is to burp. Should probably review and get that straight in my head now...huh?!
Why have I heard some say that if it is dried right, then there's no need to burp for the cure?! I don't know...I have tried a lot of shit I got from other sources that bit me in the ass. Haa haaa. So anyway...that was a long way of saying that my plan is to burp. Should probably review and get that straight in my head now...huh?!
What makes it confusing is how different folks define the words. If I could hang dry for 21 days so the flowers get to 62% then I wouldn't need to burp. I don't have that kind of environmental control (or any for that matter) so I try to pull them off the lines when there's still some moisture in them and burp them down to 62%.
So this part of my weekend update is a few days late. Treading water and keeping my head above water.

So these pics are from the 24th. An update and general insight into the outdoor garden.

I decided to uppot my C99 clone that stayed in veg thankfully. I put her into the 7 gallon self-watering pot I just harvested the Queen of Soul from. Yup...you heard that right! Recycled about 90% of the soil. I gave her an extra extra dose of @GeoFlora Nutrients 'Veg' plus remineralized with some Kelzyme ElementXX. She also got a hefty dose of @DYNOMYCO for good measure.

A little bit of the Rosetta Stone clone that has been busy revegging.

Here is the Northern Lights Auto freebie by @Weed Seeds Express that is growing beautifully after being topped and supercropped. Hasn't skipped a beat and stacking.

The other flowering Candida...that by all accounts is revegging too.

C99 that I haven't yanked out of the garden yet. I'm still not sold on her. Plus her foliage is still really fugly.

Queen of Soul is very dense with foliage and definitely revegging.

Really sorry 420 Mag community for the ins and out lately. Trying my best to stay connected. Blessings.
I appreciate it man! I think I will have no choice but to bring in the help of my older kiddo. I'll only have time first thing in the mornings and early evenings. So hopefully that routine will work.

Here is the other side of the coin that I don't understand. Why have I heard some say that if it is dried right, then there's no need to burp for the cure?! I don't know...I have tried a lot of shit I got from other sources that bit me in the ass. Haa haaa. So anyway...that was a long way of saying that my plan is to burp. Should probably review and get that straight in my head now...huh?!
Have you tried Grove bag?? Apparently you don't need to burb. I haven't used them yet but did buy two for this harvest to test them out. A few folks on here use them. Here's a good thread Post in thread 'LKABudMan Back In Deep Water: 4 Purple Haze Clones In RDWC' LKABudMan Back In Deep Water: 4 Purple Haze Clones In RDWC
Sweet growing Baked! Grove bags huh? I wonder what about them does the burping for us? Brings in fresh o2. A lining of o2 emitting whathaveyou maybe? Hmmm.
A few seem to swear by them, but it requires making sure they are dry before putting in the bag. That link has good info, like getting a moisture meter to guage the moisture in the buds before bagging. Apparently tly they keep the stickiness and smll better

But no burping sounds great!! It's auck a chore to burp 20-30 jars ha
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