
...should be in the lesson plan for bending plants that are threatening to outgrow the height! :thumb:
Thanks Shed!
Happy Monday everyone! Some pics and random updates on the outdoor garden. I hadn't shown pics of all the flowering clones recently. So I got some of those to share. Plus the Candida that's outside now. Going through her vigorously again today to prune off any possible nanners. She hadn't been watered since I put her outside. Yesterday she got a full drench to runoff. So these pics are prior to the drench. It was a nice warm day yesterday and all the plants drank a lot!

Let's start with the Candida actually!

This will be her spot in front of my grape vines for the rest of the season. She's no longer going to be protected by the shadows of the mulberry tree. She'll be getting direct sun most of the day.

Here are the rest. Remember that these plants had a warm day and were thirsty. They get drenches every 2-3 days right now. Yesterday, they drank everything I gave them the day before! So they got another drench.
2 Candida clones on the right
Space Queen
Rosetta Stone

And the other ones. I never transplanted them after they went to flower. These get water almost daily. Yesterday was twice. I'm going to let them finish in these. I have no idea when they'll be ready. Haaa haaa. So it's just an experiment at this point with most of the plants. Take care and thanks for swinging by. I have to get going and get some stuff done.

Happy Monday everyone! Some pics and random updates on the outdoor garden. I hadn't shown pics of all the flowering clones recently. So I got some of those to share. Plus the Candida that's outside now. Going through her vigorously again today to prune off any possible nanners. She hadn't been watered since I put her outside. Yesterday she got a full drench to runoff. So these pics are prior to the drench. It was a nice warm day yesterday and all the plants drank a lot!

Let's start with the Candida actually!

This will be her spot in front of my grape vines for the rest of the season. She's no longer going to be protected by the shadows of the mulberry tree. She'll be getting direct sun most of the day.

Here are the rest. Remember that these plants had a warm day and were thirsty. They get drenches every 2-3 days right now. Yesterday, they drank everything I gave them the day before! So they got another drench.
2 Candida clones on the right
Space Queen
Rosetta Stone

And the other ones. I never transplanted them after they went to flower. These get water almost daily. Yesterday was twice. I'm going to let them finish in these. I have no idea when they'll be ready. Haaa haaa. So it's just an experiment at this point with most of the plants. Take care and thanks for swinging by. I have to get going and get some stuff done.

Plants are looking sweeeeet, bro!
Why did you not up-pot the smaller ones before flower? Was it a question of space?
Still looking good, though. Healthy leaves, kudos!
Plants are looking sweeeeet, bro!
Why did you not up-pot the smaller ones before flower? Was it a question of space?
Still looking good, though. Healthy leaves, kudos!
Thanks Scott! Yeah, initially they were supposed to be potted up into 1 or 2 gallon pots. Then I was over my plant count so I was going to give them away. When I started noticing them going into flower, it honestly threw off my thought process and initial plan. It was very disheartening and I didn't want to waste any more resources on them. I have plenty of seeds of those genetics. I was going to give most of those away to friends but I didn't want to give them flowering plants. So I just decided to let them finish or do whatever they wanted to do inside the small containers. That's where my logic was at. Not necessarily good logic...but some logic. Haa haa.
Candida is frosty already:)
Ohhh man! I was just doing more trimming and wiring and my hands were super sticky! She smells amazing. At least a couple weeks away and I'll be chopping her.
That Candida is a real looker, up top anyway. I hope there's nothing happening underneath!
I did some cleanup on Monday. I cleaned her up quite a bit but still looks dense. I moved and added more wiring to open up airways between the buds and branches. I am very inclined to chop a few branches here and there to just make sure nothing is touching.
September? :laugh:
Yeah...but they are already looking like they are close. They never returned to veg. So that's why I'm thinking they will finish soon though. I need to get the scope out and check the trichs. I don't think they'll be going into Sep.
When you get tired of watering every 20 minutes, consider sinking all of them into a single 7 gallon pot!
That's a great idea. I didn't consider just potting them up all together.
The plants are looking great BA, but the Candida is looking especially nice and bud laden!
Yeah, she smells amazing! I'm really hoping I can get some good rosin off her.

Candida legit sounds like a yeast infection to me.

What is your candida exactly? And if it is a yeast infection, stay on your side of the road bruv ;)
You sure you don't want any?! So she is a 20:1 CBD variety. I originally got her as a clone from @InTheShed .
Good morning everyone. My time here on the site will be intermittent for the next week +. I'll do my best to keep up with responses and checking in on y'alls journals. Got so much going on with work and trying to keep my head above water with life shit. Take care of yourselves!

A few very similar images from the tent for the past few days. Not much changing but trying to get the plants looking happier. Something seems to be missing but can't figure it out. Based on breeder flowering time, I have between 1-2 weeks left for these plants. Some of the unsupported branches are getting heavy. Making for droopy looking plants. So it's hard to know if I should expect that or if I'm dropping the ball. Technically, they should be slowing down on their drinking right? So keep up with my watering or start slowing it down?!

Cinderella 99
Queen of Soul

I spent so much time doing some trimming and wiring on the Candida. I got loads of pics to try and explain what I was doing. My hands were so sticky and after it was all said and done, the pics I got just didn't do a good job of explaining what I did.
I ended up moving her back to the walkway so it would be easy to move her around.

She doesn't look a lot different but I added more wires to support branches or individual colas so that they weren't leaning on each other. A few branches were stuck under others too. It's a good thing I did it when I did because earlier that day, we had a small rain shower. Roughly 6 hrs later and inside some of those branches there was quite a bit of moisture and sitting water. So moving branches and wiring up colas allowed more air through the whole plant.

Plan is to bring out the scope to start checking trichs on all the plants. Based on Sheds estimate, I anticipate harvesting the Candida in a couple weeks. I would prefer to harvest them all at the same time. I have no idea how the heck I'm going to do that without going past the "ideal" harvest time. My plan was to dry inside the tent so that means chopping those all the same day. That would put a couple plants up to 1 week past the breeder's harvest window.
That Candida looks amazing (Candida means bright glowing white in Latin) and the tent's looking frosty!
Technically, they should be slowing down on their drinking right?
There is no technically, they're plants! They will each slow down at the end individually based on how they're feeling. ;)
So keep up with my watering or start slowing it down?!
Water when the pots feel light, but not as light as in veg. The watering method doesn't change, only the frequency as it slows down (which it won't do while it's still building buds). They get the same water they got 4 weeks ago but they will start asking for it less often.
That would put a couple plants up to 1 week past the breeder's harvest window.
Breeders' harvest windows are mere estimates and are based on what happened at the breeder's house, not yours!
My hands were so sticky and after it was all said and done, the pics I got just didn't do a good job of explaining what I did.
if your hands are sticky, you robbed yourself, brother.
The good thing about latex gloves is that the lubrication hinders the "stick".
As much as anyone loves the "stinky fingers", alot of resin gets lost between the finger prints. I admit that I have rubbed my digits together and piped the resin:bong:, there is still a loss.
I agree with Shed , its about the weight and the flower is less demanding.
Keep up the good work, bro!
if your hands are sticky, you robbed yourself, brother.
The good thing about latex gloves is that the lubrication hinders the "stick".
As much as anyone loves the "stinky fingers", alot of resin gets lost between the finger prints. I admit that I have rubbed my digits together and piped the resin:bong:, there is still a loss.
I agree with Shed , its about the weight and the flower is less demanding.
Keep up the good work, bro!
Yeah. I could certainly understand that. I may agree with you on the concept about preserving those trichs, but I prefer touching the plant. I minimize my actual contact/handling of the flowers as much as possible though. All to minimize damage like you mentioned. Just the residual holding of them in a few places was enough to get resin all over them and on my phone. Definitely lost all those to contact. You are right about that! I'll need to be more careful.

But I also would probably have lost my mind having my hands in latex gloves for as long as I spent working on that plant. Like I said before, she's a labor of love! Because she currently looks like she was abandoned on a street corner with no help in sight! :laugh: She's flopping all over.
Thankfully, she will be getting chopped soon.
Hey everyone. Jumping in for a quick update and then I have to be off to sleep. Getting waterboarded with work at the moment and need to be fresh for tomorrow. Blessings!

Day 54
Space Queen

And I completely forgot to get a picture for today :confused: Brain was set to the off position this morning. They wouldn't have looked much different. They have been getting a good drench about every 2 days. They are due for one tomorrow morning.
Yeah. I could certainly understand that. I may agree with you on the concept about preserving those trichs, but I prefer touching the plant. I minimize my actual contact/handling of the flowers as much as possible though. All to minimize damage like you mentioned. Just the residual holding of them in a few places was enough to get resin all over them and on my phone. Definitely lost all those to contact. You are right about that! I'll need to be more careful.

But I also would probably have lost my mind having my hands in latex gloves for as long as I spent working on that plant. Like I said before, she's a labor of love! Because she currently looks like she was abandoned on a street corner with no help in sight! :laugh: She's flopping all over.
Thankfully, she will be getting chopped soon.
I hear ya, Bro! Tis a labor of love.
Had issues with the flopping, lost a few cola's on my outside grow due to them leaning onto each then they mold.
Hopefully, the quadlining will rectify that this season.
Have a good 1!
lost a few cola's on my outside grow due to them leaning onto each then they mold
I had a bit of that happen this year, from now I will definitely be looking to put some 'training spacers' or adjusting things to avoid that.
Everything looks tantalizing Baked! I especially enjoy peaking into that outdoor garden of yours! I wish I could go on a 3 hour tour......
Let us know when the brain kicks in again! In the meantime we'll just enjoy Saturday's pics and imagine them a tad fatter. :)
Brain's gas tank is running on empty this week man! Oooof

I hear ya, Bro! Tis a labor of love.
Had issues with the flopping, lost a few cola's on my outside grow due to them leaning onto each then they mold.
Hopefully, the quadlining will rectify that this season.
Have a good 1!
Yeah...I think I may have saved a few from possible mold issues. I found one branch that was leaning on another. I stripped out what looked like the start of possible botrytis. All the areas I opened up are now crispy and sunburned. Haaahaaaa. Soft sensitive leaf tissue didn't stand a chance against the sun this past week.
I had a bit of that happen this year, from now I will definitely be looking to put some 'training spacers' or adjusting things to avoid that.
Training for the win! I tried the non-trained version on a couple of these plants and a lot of those branches are floppy. Me no likey...
Everything looks tantalizing Baked! I especially enjoy peaking into that outdoor garden of yours! I wish I could go on a 3 hour tour......
Hey 82'! Awww thanks. I love my outdoor garden. My little one was out there with me yesterday afternoon to do some harvesting and snacking. Golden raspberries, blackberries, a single strawberry, and she finally had some sugar snap peas ready. She was so happy! Those little moments help fuel my soul. We even got to harvest our first plum! A bunch of my greens bolted and went to flower too (basil, lettuce, cilantro, etc.). So I have large sections that need to get replanted which sucks. It tends to happen every year though. Succession sowing is always the plan...and yet, I never seem to do it.

My garden is small but whatever it does have available, it would bring my great joy to share with you or anyone. Blessings amiga!
Heading out to a making a quick update.
Branches are drooping from weight. Plus they look a little sad. They got water after these pics. Not much changed in their posture this morning.
Rosetta Stone - Poor baby girl...
Space Queen
Queen of Soul

A little clean up of ugly leaves for the Rosetta Stone

C99 nugs are dense! Sweet pineapple candy aromas. Super excited to squish some of these flowers.

Not good pics but good enough to check maturity. Getting close!

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