All those heavy leaners! Is Rosetta just overall hungry? Have you tried some GF veg to see if you can get it a bit greener while it finishes bulking? It looks like it's got a bit of time left.
Sorry for the late response Shed. I thought I responded but I never posted it. Been a looooong week. Just finished up and have the next couple days off.

I think, after analyzing my waterings and feed schedule, I think she could have definitely used heavier feedings. To confirm that, I would need to run her again and GF again. My next run is going to likely be Remo and Prescription Blend though.

I gave them all a 50/50 mix of Veg and Bloom at the first bloom feed. I never ended up giving them a liquid N feed of fish emulsion.

Another thing I am battling is my VPD. Just looked up my numbers for the past month and they have been fluctuations into the "danger zones" often for varying amounts of time. So that is definitely forcing her to stress out.

Queen of Sole is more dangerous than the queen of diamonds ha. Which is your favorite so far? QOS has my vote
Haaa haaa. Great question! I think I'm most excited about Space Queen. She's a droopy mess right now though. Rosetta Stone has the best structure and firm branches that are holding up the weight. But she's not as dense either. Much lighter and more airy buds so far. She needs more time. She may not get it though, I'm going to be chopping at the same time.

I'll get some updates posted tomorrow friends. Exhausted and need a nap. Going out with the fam and some friends for dinner and a movie. Blessings!
Have a great time! old ass is struggling today! Didn't get out of the movie until 1:30*ish. Urgh...o_O:laugh: It was a great movie. Lots of fun and really intense. It was a great dinner with friends and then all my family for movie time.

So I'm taking it easy all weekend. Doing some gardening and random tasks. Nothing pressing. Trying to keep my mind at ease this weekend.
Tent :( and
outdoor garden :circle-of-love: update incoming...
That's about when I wake up for my first trip to the bathroom! ;)
Unfortunately, so do I. I get up at 4:15. At 1:30, it is safe to take a dube to the can and hit it a couple of times in hopes of getting more shut-eye before the alarm. At 2:30 plus, don't bother because then I would be too tempted to hit the freakin' snooze. :rofl:
Hey everyone! I hope your day and weekend is going well. Here are some quick pic updates over the past few days.

And look at the Space Queen and Rosetta Stone looking like hungover co-eds! Geeez...RS is looking particularly rough. They're last watering was 6/15. They got a complete drench of water only to runoff this morning. Also, my VPD is horrid. They are struggling mightily with the excess heat and low RH. I added water to the drip trays to help increase the RH slowly. With the AC unit on, nearly all day, it's close to impossible to bring the RH up, even with a humidifier in the tent. I am averaging 86°F/30°C and down to 35%-30% RH during the day.

Rosetta Stone looking stressed and ugly. Yaaay!
Space Queen looking droopy and fugly...

Queen of Soul with droopy branches but at least looks much better. Her sweet terpene aroma definitely has me excited. She's the best one of the bunch thus far in regard to health.

That brings me to this plant...

Oh look! Yaaaay!

Well isn't this great?! WooHooo! Who loves more anthers popping up in their females?!

My initialt thought is she needs to be chopped. I'm done with her. I had noticed a few spots looking suspicious over the past week. Quickly scooped/cut them out but I've got so many more spots popping out. It's time for her to meet her fate. This is now 2 plants out of 5 that have hermied on me in this grow. The other was the Candida. She only put off on branch that I was able to find. This C99 is pushing them in lots of different buds. I don't know what caused or is causing this stress. I'm too tired to be pissed right now. I have no clue how much or if any pollen has been released. I was really hoping to be able to get them all chopped and hanging in the tent around the same time. So do I go through and cut out all the anthers I see? Or just chop her down and be done with her? Either way...just add another hurdle to the mix for this year. They are piling up!

Onto the outdoor garden. Lots of stuff happening out there too that I've never experienced. So filling gaps of ignorance and adding to the wisdom bank.

The Candida is looking rough this past week. If you remember, I recently did some pruning and shaping to help get air and light into the canopy. Unfortunately, those delicate areas that were sheltered from other branches got sun burnt pretty good. I'm not worried about the leaves too much. The buds are looking delicious and smell fantastic! She has a wonderful sweet and spicy aroma.

These are from a top cola

All those little clones that went to flower, I decided to chop one and do a quick dry and test. Here are some trich shots. About to finish my dehydration cycle on my air fryer to test her out.

And now for the Northern Lights Auto that is recovering beautifully from her recent supercrop and branch supports.

Fighting leaf hoppers pretty good again this year with my garden. You can see how quickly they can do damage in between pest treatments. Thankfully, no caterpillars have been seen on any cannabis plants this year. BT treatment happening later tonight. First, a peppermint essential oil spray later this afternoon. Then after it has dried, another spray with some BT.

And now, the rest of the plants that are guess what...revegging! Yay! Although I severely stunted their growth with this stress, it gives me a chance to get them a little larger and primed for some more flowers. Nearly all these plants will be getting thinned out, including branches, topdressed, and getting some comfrey green mulch.

Rosett Stone is going to be a beast! She has been much quicker to reveg than the rest. She's been stretching strongly the past couple weeks. I'll be moving her from here to a better spot today.

Another Candida that I am hopeful will provide me with some branches that will root for future mother plants.


As I was pulling her branches down to see where I wanted to place the trellis, I ended up splitting her two leading branches...AGAIN. I topped her a long time ago and then accidentally split them a few weeks later. She has been stressed out and it looks it. Here is my worry...she is a clone from the C99 in my tent which is now a hermie. Should I just cut my losses and toss her into the compost bin now? Or gamble further with her and grow her out? Hoping that outside she won't hermie?

Queen of Soul looking happy and enjoying her ever changing hormones. She's been mostly ignored by the cabbage moths lately. I have observed them fly right past her, in favor of finding a spot on the blackberry. I've been treating the entire area with peppermint though, so they don't care to stay around long. I am really liking the impact this easy spray has had on my garden this year. I used to only use the peppermint castile soap. But the added drops of essential oil have a positive impact.

Here, you can see one of my comfrey crowns that I'm chopping down to help add a green mulch to the plants. First they get their topdress feeding, then I will be adding some chopped up comfrey on top of that. Another amazing addition to anyone's garden.

That's it for me today. Thanks for sticking around and checking out all the drama and shenanigans happening in my gardens! Blessings.
Outdoor garden is looking great! So are the ones in the tent.

I had nanners in one last grow. When I got to trimming there were way more, so I'd chop that one down and be done with it.....but I'm still a newbie so don't listen to me haha
So do I go through and cut out all the anthers I see? Or just chop her down and be done with her?
It's too late for them to do any damage in there so let the plant ripen as usual. If you're worried about moving pollen from the tent to the outside spray it down with some water before you work on the plants. At 30% RH it will dry really fast!
Another Candida that I am hopeful will provide me with some branches that will root for future mother plants.
I can bring you a clone in August if you don't get one from there. :)
Should I just cut my losses and toss her into the compost bin now?
Because of the split? Nah. Tape or zip tie it (keep an eye on it for future girdling) and let it go.
Hey everyone...ROUGH past few days. Unexpected to say the least. Weekend plans went down the tubes. Spent most of yesterday and likely most of today in bed. Fighting some nasty allergies or a bug. Feels like a bug.but thankfully no fever. Blah...just overall feeling very shitty and weak. So are the plants in the tent though...seeing them like this is incredibly deflating.

I turned the AC unit lower to combat the heat. Honestly...I just have no idea why the two on the left look so horrible. I'm chopping everything soon either way.

Outdoor garden is looking great! So are the ones in the tent.

I had nanners in one last grow. When I got to trimming there were way more, so I'd chop that one down and be done with it.....but I'm still a newbie so don't listen to me haha
Thanks Tim. Yeah, my outdoor garden is a bit of a downer too though with my mistakes. I envisioned something completely different at this point in the season. Oh well. Live and learn. LOL
You enjoy a nice relaxing and restorative weekend BA, the garden is looking beautiful!
Thanks Stung. Much appreciated.
It's too late for them to do any damage in there so let the plant ripen as usual. If you're worried about moving pollen from the tent to the outside spray it down with some water before you work on the plants.
They are all pretty close to being ripe enough. I'm checking them again today.

Thoughts on the Candida ripeness?

At 30% RH it will dry really fast!
Plan is to try and get the tent to hold as close to 60% as possible. Not sure how in the hell I'm going to accomplish that if I have to get the AC to work overtime to bring the temps down in the 60s too.
I can bring you a clone in August if you don't get one from there. :)
Thanks man! Appreciate that. I may take you up on that.
Because of the split? Nah. Tape or zip tie it (keep an eye on it for future girdling) and let it go.
Not the split. The fact that it's mom hermied.

Not trying to sound arrogant about the split, but my dumbass has caused enough splits that I don't even panic anymore. That split is already taped up and will heal fine. Honestly, that plant is just an extra anyway. So I don't feel like I HAVE to grow it out. I have that baby Zkittlez I could put there instead too. I don't know...just a whole lot of IDK in my mind right now. :confused: Thanks Shed.
Thoughts on the Candida ripeness?
I let my outside plant go until they really slow down the drinking, Trichome checks are more for fun!
Not the split. The fact that it's mom hermied.
Oh gotcha. I'd just keep an eye on it rather than dump it. You can always toss the Zkittlez in a pot outside if there's somewhere to squeeze it in.
I may take you up on that.
LMK and I'll make sure to have one available if it turns out you need it. I'll be needing to trim the mother in a few weeks anyway.
Sorry to hear about the herms. Is it dodgy genetics or something else?
Shouldn't be dodgy genetics. These are considered top notch and very stable. But who knows. If there's enough of a light leak or other stressers...then that could be the cause.
The other plants look good :)
I let my outside plant go until they really slow down the drinking, Trichome checks are more for fun!
Yeah...I'm probably going to chop her down. When the tent goes down, so will she. She should be ready. At least I hope. She's in that garden box which has a reservoir. I haven't added any moisture for the past 5 days. So it may be time to just get it over with and get the loppers out.
Shouldn't be dodgy genetics. These are considered top notch and very stable. But who knows. If there's enough of a light leak or other stressers...then that could be the cause.
Well I’m sorry about that.

Do you have light leaks? Look I’m not totes sold on a tiny bit of light negativity effecting them. When I first joined here I was warned about light leaks, to the point I became light leak obsessed. I was told even the timer dehumidifier lights can herm them. I accidentally learned that’s not true.

Then when I thought about it, I’ve known big successful outdoor growers who grew off the highway with night traffic car headlights hitting their plants all night. Sometimes I think we kinda try and reinvent the wheel and cause ourselves more problems rather than a new improved wheel.
Well I’m sorry about that.

Do you have light leaks? Look I’m not totes sold on a tiny bit of light negativity effecting them. When I first joined here I was warned about light leaks, to the point I became light leak obsessed. I was told even the timer dehumidifier lights can herm them. I accidentally learned that’s not true.

Then when I thought about it, I’ve known big successful outdoor growers who grew off the highway with night traffic car headlights hitting their plants all night. Sometimes I think we kinda try and reinvent the wheel and cause ourselves more problems rather than a new improved wheel.
Yeah. I'm not sold on the light leak theory either honestly. To a limit though of course. I have mentioned that in previous posts here. I'm just not sure about any of it right now, so I'm throwing shit to the wind and see if it sticks somewhere. I'm not sure I have light leaks either. I'll be doing a double check on that after these come down.
Yeah. I'm not sold on the light leak theory either honestly. To a limit though of course. I have mentioned that in previous posts here. I'm just not sure about any of it right now, so I'm throwing shit to the wind and see if it sticks somewhere. I'm not sure I have light leaks either. I'll be doing a double check on that after these come down.
I was herm OBSESSED my first year growing in here. In hindsight I should have been channeling that energy into insect spotting.

I’m not root obsessed either. To me roots are like the plants blood system. If the leaves are a good colour and the growth is solid, the roots are always going to be enough. You don’t start looking at a humans blood unless there is a problem, I feel the same way about plants.
I was herm OBSESSED my first year growing in here. In hindsight I should have been channeling that energy into insect spotting.

I’m not root obsessed either. To me roots are like the plants blood system. If the leaves are a good colour and the growth is solid, the roots are always going to be enough. You don’t start looking at a humans blood unless there is a problem, I feel the same way about plants.
Hi all!
Now are we talking veg stage or flower? OOps, just scrolled up.. Def flower. Unlucky about the 2 on the left but outside garden looks luscious.
I just learned from @Bill284 just recently that a 24/7 white LED helps alot during veg. Gonna give it a try.
The one on the left still has to have foil taped on the walls and I accidentally lowered the power. It should be much brighter than what it shows.
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