Bad seeds

Don't think it's fair to say one company's seeds are all bad, many growers including me have had great success with RQS
You may have had a hard time with a a few recently, but we all experience that occasionally with any seeds/bank

If you've had a bad experience, please just contact them
Welcome to 420 Magazine @Ironworker1955

When you have seeds that germinate how do your like to grow them?
Have you tried to communicate with RQS?

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:

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Well first, :welcome: to the forum @Ironworker1955 :passitleft:

I had to many bad seeds from royal queen seeds . A lot never sprouted ! I’ve been growing 40 years now . GK
I've only been growing for 16 years now, and I must say, it's a rarity that I have a bean that won't pop, even from RQS :hmmmm: I do keep mine in a moisture free, cool, and dark place, grab a moisture pack from a pill bottle and throw it in there with them, or some of our sponsors even sell moisture packs:thumb:
What do you do with the seeds that don’t sprout?

I’m a guy who generally gets 9/10 to sprout …then occasionally a batch that just WONT.

The soil that I had them (not) sprouting in goes outside. I find that if all the seeds that don’t sprout for me, about 50% of them sprout later anyway. Anywhere from 10 days to a month later. Had 6 no shows but 3 of them popped weeks later.

This tells me a few things:
Either the shells are too hard on the seeds (which is actually not a bad thing, genetically) that can all be remedied with scuffing.
Or..I had a temp/water issue I wasn’t aware of. Either too cold/hot or over/under watered.

For every person that publicly says a breeders beans don’t sprout, there are thousands without that complaint.

You should just ask them, they’ll probably replace them and ask what your technique was.
I just ordered 4 seeds and got one free and only 2 sprouted. One of the two that sprouted isn't looking very good. The seeds were light colored so it makes me think they just push out everything instead of only the quality seeds that come in.
Don't think it's fair to say one company's seeds are all bad, many growers including me have had great success with RQS
You may have had a hard time with a a few recently, but we all experience that occasionally with any seeds/bank

If you've had a bad experience, please just contact them
I've had great results from RQS.
Some never sprouted. And some never matured if they did sprout. They act like they have been stunted. I've got one skunk xl maturing out of 12 seeds. They did give me a discount. That's good. I was happy about the Tyson seeds. But no go. They sprout and stay sickly and tiny. Stunted. Anyone know of a good diesal seed supplier?
Some never sprouted. And some never matured if they did sprout. They act like they have been stunted. I've got one skunk xl maturing out of 12 seeds. They did give me a discount. That's good. I was happy about the Tyson seeds. But no go. They sprout and stay sickly and tiny. Stunted. Anyone know of a good diesal seed supplier?
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend. :welcome:
I'm happy to help you. :high-five:
We have many seed sponsors that will give you a discount and have great service.
If you want to say Hi and meet everyone here is a link
Here is a good spot if you want help with your question
That was an older thread , not the best spot for your question. :Namaste:
What is your seed popping technique?
Seeds need moisture, air , warmth and darkness.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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