too much 🫶
Update on the Banana Jealousy.
145 days, 71 days flowering.


BINGO girl I (mainline), has been harvested @7/27 early morning.
She's loaded in crystals and sticky beyond all get out. After trimming her buds it felt like I'd been shaking hands with Spiderman
..sticking to everything...

The curing has gone extremely well this round. Using my closet now for that good ol' hang to dry style, as well as I've got some curing in a jar and another in a paper box. Trying all the different methods.

*Note that I do have to keep an eye on it tho so it doesn't dry too slow and every couple days I actually hang it in the laundry room near the vent so it gets some cool air flow for a little bit. Then back to the closet.

Been watching the surviving plants go through that final growth swell. It's great!!
For the most part the majority of the trichomes are cloudy, and the hàirs are all dingy and shriveled in..I could probably harvest 2 of the 4 any time now.

They smell like a sweet fruit, that smell of fruit when it's starting to expire..that's what i think it smells like. Along with some underlined diesel. However when cranked and ground it gives off the aroma of skunky puppy breath. The high is calming and euphoric cuz after 2 bowls I just stare off into the void and my mind wanders from thought to thought, straight day dreaming.
I can say though it makes doing the dishes more enjoyable. 💚

Also, I've quit giving the plants nutrients and started their droughting. Where basically last week and this week any water will be plain water, and they are only getting half a gallon the last few days and will slowly cut down to 1 L per plant til chop day. I plan on having them all harvested 🤞🏻 by the 77th day of flower. Given the trichomes are all cloudy.
!!The Anticipation!!

Update on the Banana Jealousy.
145 days, 71 days flowering.


BINGO girl I (mainline), has been harvested @7/27 early morning.
She's loaded in crystals and sticky beyond all get out. After trimming her buds it felt like I'd been shaking hands with Spiderman
..sticking to everything...

The curing has gone extremely well this round. Using my closet now for that good ol' hang to dry style, as well as I've got some curing in a jar and another in a paper box. Trying all the different methods.

*Note that I do have to keep an eye on it tho so it doesn't dry too slow and every couple days I actually hang it in the laundry room near the vent so it gets some cool air flow for a little bit. Then back to the closet.

Been watching the surviving plants go through that final growth swell. It's great!!
For the most part the majority of the trichomes are cloudy, and the hàirs are all dingy and shriveled in..I could probably harvest 2 of the 4 any time now.

They smell like a sweet fruit, that smell of fruit when it's starting to expire..that's what i think it smells like. Along with some underlined diesel. However when cranked and ground it gives off the aroma of skunky puppy breath. The high is calming and euphoric cuz after 2 bowls I just stare off into the void and my mind wanders from thought to thought, straight day dreaming.
I can say though it makes doing the dishes more enjoyable. 💚

Also, I've quit giving the plants nutrients and started their droughting. Where basically last week and this week any water will be plain water, and they are only getting half a gallon the last few days and will slowly cut down to 1 L per plant til chop day. I plan on having them all harvested 🤞🏻 by the 77th day of flower. Given the trichomes are all cloudy.
!!The Anticipation!!


❤️ Congratulations on a Great Grow and Harvest! I need to get me some of that Happy Dishwashing stuff! ❤️
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