We Brits also mapped, named and populated Australia, albeit primarily with convicts, from around 1804 ;)
Yup. Facts. Australians are blood born hooligans, your birthright. 💚
Yup. Facts. Australians are blood born hooligans, your birthright. 💚
Even the word 'hooligan' is derived from an Irishman, Patrick Hoolihan - a travelling muscle man and thief
Update: Seedsman Banana Jealousy

So I think I'm starting to get the hang of the whole 'flowering time' from vegging time ...idk how to word it..however here's my understanding..as simple as I can make it. Bare with me 🙏

BINGO= 126 days = 18 weeks
Flowering for = (guessing) 52 days = 7 wks, 4 days.
Seedsman suggests 8 to 10 week flowering time.
Add an extra week just cuz 😉💎🔥 making a total of 11 weeks flowering time. = 77 days of flowering. 🥰
Am I close to understanding this flowering time schedule yet? Trust me I didn't get it for a long while there. It dawned on me while I was spacing out one evening and then it was like...
Banana Jealousy wk 18 wk 7 flower 2.jpg
Banana Jealousy wk 7 flowering 2.jpg
Banana Jealousy wk 7 flowering.jpg
Seedsman Banana Jealousy wk 18 wk 7 of flowering.jpg

Ok I did better with labeling pics. They didn't all label however!! I'm getting closer !! 💛
Seedsman Banana Jealousy 132 days above ground, 58 days flowering.

Seedsman states that 77 days of flowering is the harvesting window. So I've really been doing my bestest to keep an eye on the subtle changes.
I fed the girls 2 days ago and they didn't mind the full dose this time around.
In fact they loved it.

Here's a glance at each BINGO girl in all her glory. The 6th plant that often gets mixed up with them in the photoshoots is a Mexican Haze by Dr. Blaze. She's been a slow grower at 152 days old, and started flowering alongside the banana girls.

💚 💚 💚 💚 💚





These girls have taken over the living room!!!

I sent my baby brother a care package, and he said "babe I got your stinky package" I swear I thought it was smell proof! However he claims it reeked through every seal attempt. 😂
Guess I've gone nose blind.
I should probably look into what kinda trouble we could get into if caught sending stuff through the post.
Texas laws are tough, it can be punishable up to 99 yrs. If caught growing a plant. And a hefty fine!! Idk, the laws are ever changing, this was what I read last I checked. 🙏 As much as I miss Texas, I do enjoy Illinois for specific reasons. Other than the BBQ sucks ass, there's not very many Mexicans (I light up like a Christmas tree when I do spot the few 😇) and the water is polluted..seriously, wtf is that, it's shit--thats what it is--i miss jumping off the cliffs at Paleface Park.
99 years? For weed? Texas is not on my travel schedule then...
Last time I went to court, while walking through them metal detectors, the chick behind me had a roach tucked in the side of her cigarettes and I watched her get bundled up an jailed for it.
Last time I went to court, while walking through them metal detectors, the chick behind me had a roach tucked in the side of her cigarettes and I watched her get bundled up an jailed for it.
Bit different here, it's not legal, but if they catch you with less than a gram or so they make you tip it on the grass and rub it in with your shoes, just so they can watch the disappointed look on your face... bastards.
Some guy just got arrested for carrying 79 kilos of weed in the back of his car (it's that time of year again :cheesygrinsmiley: ), all because he was driving around at night with no headlights on :rofl:... seriously though, he's probably going to jail for a couple of years.
Last time I went to court, while walking through them metal detectors, the chick behind me had a roach tucked in the side of her cigarettes and I watched her get bundled up an jailed for it.
Jeez - it's nowhere near legal here, but I've been nabbed 3 times and just been 'cautioned' each time
It's almost like they are saying it's ok, but don't get caught and waste our time
They want to stamp out the gang violence, so they don't really persecute personal growers at all, I think the Police are actually in favour of 'so what, he's growing a plant'
However, get caught with wraps/scales and they'll throw the book at you
Bit different here, it's not legal, but if they catch you with less than a gram or so they make you tip it on the grass and rub it in with your shoes, just so they can watch the disappointed look on your face... bastards.
Some guy just got arrested for carrying 79 kilos of weed in the back of his car (it's that time of year again :cheesygrinsmiley: ), all because he was driving around at night with no headlights on :rofl:... seriously though, he's probably going to jail for a couple of years.
Must've been some fire! He done forgot his damn headlights...lolol
Jeez - it's nowhere near legal here, but I've been nabbed 3 times and just been 'cautioned' each time
It's almost like they are saying it's ok, but don't get caught and waste our time
They want to stamp out the gang violence, so they don't really persecute personal growers at all, I think the Police are actually in favour of 'so what, he's growing a plant'
However, get caught with wraps/scales and they'll throw the book at you
Yeah, that's fucked up right. I know how that rolls, had 5 years probation all cuz I had bags, a scale and a pound in my backpack. Class A felony. *Manufacturing, delivery of controlled substance. $50,000. bond.
Now I got caught with a bit of yayo and I only got charged with possession of paraphernalia....mmhmmm....someone stuck their nose in my sugar bowl. 🧐🤨
Seedsman Banana Jealousy 132 days above ground, 58 days flowering.

Seedsman states that 77 days of flowering is the harvesting window. So I've really been doing my bestest to keep an eye on the subtle changes.
I fed the girls 2 days ago and they didn't mind the full dose this time around.
In fact they loved it.

Here's a glance at each BINGO girl in all her glory. The 6th plant that often gets mixed up with them in the photoshoots is a Mexican Haze by Dr. Blaze. She's been a slow grower at 152 days old, and started flowering alongside the banana girls.

💚 💚 💚 💚 💚





These girls have taken over the living room!!!

I sent my baby brother a care package, and he said "babe I got your stinky package" I swear I thought it was smell proof! However he claims it reeked through every seal attempt. 😂
Guess I've gone nose blind.
I should probably look into what kinda trouble we could get into if caught sending stuff through the post.
Texas laws are tough, it can be punishable up to 99 yrs. If caught growing a plant. And a hefty fine!! Idk, the laws are ever changing, this was what I read last I checked. 🙏 As much as I miss Texas, I do enjoy Illinois for specific reasons. Other than the BBQ sucks ass, there's not very many Mexicans (I light up like a Christmas tree when I do spot the few 😇) and the water is polluted..seriously, wtf is that, it's shit--thats what it is--i miss jumping off the cliffs at Paleface Park.
Take it from someone who's been there and knows the consequences. If you get caught using the postal services, or UPS or any other shipping service, (read their terms of service and rules about illegal activity) not only do you chance a federal offense prison term for you AND the recipient....but you and the others will be FOREVER flagged on anything you send via the mail or received from anywhere. Your packages will be opened, delayed and some even damaged from the "inspection". Forever you will be on the radar. That's just one of the things to think about. :-(

Edit: I should add that just because it made to the recipient, does not mean it wasn't discovered. You all could be on their radar as they watch to see what other activities or the volume of your activities is.
Take it from someone who's been there and knows the consequences. If you get caught using the postal services, or UPS or any other shipping service, (read their terms of service and rules about illegal activity) not only do you chance a federal offense prison term for you AND the recipient....but you and the others will be FOREVER flagged on anything you send via the mail or received from anywhere. Your packages will be opened, delayed and some even damaged from the "inspection". Forever you will be on the radar. That's just one of the things to think about. :-(

Edit: I should add that just because it made to the recipient, does not mean it wasn't discovered. You all could be on their radar as they watch to see what other activities or the volume of your activities is.
Thanks for bumping up my paranoia Lady C 💚
I'll definitely lay low for a while on that note. 🙏

"..back n my day.." :rollit:
Hell, that reminds me of when the FBI was profiling the Juggalo/Lette nation. Made being online a dangerous activity, as for a bunch of other stuff. They had us 'gang related' all due to our hatchetman ink. CPS would attempt to use that on Juggalo families, try to take the kids away. Idk if it's changed, however if you got any Juggalo tats they make a fuss about it in the military too. ...ha! We had a march against the FBI pursuit Sept 16; the same day as Trump's inauguration. Their were more juggalos on that same strip than there were supporters at Trump's festive.

🌈🇺🇲 Gotta love the little things in life. 💚
Thanks for bumping up my paranoia Lady C 💚
I'll definitely lay low for a while on that note. 🙏

"..back n my day.." :rollit:
Hell, that reminds me of when the FBI was profiling the Juggalo/Lette nation. Made being online a dangerous activity, as for a bunch of other stuff. They had us 'gang related' all due to our hatchetman ink. CPS would attempt to use that on Juggalo families, try to take the kids away. Idk if it's changed, however if you got any Juggalo tats they make a fuss about it in the military too. ...ha! We had a march against the FBI pursuit Sept 16; the same day as Trump's inauguration. Their were more juggalos on that same strip than there were supporters at Trump's festive.

🌈🇺🇲 Gotta love the little things in life. 💚
We have to be careful we don't step into the forum guidelines about shipping too. :)

Your plants are looking buddly! :)
I have to apologize, I mentioned somewhere on someone's thread..they were sharing a picture of their new groundhog yard buddy and I made a comment it's bigger than Lady C. Little red dog...edit that! I meant Trala's little red dog!!! 😇 Jimmy ❤️ too cute
Enjoying your post. :) Can't say I understand all the post, being an old white guy, that grew up in conservative protestant family.:hmmmm: I'm more of a contrarian.🙄 I have a natural tendency to not go along with the crowd.:hmmmm: Riding motorcycles and being a navy retiree and not having any tattoos and rarely cursing. :hmmmm::oops:
I do have something in common though if I'm reading your post right.🤠 I have a Panamanian wife. And we've been together for 35years. She's wonderful and takes good care of me, but is no joke when angry.:cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
So last week I accidently broke some main colas, and they've been drying in the closet. Decided this morning seems like a good one to try out a tester. It smells sweet, like fruity. I was worried it would be grassy. However it sticks to my fingers and has a good glitter. The hairs are mostly matured. Actually most of the stigmas an pistols are brown throughout the whole grow. Just waiting for the trichomes to amber up. There's lots of milky trichomes, I think there's still clear ones too..the light on the scope I think it messes with the way they look to a degree.

Yum yum
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