Away's First Grow - DIY Closet Grow - TopLED Mars II 80x5 - 2014

Hi again Away, I would just leave the leaves for now, its not hurting anything and removing them is more stress for the plant.

About your outdoor idea, I had the same thought as you for this spring. I'm gonna plant 4-5 plants at my cottage this summer. I found this idea in a journal last fall and thought I might try to replicate it. I can't remember who's journal I got it from, but I've had 4 big black garbage bags full of dead leaves that I raked up last fall sitting in my backyard all winter.;)

I'll just leave them on till they are falling off themselves then :thumb:
The idea that the plants can just sit there all season without much attention is very thrilling i think ^^
Will you make a journal of that grow? i'm excited to hear how it goes down for you bro :high-five:

seems like they got the leaf issue covered but they are looking good
growing is just as satisfying or maybe even more for some then smoking it

Thanks i hope you're right man.. :Namaste:
It's funny cause i told my girlfriend the same thing last night... it's like a half and half.. I already enjoy watching the growing as much as i enjoy smoking man, i could do this till i get old..

I've just been out in the forrest which i plan on making my outdoor grow happen in.. I think they'll have alot more than 5 hours sun at the spot i've found!
in the middle of the forrest, surrounded by heavy vegetation, there is a total hole kind of formation like 30 meters x 30 meters
where its kind of down hill, and in the middle there is a little pond. i'm gonna plant on the outskirts of this place, where there is cover from 3 sides, provided by small aprox 1 meter tall tree's, there will be drainage because of the down-hill formation and the sun will come in from early morning (from around 9-10 AM) till around 6 pm (or so i imagine).
I'm going to buy some All-mix which is a little bit pre-fertilised soil, and i'll go and dig up a patch and mix the all-mix into it, soak it all up and then probably go and turn it a few times, while i wait for the right night temperatures ;) in the meantime i'm thinking i'll pop some seeds (i have yet to chose which ones) and veg them in the closet with the Ed Rosenthal and the bagseed. Then i'll transplant them out as soon as the weather here allows it and then i can make the switch on the Ed Rosenthal in my closet, to make her bloom ;)
Thats the idea for now atleast, any inputs? am i forgetting something? :Namaste:
If you do grow outside I would recommend that you wear tape or those white plastic coverings on your shoes so noone can follow footprints or identify you by your markings or rip off your grow. If the vegetation around you is yellowish and pale you may want to feed them to this way your grow is harder to spot from the air. If you are hauling back and forth make sure if questioned by residents you have a reason to be there such as fishing or bird spotting and have that equipment with you such as binoculars for the bird watching would be less cumbersome. Always cover your ass.
with the bincoulars you will also want a birdwatching handbook of some kind and if you use that exact reasoning with someone better off to wear tape on the soles instead of the whit plastic coverings over your shoes not to arouse suspicions. Also make use of any creekbed and natural bridges through the water such as rocks or wood
I'm a musician so it's all natural to me already to take walks around my neighbourhood with earplugs and a notebook to write lyrics in. Legit explenation i guess :)
I've found another amazing spot for my grow... There is one downside though.. It's right next to a golfcourt..
I dont think smell will be a problem though, because it's more than 50 meters inside some deep vegetation.. It's just hard to get to during daylight because of golfers. It would be so perfect though, it's got 2 meter tall vegetation and a few trees here and there 50 meters to all sides and all, and it'll be getting sun aaaaaaaall day!
So i'm considering if i should do it a little more risky, but with the chance of maybe twice as much sun as the other spot i've found it seems like a considerable idea.. I know what you guys will say "go 1 hour away from any human life or more!!!" and so on, but i know people in my country who've done plants in the most insane places.. I know of a gartner here who grows in our capital and he grows ANYWHERE. Litterally. And most of his plants survive, it's all about putting them in the places you'd least expect he says..
What's your inputs on this more risky buisness? I feel like an activist about weed though, i dont mind standing up for my rights in a courtroom if i have to, incase i get busted, it's more if you think people will find my field?
Activism is a great thing just remember they do not play fair in court they do want to lock you up and they do want your money. If it was on the law itself I would argue circles around these chumps so fast they would think they were surrounded. Sorry about that I just detest the court the government and bad laws. Back to you! If there is A WAY(see what I did there?) to get to it without having to treck through the golfcourse and you can keep them lower then the surrounding vegetation then do it if you feel you can. I will certainly hook up the reps for the danger element but if you play it right it shouldnt be to dangerous as long as you dont think some idiot golfer who shanks the dogleg left will go looking for their hopelessly lost ball then your all good. Just keep the area clean no trash or empty nutrient bottles or soil bags that fingerprints can be lifted from it. Good luck man.
I'm a musician so it's all natural to me already to take walks around my neighbourhood with earplugs and a notebook to write lyrics in. Legit explenation i guess :)
I've found another amazing spot for my grow... There is one downside though.. It's right next to a golfcourt..
I dont think smell will be a problem though, because it's more than 50 meters inside some deep vegetation.. It's just hard to get to during daylight because of golfers. It would be so perfect though, it's got 2 meter tall vegetation and a few trees here and there 50 meters to all sides and all, and it'll be getting sun aaaaaaaall day!
So i'm considering if i should do it a little more risky, but with the chance of maybe twice as much sun as the other spot i've found it seems like a considerable idea.. I know what you guys will say "go 1 hour away from any human life or more!!!" and so on, but i know people in my country who've done plants in the most insane places.. I know of a gartner here who grows in our capital and he grows ANYWHERE. Litterally. And most of his plants survive, it's all about putting them in the places you'd least expect he says..
What's your inputs on this more risky buisness? I feel like an activist about weed though, i dont mind standing up for my rights in a courtroom if i have to, incase i get busted, it's more if you think people will find my field?

"What are you doing out here sir" a policeman might ask "I am picking golf balls out of bounds and off golf property sir" totally legit reason to be there
Activism is a great thing just remember they do not play fair in court they do want to lock you up and they do want your money. If it was on the law itself I would argue circles around these chumps so fast they would think they were surrounded. Sorry about that I just detest the court the government and bad laws. Back to you! If there is A WAY(see what I did there?) to get to it without having to treck through the golfcourse and you can keep them lower then the surrounding vegetation then do it if you feel you can. I will certainly hook up the reps for the danger element but if you play it right it shouldnt be to dangerous as long as you dont think some idiot golfer who shanks the dogleg left will go looking for their hopelessly lost ball then your all good. Just keep the area clean no trash or empty nutrient bottles or soil bags that fingerprints can be lifted from it. Good luck man.

Thanks alot man, i always stay clean when im in nature, put my trash in my pockets. Gotta respect nature.
What is your thoughts on pre-fertilised soils? Could i maybe use some of that, so i wont have to go out to the field too often?
I realise this, but i have a good lawyer i can call 24 hours a day and she only takes care of these kinds of cases, where regular activist minded people go and try to supply themselves (the ones that arent gangmembers, who try to make money).. and she doesnt cost me anything.
She got one of my friends a fine rather than prison sentence for smuggling 3kg's into the country because he meant to use it for his annual 420 demonstration on 4/20 so he could give every1 free joints, obviosly he was planning to keep alot of it for himself, but this was what was stated in court.. he had the joints rolled and ready a week after getting busted, so no biggie.. :) But he got a 12.000 fine which is around 1500 dollars, which is nothing compared to the drug laws.. If he didnt have a good defence he would of been busted to jail right away.. here most people dont know much about what they're talking about when they talk cannabis. even lawyers, judges etc.
For christ sakes, they still call it "Hash-medicine" when they talk about it in the news xD it's like cannabis is still a big nono on the surface, even though every other ordinary man smokes here.. so weird. Hopefully we will learn from Uruguay soon.. :)

I dont have any criminal record either so, my chances are most likely just a fine even for a couple of plants..
Besides that is if they find me ;) just gotta play it smart as you say, and cover my ass.
i'm looking for a way into the growspot from the forrest rather than the golfcourt later today or tommorow.. In that way i can go 100% unnoticed, as long as i keep the digging and noisy stuff to the late evening when noone is around. :thumb:

"What are you doing out here sir" a policeman might ask "I am picking golf balls out of bounds and off golf property sir" totally legit reason to be there

In my situation I am a "Steward" in the area I will be growing next too. Kinda hard to taddle on the taddle tell haha

Yeah true lol i've thought of that as well! Maybe just go out one night and collect a bag of golfballs from the golfcourt (they're lying all over the place obviously) and bring them with me everytime im out there.
All I have to say for right now is wow must be a hell of a lawyer. If I went to court for marijuana related charges I might go the jury nullification route but I hear judges really hate that and will often make sure the jury of your "peers" is as stacked against you as possible. As in make sure they dont smoke never smoked or are deeply against it. The whole legal system is a farce and needs renovated. The very fact that the judge and the prosecution is on the same side should be automatic grounds for dismissal every single time if they followed the letter of the law but they pick and choose what to follow.
All I have to say for right now is wow must be a hell of a lawyer. If I went to court for marijuana related charges I might go the jury nullification route but I hear judges really hate that and will often make sure the jury of your "peers" is as stacked against you as possible. As in make sure they dont smoke never smoked or are deeply against it. The whole legal system is a farce and needs renovated. The very fact that the judge and the prosecution is on the same side should be automatic grounds for dismissal every single time if they followed the letter of the law but they pick and choose what to follow.

i'm glad that our judge system is much more about looking into peoples individual cases and judging from that, than picking out people and eliminate them.. I mean here they go hard on people they think are hard criminals. They wouldnt give out harsh sentences to a regular stoner who tried to supply himself etc especially not with a good lawyer like this lady :) of course we got bugs in our system too though.. I guess there will always be haters and just plain bad people.. So guess you never know, i'd much prefer never to get in touch with all that shit though if i can.

Take up golf. Being a hack golfer allows you "search" for your ball in the "rough" and justifies footprints etc....
I might even enjoy it.. :) seems pretty chill LOL
Hey guys, i'm sorry for my abscence lately, but as you know my own computer is down at the moment and therefor i'm forced to borrow my girlfriends when i need to go on here.. I'm gonna try and update weekly or when i do something i feel calls for an update, but i dont have the same time available online, sadly, as i used to. So bare with me, i'll get it fixed as soon as i can..

Anyway, at the moment i've visualised a plan for my indoors grow and i'd like to hear what you guys think..

Okay so what's happening now is i'm currently on day 34 on the bagseed and day 23 on Ed Rosenthal.
Something i've noticed lately is that all the earlier infected leaves has just slowly started to die off, while most of the new grow aren't touched at all. This must be a good sign, so i'm just letting the leaves sit there till they die off on their own, so i can pull them.

Yesterday i fed them all nicely till i noticed runoff's at the bottom of the containers, so now i'm going to to let the ed rosenthal sit there for a week and let her dry out, so she can use the ferts in the soil and get some air to the roots, because i think i might have watered her slighty too often lately.

The bagseed will be fed judged from the dryness of the soil, cause it's got alot of drainage. Also as you know, i topped the bagseed (first topping ever) a week ago and she has now got 2 fine new tops growing up ^^ My plan here is to top her once more and let her grow straight upwards (topping on 2nd node).

So the future-plans are these:
I will top the bagseed again in 7-14 days.
I will leave Ed as she is, as i think she is bushy enough in her current state, fitting my new plan nicely ;)
Here's the twist: I will keep the bagseed in with ed rosenthal and switch them both to flower in about 4-5 weeks from now :O
that will make for 62-69 days veg from germination for the bagseed and 51-58 veg time from clone on the ed rosenthal, before i switch to 12/12 and flower them both at the same time.. what do you guys think?

- Have a nice weekend everybody, hope you're smoking on something dank ;)

EDIT: I will have a post with pure pictures of the girls coming later tonight, cause i didnt have the camera available right now!
Sounds good man. I cant wait to see the pictures because I may be misunderstanding something. Anyways, I understand about not having the computer I was homeless a few years back and I sure missed my computer and food haha. Whats going on with your computer? I have fixed thousands of computers and am willing to help if it isnt something I would need to be there to actively fix like a hardware issue.
Sounds good man. I cant wait to see the pictures because I may be misunderstanding something. Anyways, I understand about not having the computer I was homeless a few years back and I sure missed my computer and food haha. Whats going on with your computer? I have fixed thousands of computers and am willing to help if it isnt something I would need to be there to actively fix like a hardware issue.

Thanks man, but sadly it is in fact a hardware issue :/ I suspect the PSU to have burned off. Hopefully its that and not the motherboard or something like that.
Damn sounds tough man, i dont hope i'll ever end up homeless, it must be so hard to get back to a regular life from the bottom.. But yeah my computer would be one of the things i'd miss the most, i use it all the time!
I'll have the pictures up in a 3-4 hours hopefully, i'm waiting for my girlfriend to come home so i can use her iphone :)
No problem I will be here. Yeah it was very hard plus it was winter time so it was often very cold. I would sleep on a bench near the grocery store or take the bus for a dollar to get warm again. My shoes were so busted up I had to use rubber bands to secure trash bags to my feet. I would shower at a local gym.
It wont start up at all? It is likely either your power supply as you said or the on/off switch has gone bad and is preventing it from fireing. The way you can tell if it is the psu is more motherboards will have a green or other color light on it to indicate power. Also the back may have a red orange or green light to indicate internet power. Neither of these would indicate if it is the power supply. If they do indicate it is most likely the on off switch.
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