Autos Under A Mars Hydro FC 4800: Soilless & FN Fertilizer, By Farside05

3-5oz from an auto seem to be pretty usual. Even the biggest monsters in DWC usually won't yield much over 200grams/~7oz.

Anyway you're a talented grower and you grow sucha great weed, so definitely aim for those real XXL strains!

Have a nice friday
- Verb

I've had the odd 9.5-12oz autos, but they certainly are not the norm.
Came home this AM. The 4th seed was up more but her cotyledons were stuck together. A little water and a couple lite stokes with a fingertip removed the gunk that had her glued.
Got the last baby transplanted. It's her fault she's behind so she gets no love. Increased the lux to 12k for the other 3 so she's going to have to adapt. Sometimes the unloved child ends up being the best. At 24" hanging height I'm at about 38% to get 12k lux.

EEE Gads. The pic of the dimmer is way out of focus. Maybe one should be more sober when operating the camera. It seemed in focus when I took it.
Got the last baby transplanted. It's her fault she's behind so she gets no love. Increased the lux to 12k for the other 3 so she's going to have to adapt. Sometimes the unloved child ends up being the best. At 24" hanging height I'm at about 38% to get 12k lux.

Hey @farside05, she gets no love, lol. I was just curious as to whether or not you always went directly from sprout to final pot, or if that was just for this grow? I do both, just depends on how lazy I am that grow. Lol.
Hey @farside05, she gets no love, lol. I was just curious as to whether or not you always went directly from sprout to final pot, or if that was just for this grow? I do both, just depends on how lazy I am that grow. Lol.
For autos I do. Photos tend to go to solo cups until their leaves reach the edge of the cup, and then to their final 5 gallon pots.
I'm spent. Got up at 5:hmmmm: trimmed, dropped new seeds, installed the new fan and filter, cleaned up the he lab, knocked all the Pro-Mix out of the Roots balls and added it to the pile for this summers outdoor ornamentals, rinsed and scrubbed the fabric pots to get rid of some of the caked on salts, made 3 batches of gummies, decarbed weed for a batch of oil, made 3 cups of coconut oil for more gummies, and filled the pots of or the upcoming grow. Spent 13 hours on weed related activities. Whew!
Do you have your process typed up for making gummies that you can share?

I have your recipe bookmarked, just not the process.
Do you have your process typed up for making gummies that you can share?

I have your recipe bookmarked, just not the process.

6oz your desired flavor of Jello (1 family size box or 2 regular size boxes)
.75oz unflavored gelatin (3 - .25oz packets)
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup canna coconut oil
1/4 cup light corn syrup

I don't know if the order of combining ingredients really matters, but I tend to add the dry powders, then the water, then oil, and lastly the syrup. By adding the syrup to the 1/4 cup measuring cup previously used for the oil, it pours out easily from the cup with little to no sticky residue.

Combine all the products in a medium sized sauce pan. Stir to combine. Heat over medium size heat until it bubbles. Continue stirring and heating for approximately 2 minutes after it bubbles. Note - If you don't cook it long enough they won't set up.

I use 3.5ml gummy bear molds. Makes 105 bears (3 sheets). She me people dust their molds with corn starch. I spray mine LIGHTLY with cooking spray. I also use a condiment bottle for easy dispensing of the hello into the molds.

Pour cooked jello into condiment bottle. Note, it's still really hot. I wrap a towel around the bottle so I can pour from it without burning my hand. Dispense into molds. I have my molds sitting on a cookie sheet for easier transport. Allow to sit for 15 min or so. It lets them set up a bit before moving them. Keeps them from sloshing around in the mold and gives a cleaner product. Transfer to a freezer. Let sit in the freezer for 30-45 min. Remove from molds.

If you want them "Sour patch style". On a cookie sheet, combine 1/2 cup sugar and 2 tsp Citric Acid. Mix around with fingers to combine the sugar and citric acid. Add gummies and toss to coat.
Everybody looks happy. The last one up is showing no I'll effects of being hit with more intense light right off the bat.

Cool water collection trays, I dig those. So you upped the light, eh? I applaud that always. People, in my humble opinion, get too wrapped up in how much light to give seedlings. They pop out in nature and grow in direct sunlight all the time don't they? I'm reasonably certain the sun hits a seedling with more ppfd or LUX than any LED can provide, and it begins the moment the seed breaks ground. So why are we so worried about keeping them at 200 or 300 ppfd or whatever? Give em light!!!! They're PLANTS.
Cool water collection trays, I dig those. So you upped the light, eh? I applaud that always. People, in my humble opinion, get too wrapped up in how much light to give seedlings. They pop out in nature and grow in direct sunlight all the time don't they? I'm reasonably certain the sun hits a seedling with more ppfd or LUX than any LED can provide, and it begins the moment the seed breaks ground. So why are we so worried about keeping them at 200 or 300 ppfd or whatever? Give em light!!!! They're PLANTS.

There's numerous things that growers do that go against the rules of nature. I blame it on the arrogance of man. Does Phosphorus and Potassium magically fall from the sky when plants start to bloom? Does Nitrogen disappear (or drastically reduce) in the soil at that same time? Do all nutrients vanish the last 2 weeks of a grow and a monsoon of water occurs to "flush" the plant? Or 2 day long solar eclipses just before harvest?
There's numerous things that growers do that go against the rules of nature. I blame it on the arrogance of man. Does Phosphorus and Potassium magically fall from the sky when plants start to bloom? Does Nitrogen disappear (or drastically reduce) in the soil at that same time? Do all nutrients vanish the last 2 weeks of a grow and a monsoon of water occurs to "flush" the plant? Or 2 day long solar eclipses just before harvest?
You know, @farside05, that is an excellent point. I wasn't at all thinking about it from this perspective, kind of the opposite actually. I see exactly what you mean though. And this would for sure be an argument in favor of staying the "low ppfd" (say 200-400 ppfd ish) course for seedlings. To be clear, I wasn't at all suggesting anyone do otherwise, I was just saying it more observationally. That said, I'm often one of those who like to set the light and run it at 100% output start to finish, and adjust my ppfd levels via lifting the plants if necessary. Since I'm chair bound, it's easier to not have to mess with the light (highest thing I have to mess with). So I have experimented a bit with seedlings and light levels, and a few times have had them in the 600-700 ppfd range right out of the dirt. I've also sprouted a few in direct sunlight outdoors. Both of those experiences would seem to argue that seedling can indeed take as much light as you can give them, right? But now, here's another one - I have also burned seedling the hell up to dying completely by overdoing LED light in the seedling stage, when I tried it at the same ppfd level as I would use for flower just to see what would happen. They didn't last long that way, lmao. So I guess what I'm saying is that there doesn't seem to be any goddamn rhyme nor reason to it!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Everybody looks happy. The last one up is showing no I'll effects of being hit with more intense light right off the bat.
Jeez, boring over here too!
Does Phosphorus and Potassium magically fall from the sky when plants start to bloom?
Yes. pH adjusted of course.
Does Nitrogen disappear (or drastically reduce) in the soil at that same time?
Absolutely, and it's all nitrate.
Do all nutrients vanish the last 2 weeks of a grow and a monsoon of water occurs to "flush" the plant?
They seem to have forgotten to turn on the scheduled monsoons here the last decade or so. :hmmmm:
Or 2 day long solar eclipses just before harvest?
That's how you know when to harvest...just after the nuclear winter clears.
Jeez, boring over here too!

Yes. pH adjusted of course.

Absolutely, and it's all nitrate.

They seem to have forgotten to turn on the scheduled monsoons here the last decade or so. :hmmmm:

That's how you know when to harvest...just after the nuclear winter clears.

The Sarcasm is strong with this Jedi.
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