Auto Growers Unite: A Community Thread

watch her go .

Nice already frosting up this early in flower... she gonna go yeti on you hehe

Thanks for this thread everyone! It's full of great information!

I just started my first grow of all autoflowers: Tutankhamen, Amnesia Molotov, Crystal Meth, Northern Light and Northern Light Blue. Here's a shot of my girls on day 8:



I've got a 4x4' T5 light and a 1000w hps on the way. Growing in Roots Organic soil and on a 20/4 light schedule. I'm thinking about adding a 1/4 dose of FF Big Bloom in my next watering... too early?
To me looks like the normal cal mag problem that happens midway thru flower just deficient when those leaves will die u better get some cal mag to it quick so all the sugar leaves don't get it. That will cause buds to get bud rot when harvested and just make bud taste nasty just my 2 cents had samething happen to me on my first grow


i can give epsom (MgSO4.H2O) salts and my tapwater is already very calcinated ... that may work ... i may be able to go to the growshop in a few days ...

Compare that to a 100% ruderalis


They are ruderalis. Called crop king. They said they have never heard of a customer receiving ruderalis seeds before. That probabaly it was a hermie. Check for pollen sacs they say. But their auto fem seeds, I say. How could the berm? They say to send pics. Got email saying that autoflowers need plenty of light and should be grown outdoors. They should get at least 18 hours a day. I say ..ok. They've been on 20/4. They say well 20 is way too much light. I say, why do you advertise on seed info that it is indoor/outdoor strain, and print that indoor results better yield? They actually first told me that what did I expect to get, that I ordered a ruderalis plant. I said you advertise a 10% ruderalis plant with the difference of 100% being split between sativa & indica. They said we shouldn't even put the ruderalis in the description because it makes it confusing for them to explain to customers. He said if I didn't want a ruderalis plant, I shouldn't have ordered an autoflower, & should have ordered a feminized seed. He said their was nothing wrong with their seeds, thrash are the best in the bizz, it was my fault, so many excuses this arse clown made up. I sent pics of my more normal looking plants ago compare to the faulty ones. Again, he comes with his bullskate. I honestly don't even think this dummass has even seen weed outside of a paper joint. Anyways, after many emails, and him calling me a Whiney crybaby for asking questions he. Opulent answer, he said he's re shipping amnesia haze autos. And additionally, I was banned from ever ordering from them again. No other emails I sent were responded by "Crop King Seeds."

And all this after I initially mentioned how I recommended them, up until I realized, rather it was brought to my attention by some astute members here, that I had ruderalis dominant, not sativa (slightly) dominant (as advertised by cks) seeds. What a joke. I told them I understood that mistakes happen. I understood. I know it's not Crop King Seeds way of treating customers, & I hope, for the future of their company, that they find this employee , & re educate him on proper customer service skills. This dude acted like he WANTSto get fired.

We will see if they do actually make this right. To be continued..........
Honestly that Rudy plant may have been an uncommon genetic expression but it could have been handled better on their end. The plant was'nt a hermie, what i saw was a female plant with sparse calyx and not nanners. First auto ive seen that looked like that.
Wow, Moonshine! What a bad experience you had with them! I've heard good and bad about Crop King, mostly bad. I certainly wouldn't order from them after hearing your story. Thanks for sharing!!

No problem. I don't really want to break it off in em, but damn...that rep for them should be fired as well as the idiot that hired him. I have the emails from to prove it.
As far as autos needing at least 18 hours a day, mine has been under 12/12 (alongside photo periods) for over two weeks and as from March 17 the light cycle dropped from 18 hours by 1 hour every two days until I hit 12/12 and she is thriving. I fully expect to get some nice, dense, juicy fat buds from her.
As far as autos needing at least 18 hours a day, mine has been under 12/12 (alongside photo periods) for over two weeks and as from March 17 the light cycle dropped from 18 hours by 1 hour every two days until I hit 12/12 and she is thriving. I fully expect to get some nice, dense, juicy fat buds from her.

They don't NEED 18 a day. They do best using.
It's been shown, and proven that less than 18 affects both growth and yield negatively.

If you're running a SOG then it really doesn't matter if you've got 12+ plants going.

You can also start and run a photo fem seed using 12/12, start to finish. It works. It's been done. It's stunted, the yield is shorter and far less but it can be done. Just another example of genetics not being used to their full potential.
They don't NEED 18 a day. They do best using.
It's been shown, and proven that less than 18 affects both growth and yield negatively.

If you're running a SOG then it really doesn't matter if you've got 12+ plants going.

You can also start and run a photo fem seed using 12/12, start to finish. It works. It's been done. It's stunted, the yield is shorter and far less but it can be done. Just another example of genetics not being used to their full potential.

I understand what you are saying and won't argue with you. It certainly wan't my intention to grow my auto this way. This is my first auto grow and the breeders gave a timeline of 59 days from seed to harvest. It is currently on day 70 and and has only been in flower for 16 days. Originally, I envisaged it only spending about 2 weeks at 12/12, but had it truly been 59 days from seed to harvest, it would only have spent mere days at 12/12.

As far as yield goes, the breeders suggested a yield of around 45 grams, but I expect in excess of four to five ounces at the very least. Would I have got more had I kept it above 18 hours? Probably, but my photos would have escaped the tent and invaded my bedroom and suffocated me as I slept. So, as you can see, on this occasion, it was a trade off.

Don't think I was advocating growing autos this way, I was merely illustrating the point that the comments Moonshine received from the seed suppliers was a great steaming pile of horse shit.

Another day at the beach!! Hope you are having a great "Good Friday"

These are day 65 & 69........should I be trimming these at all at this point. I'm thinking 7-10 more days on most of them. The two bigger plants maybe a tad more. Or possibly I will partial harvest the ones as they come to my liking....very little amber. Thanks
No problem. I don't really want to break it off in em, but damn...that rep for them should be fired as well as the idiot that hired him. I have the emails from to prove it.

Bad customer service can destroy what a company has been working hard to build for over 10 years. This is a popular thread that you shared your experience on and because of that many new growers looking for a seed bank will go some where else.
You'd think popular seed banks would ask you if you are on any of the grow forums out there so they could see for themselves if a customer like you really experienced something rare or if it's a new grower just making beginner mistakes.
Banning you from making any purchases in the future just adds insult to injury. That really stinks!
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