Auto Grow

Here some pics of what i mean.6 days left for this lady then chop.some monster buds enjoy folks;)
Congratulations! "Bagseed lady" always makes me giggle :)

Thanks glimmer 6 days remaining nearly the end for bagseed definatly gna miss i have already got a few soldiers germing to start the same training process all over again.and guess will be another bagseed;) ha ha.
Thanks alot atrain update in 2 days . But as u have asked i will snap a few pics of the autos tnite when go to water them and will upload them in a few hours. there doing very well;)
Here u go atrain;) i took autoultimate out of the tent for u to see here she is .beast of a plant no health issues .just heat damage;) but she is not botherd 1 bit;)
And here is my first attempt at a mainline the term mainlining top as many times as u want .and remove all other growth so ur left with just the arms u topped for big buds.i topped mine 4 times so 8 tops.just repotted her ready for full flower
and i supercropped each branch in an effort for bigger buds of those branches here she is.she is a bagseed .strain unknown.
Some read of 24 pages of posts. It amazing what you come across on this site. All your autos are looking great and so is your bagseed. What happened to the other bagseed you had which you said you put outside?

My 2 cents on the bagseed you got in the grow tent looks very sativa-like to me (as someone else had said the same thing earlier). If it is a sativa then 10-11 weeks of flowering MAY not be enough for her. Some sativas can take 16 weeks to flower! Get a jeweler's loup or a wee pocket microscope (can get from matalan for a tenner or less than) and check the trich's. If most are still clear then the plant may require longer flowering. If so do you have a trusted friend who can keep an eye on her while you are away?

Look forward to seeing the final results of all your plants once done. I grow outdoors up here in bonnie scotland (this is first outdoor grow, not first time growing). Had some problems so hoping to do autos next year. Take a look at my journal and you'll see my problems that i have had but looks like i will have some smoke soon enough. Here is the link - Glasgrow's Outdoor Grow - Early Skunk - Scotland
Glasgow thanks alot mate and im with u thinking bagseed is sativa.but she has to come down on friday due to a family holiday.no1 to watch it while i am away.i know she could bud longer but time was against me from the start with this girl.she has been flushed for the last week and a half and tried a few tricks to make her finish faster .seems to be working the buds on her are getting very hard.and thanks for reading all my journel;) the lady i put outside sadly died the dogs had a chew on it.and the weather is not great anyway.but its ok i have another bagseed germing at the mo for my next adventure;)
Glasgow il pop by ur journel when i finished work and a settled back home after todays events which do include auto update as it is monday here in the dull looking uk lol;)
Shame about your other auto that was outdoors. Nothing ventured nothing gained. At least if you do go outside again then you know what to expect although there is still a lot to learn and take nothing for granted. My two big problems were slugs and deer. Didnt take precautions for the slugs and didnt have time to erect a wee cover for protection from the deer. Almost lost 1 plant to slugs and did lose 1 to deer (i think). Next time i will make a cover with bamboo canes and netting, should provide enough cover.

Shame you couldnt set up a pump on a timer to water that bagseed while you were away. Would be very surprised if it was properly finished by the time you chop but these plants are full of surprises and it may be close to being properly finished. Where in the uk are you based?
Im in the east coast.and it wasnt an auto i lost outside was a bagseed.and i know i will lose some yield but i dont mind as i said i have changed a few things this last 2 weeks to speed the finishing process up and seems to be working .il still manage a good yield im sure of that;)
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