Auto Grow

And glasgow i never plan on growing weather is something i dont care to challenge lol.indoors is best keep the ladies safe warm and cosy;)
If i could grow indoors i would but dont have enough. Also got a 2 year old so the risk isnt worth it, hence the reason i do outdoors. Even if i had space the smell can get strong dependant on strain and with the little ones grandparents visiting from time to time it couldnt be done. Getting to and from the site is easy enough without attracting attention and done in a clearing of a forest.
Glimmer thanks alot :) i supose she does make me proud they all do;) her buds are so big and gna get eager to see if she is gna get bigger than my biggest buds;)
Auto update time 10 weeks old today.70 days. Will leave another 2 to 3 weeks to flower see how they go.bit of nute burn on some leafs but apart from that all fighting fit.and all smell so beautiful and budding a treat here is think diffrent automatic;)
And a group shot of the auto sisters;)also all buds on all plants are rock hard so dont let the small looking buds fool u.they will soon catch up.promising for a heavy yield of beautiful buds. happy growing every1
Golfer thanks alot and ok il take that on board i will edit all pics from now on so there the right way up;) happy growing
Well a change of plan bagseed lady will be harvested unexpected letter from landlord wants to pay a visit risks today is her last day of hps rays makes me abit sad i will miss looking in on the big beauty.will give her till later today and harvest before dark so can get some quality buds shots.happy growing every1;)
Well a change of plan bagseed lady will be harvested unexpected letter from landlord wants to pay a visit risks today is her last day of hps rays makes me abit sad i will miss looking in on the big beauty.will give her till later today and harvest before dark so can get some quality buds shots.happy growing every1;)

Damn landlords, think they own the gaff !!!

Lovely grow you got going on... Your space looks similar to mine in size...
Gonna get it finished and order my beans... Today !!!

Happy days

Got my rocking chair, pipe and slippers.... All set and comfy, to enjoy your grow

Big hello to all current followers of this journal

Budworshipper ha ha;) i dont see much of the landlord so could be worse but still a pain.but il get a yield so its all good.thanks for stopping by my grow and thanks for the kind words.hope u enjoy the rest of the show;) happy growing.will be posting pics later when trimmed and chopped up bagseed lady;)
And here is autoultimate;)
This plant is missing about 10 main colas which were cut off about 3 weeks ago.this was not down to me.the auto grow at a friends house so i dont kno who is to blame but they snipped about 10 very big budsites off autoultimate lady.u can see in the pics the empty spaces in the middle were big buds should for that reason when this grow is gna get another autoultimate and grow her again but with all her colas and i will be topping her.but no training;) she will be a beast of a plant.anyway good day all;)
Well 2 hours of trimming then had to cut her up and hang in boxes but bagseed harvest is complete .her soul has gone to a better place and her buds will be enjoyed been smoked;) ha ha
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