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Please help!! Are these males?
female lookin to me
KP, look into SLF-100. My local guy suggested it for anyone that may have salt build up on the roots which will cause lockout. I did 3 tsp per gallon for a flush then 1 tsp per gallon once a week as part of my feeding schedule. It's a supplement that I will include in all my grows. Hydro and soil.

GL and Keep'em Green...
I have been using SLF 100 for a while now. It does help with salt build up and it also really keeps shit clean. It's just an enzyme so It does what all the others do.
I noticed this white dusty spots and thought it was polled sacks that had popped
I dont know how you found a seed on her that is pure female and i dont see any sign of it being pollinated by a male .Females make those flowers and the balls you are referring to are called calax and is where the white hair or pistols emerge from

When a female is pollinated by a male or she hermied she will grow what looks like small bananas on the bud sites that hold pollen which then can pollinate your other plants

If your sure you found a seed then she has been pollinated by a male or hermied early on as the seeds take quite some time to fully form .If she is your only plant i would say just let it grow but if she is with others chances are they have also been polinated are good and you should check them .

I also have a hermi in my grow and decided to finish the grow as she is very close to done i hope seeds dont have enough time to form but we will see

. From Africa
Good day all

Now for the great question any first time grower dreams of lol .!!

Trust me it's been a learning curve over the last few months but it's worth it

How long do do you guys think I have left to go looking for first amber trics but seem to have just gone milky

Not one for couch lock so want to harvest at the perfect time .... Thinking about like 5% amber ...?? Not sure at all and would love any advice and pointers

She is at day 72 of flower and was only put to 12/12 when she was very mature and full of preflowers so a very long veg .This is a unknown strain but looks like a cross

Now for the pics





. From Africa
Any advice guys thinking of harvesting her on Saturday but not 100% sure she is ready .Thanks in advance

. From Africa

Just wondering, im about 4 weeks into flowering and i find a lot of small leaves growing in the white hairs... is that normal (first grow-jock horror-outside grow)

It's a beautiful thing my friend. The buds are forming. Inner leaves pushing out.

Good looking plant by the way...

GL and Keep'em Green...
Hey friends so I went outside to check my autos run off ppm
Wise and it read 280 -285 ppm. Week 1 flower how much more ph perfect should I put in? For bloom
Or micro using about 2 ml per gal right now ?
Hey friends so I went outside to check my autos run off ppm
Wise and it read 280 -285 ppm. Week 1 flower how much more ph perfect should I put in? For bloom
Or micro using about 2 ml per gal right now ?

I need to know stuff like this too so will be closely monitoring any answers to your question and I'm sincere when I say thanks for asking. I'm still new to a lot of this so trying to learn as much as I possibly can. What I can tell you is if you can, play music they will help plant growth it's even better if you start in veg but can promote growth. As always, I have provided a source to support my argument. It's not the music itself that matters, it's the vibrations that promote root stimulation . Many sources, favorite provided.

The Effect of Music on Plant Growth | Dengarden




From bag seed, very hot climate. Pistols seem to have disappeared this week while waiting for them to amber.

Should I pull and dry now and is this what it looks like when they hermie?
Thank you all! Heartbroken FL girl
Hey friends so I went outside to check my autos run off ppm
Wise and it read 280 -285 ppm. Week 1 flower how much more ph perfect should I put in? For bloom
Or micro using about 2 ml per gal right now ?
It's advisable to continue your veg nutes through the stretch and preflower. Start the 12 12 with the 90% strength of "grow" nutes you were using previously with bloom nutes at 10%. as you get further into flower lower the grow nutes and up the bloom. I know a highly respected member of these forums uses both grow and bloom nutes the entire time and adjusts ratios as needed. I believe he said like only a ml of bloom in veg. But claims using both has throughout has almost erased nutrient deficiency problems for him. Hope this helped! The more you know the more you grow....

I really didn't think about humidity in terms of my seedling should it really be that high. Also I'm using 2 cfl bulbs 100 w 5000k and 1500 lumens would it be safe to start using my 600 w led light and just keep it high enough so that it doesn't burn it or is it too soon
also can anyone tell me why the leafs are fading and turning a pale color?
for the time being I'm using distilled water and just found out yesterday that the ph of the water was
8.6 so obv when I get home I wana use ph down and make sure we get the right ph
I really didn't think about humidity in terms of my seedling should it really be that high. Also I'm using 2 cfl bulbs 100 w 5000k and 1500 lumens would it be safe to start using my 600 w led light and just keep it high enough so that it doesn't burn it or is it too soon
also can anyone tell me why the leafs are fading and turning a pale color?
for the time being I'm using distilled water and just found out yesterday that the ph of the water was
8.6 so obv when I get home I wana use ph down and make sure we get the right ph
I totally meant to mention that... Ph should be checked first always... If it's out of range your babies cannot absorb the proper nutes. Lol totally should have suggested that first! Glad to hear you figured it out tho. Totally could go under your led. If there's a veg switch is start it with just that at 3 to 4 ft from babe. Should be good even w.o veg switch just start far away, watch for stretch, and adjust accordingly best of luck!
Why are mutant plants considered special and what makes a plant a mutant plant
Top 10 Craziest Cannabis Mutations

Because they are less common. Check out the link for examples of mutations. Some will effect your grow, others are harmless and just look cool :) again rarity makes them more special but some mutations are undesirable. Hope that helps!

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