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Well I'm sure you could chop today if you are inclined :) I would reccomend a full 48 hours of darkness prior to harvest. Once last chance to get her to push out resin. If you have multiple lady's maybe remove 1 and give her the 48 hours and if you like what you see start a choppin! That's my personal plan for my first 3 ladies; space them 5 days apart. That way when I flower mom I'll know exactly where I want her come harvest time! Best of luck enjoy your harvest!
Thanks Bud

This was my first run and quite pleased so far , i do have another girl in the same space more sativa looking cross and is a bit behind this girl but both were bag seed from great stock and she decided to herm on me and she is about 2 weeks from done so a bit behind the one i showed you .I actualy want to harvest the one in the pics above before the hermi's pollen sacks mature so i think i will choo her this weekend

I just hope its not to soon .
Thank you for asking this question as I'm seeing similar results except mine is just a week old
would any of you be able to tell me why this young baby is appearing a light green on the first leaves
I've had it far at the begging and it was stretching so I put the light super close to the plant to prevent stretching and having her fall over for now she sprouted in a jiffy pellet then I transplanted her Into a solo cup with Fox farm soil and for water since germination I've been giving her distilled water. Any help would be appreciated


I'm a new grower, journal in my signature, wondering about my bud sites. I have one plant with three large colas and one small, and another plant with four large colas and 3-4 small ones coming off the main branches. I'm using LST to keep them all about the same height. Currently using foliage nutes at 1/2 strength, increasing to full strength next week.

I understand that more sites means smaller buds overall, but I'm sure there's some general ratio that people like to follow. Do you have thoughts on this? Should i snip all minor bud sites and focus on the big ones? Or should should i let all sites grow?

Any thoughts are appreciated.

I'm growing in organic soil, not a sponsor. But it's super soil, and even states on the bag it is great to use for cannabis. BlueSky Organics™ | SUPER SOIL™ | BlueSky Organics™

Ingredients: Coconut Fiber, Composted Forest Material, Feather Meal, Fish Bone Meal, Guano, Gypsum, Greensand, Kelp Meal, Mycorrhizae, Non-GMO Alfalfa Meal, Organic pH Adjusters, Peat Moss, Perlite, Rock Dust, Rock Phosphate, Soybean Meal, Wormcastings.

Now my question is in regards to PH. When I first started my grow I wasn't ph'ing my water properly. 3-4 weeks in I realized that the method I used for PH'ing was flawed, and I corrected that going forward. Thinking that issue at the time was related to PH, but I believe now that it was calcium.

Fast forward to today, and everything I read states that I should NOT be ph'ing my water because it is damaging to the micro life in the soil, and that this soil takes care of monitoring the ph. Adjusting your pH when growing in soil damaging your plants!

So having said that, I should stop ph'ing my water....right?
I'm a new grower, journal in my signature, wondering about my bud sites. I have one plant with three large colas and one small, and another plant with four large colas and 3-4 small ones coming off the main branches. I'm using LST to keep them all about the same height. Currently using foliage nutes at 1/2 strength, increasing to full strength next week.

I understand that more sites means smaller buds overall, but I'm sure there's some general ratio that people like to follow. Do you have thoughts on this? Should i snip all minor bud sites and focus on the big ones? Or should should i let all sites grow?

Any thoughts are appreciated.

If they are getting ample light I would leave them. May help to train your larger higher flower sites out and not the lower flower sites so they can grow up to even height as the others flatter is better imo
If they are getting ample light I would leave them. May help to train your larger higher flower sites out and not the lower flower sites so they can grow up to even height as the others flatter is better imo

Thanks for the input. I have been stretching the bigger sites out a bit more so that the little ones can catch up. I guess I'll just keep rolling forward, try to keep them level.
I am in week 9 of flower for a plant that calls for 8 weeks...i have no way to zoom in on trichromes to view if Amber or not

Not sure when I should cut her down...i am moving in 3 weeks and need her to dry before I move.

Here are some photos of where i am at right now.

Any advice where I can't get in any closer to view the trics would be great as to when I should harvest. 3 weeks before I move and this is where I am at

Here are a few shots I just took









Any reason to worry or just let father time work his magic?
First time so every single thing is new to me no matter how much I see or read or research.
Last time I had a seed germinate and turn yellow like that she was dead minutes later.

I think it was either too much heat from sun and heat did her in...had a dome over her outside...hope you get yours to pull through
My temps have been in the mid 20's and rh between 50-60%
What about your soil? Is it loose or packed in hard?

Not sure what else..someone else may have a thought...would love to k ow cause I had the same thing happen to one of mine..just died off almost riggt away
Hi guys my seedling are a week old and I just left for work for a week. My brother forgot to turn the lights on so, the lights will be off for 24 hrs . Will they die?
What about your soil? Is it loose or packed in hard?

Not sure what else..someone else may have a thought...would love to k ow cause I had the same thing happen to one of mine..just died off almost riggt away
It's in a rooting cube right now. I barely put any coco ontop.
I am in week 9 of flower for a plant that calls for 8 weeks...i have no way to zoom in on trichromes to view if Amber or not

Not sure when I should cut her down...i am moving in 3 weeks and need her to dry before I move.

Here are some photos of where i am at right now.

Any advice where I can't get in any closer to view the trics would be great as to when I should harvest. 3 weeks before I move and this is where I am at

...Can't really tell from those pics...but...your pistils are receding...any natural light photos?...assume 5 days for drying, a day for trimming...and just work it into your move schedule, and let'um ride...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:

Just wondering, im about 4 weeks into flowering and i find a lot of small leaves growing in the white hairs... is that normal (first grow-jock horror-outside grow)
Any reason to worry or just let father time work his magic?
First time so every single thing is new to me no matter how much I see or read or research.
Swag your second pic is what mine looked like last night when I posted. She seems to be fine now. My cotyledons are asymetrical but I have no reason for concern. I'm not sure about your first pic though. Maybe other more experienced friends can offer an answer.
Hi guys my seedling are a week old and I just left for work for a week. My brother forgot to turn the lights on so, the lights will be off for 24 hrs . Will they die?
No, but why turn them off at all? Especially if you're not there and don't have a timer! 1wk old can be on 24-7 not a big deal.
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