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Ok, I put 6 3 mo. old plants by sunny window, about 3 weeks ago, to let them get a little sun before transplanting them to outside garden. I went to check them today and they're starting to bloom, like they're 2 weeks into 12/12. I've did this same routine for like 4 yrs., same window, same sun, why did they go into bloom prematurely ? And, are these plants salvageable or do I kiss my 2017 outside grow goodbye. strains are cheese, pineapple chunk, critical +. I have a strain of blue dream that once it shows bloom, it will never revert to veg..
this is one of the plants in question BC big bud

Hang it upside down . it'll grow with gravity rather than against it. Cloth over the top of the pot making a neck hole and expose the bottom for backwards feeding .
Ok, I put 6 3 mo. old plants by sunny window, about 3 weeks ago, to let them get a little sun before transplanting them to outside garden. I went to check them today and they're starting to bloom, like they're 2 weeks into 12/12. I've did this same routine for like 4 yrs., same window, same sun, why did they go into bloom prematurely ? And, are these plants salvageable or do I kiss my 2017 outside grow goodbye. strains are cheese, pineapple chunk, critical +. I have a strain of blue dream that once it shows bloom, it will never revert to veg..

I'm not sure if I'm misreading the post.. did you want to keep them in veg for longer or something? Strains flower at different speeds / stages. Fast flowers is generally a sought out trait..
Is the sun out for more than 12hrs where you live? If so I get what you mean.. you'll just have to keep them out of the light for 12hrs a day so they dont revert to veg.
Sorry to hear !
My problem is once I start I get excited then it really gets goin then I get scared cause it REALLY gets goin then I get figity and frustrated cause theres too much goin on and I cant think of anything then I get kinda nasty and defensive and scary. Its not good. I HAVE to slow things down a bit.
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