Ase's Perpetual Fun With Coco

I was told two weeks or in ten days flush just ph down tap or rain water only yes leaves will yellow as well I hope hat helps but for drying you need to try this new method everyone is hyping about . Dr ziggys slow drying thread for how to slow dry your herb so it keeps all the terpenes in. a must look sir.

In soil yes, but in coco it doesn't need to be that long. I dig Ziggies method but I do not have a fridge for it and I don't have the time to wait. I prefer flushing, washing and then hanging the plant whole or split in half and letting dry for a week in my controlled tent. I may try Ziggies method with a sample and I do believe it works, the science makes perfect sense, but I really don't have the space or time and that's a big factor.
In soil yes, but in coco it doesn't need to be that long. I dig Ziggies method but I do not have a fridge for it and I don't have the time to wait. I prefer flushing, washing and then hanging the plant whole or split in half and letting dry for a week in my controlled tent. I may try Ziggies method with a sample and I do believe it works, the science makes perfect sense, but I really don't have the space or time and that's a big factor.

Just looking out sir...
Just looking out sir...

Good looking out. I wish I had more time to try all these methods (and space). So much forward thinking on these forums. Congrats on your GJOTM winnings last month. You have a lot of pages there to read so I'll have to dive in on a weekend but looking forward to checking that out. That would be a cool award to win.:bravo:
Good looking out. I wish I had more time to try all these methods (and space). So much forward thinking on these forums. Congrats on your GJOTM winnings last month. You have a lot of pages there to read so I'll have to dive in on a weekend but looking forward to checking that out. That would be a cool award to win.:bravo:

Thank you sir .

Yeah take your time I am all over the place in that journal .

I have came along way but I know it's just the beginning .
Still looking great in here I see. Some nice ladies coming up in the ranks now. :thumb:
I use a jewelers loupe and I make sure to check out the trichomes on the bud itself. Some people will check the sugar leaves and sugar leaves will always be more amber than the bud. That is why sugar leaves make such a good stoney high when you roll them in joints and such. Anyways, I usually just look to see if there is any amber or not. If there is not then there is no way I'm flushing. If I see about 5-10% amber I'm usually right in the range to flush. If for some reason I flush for a week and the trichs are still about 10% then I'll go a few more days. In coco I have heard of people doing a flush for only a couple days so if they start to go amber too quick then you can cull them but I like to flush at least a week and the trichs usually go from 5-10% amber to 15-20% amber. 30% clear, 50% cloudy and 20% amber is what I want them to usually be when I pull them.

I know about the trichomea and when to flush. I just wondered how long is it untill you know the plant is properly flushed out?

I could of worded what i meant better my bad .
I know about the trichomea and when to flush. I just wondered how long is it untill you know the plant is properly flushed out?

I could of worded what i meant better my bad .

Ahhh I see. It's when the water you are putting in (PPMs) matches the water draining out. Since you are just using regular water, the drain water should be under 100PPMs coming out.

When you are feeding you are loading the coco up with nutrients so the roots can leech off of it. By flushing all that away the plant has no where to look but itself to get those nutrients and it will start to finish knowings it's only got what it's stored in the leaves and that's it!
I know about the trichomea and when to flush. I just wondered how long is it untill you know the plant is properly flushed out?

I could of worded what i meant better my bad .

After re-reading this again I think you are asking once you've flushed, how do you know when the plant is then ready to be pulled? As my other answer stated I make sure the PPM is below 100 coming out and then I just use regular water for 7-10 days. At this point I am only watching trichs and I pull at about 20% amber. Whether that takes a few days or 2 weeks, I'll pull it when she meets my trichome ratio that I want. Most of the harshness of the plant is actually filtered out during curing which is why properly storing your ganja in mason jars, in the dark, in a heat/humidity controlled environment is super important. Flushing helps with this transition to curing but my first grow ever I only flushed for 2 days (in soil) and I could taste the harshness of not doing it long enough. After a few weeks in jars it was smooth and the smoke was noticeably different. In recent grows I flushed properly and the ganja was proper to smoke after a week (not harsh and good flavor) and then after the 3 weeks or so it really smelt great and was incredibly smooth.

I encourage everyone to smoke your stuff a little bit every few days (cmon most of us do anyways, who has the patience to wait that long?) and see the difference. It's like drinking beer before it is stored and filtered. Everyone should know what that tastes like so they can tell what aging/curing does. It will also give your pallet a range of what fresh, uncured bud is like (and the high you get) and what properly cured stuff is like. You will for sure be able to tell a huge difference week by week until its ready.
Still looking great in here I see. Some nice ladies coming up in the ranks now. :thumb:

Thanks Blaze

I was going to ask you if you have tried doing more training on your girls before and what were the results? I thought I read somewhere that on average you are getting like 3 oz a plant or something? Is that just topping and then doing some minor LST? I was wondering what your experience has been with doing some hard training vs your current style and why you do it the way you currently do. I don't have the height so I just can't let my girls get as tall as some as yours are. Your plants really look strong. I haven't gotten into your new journal yet (which I need to do) but I'll make it over shortly!
On my last successful run my average was just over 4 oz a plant. My goal with each run is to improve on the overall yield. So with the current flowering girls, I will be really happy if I get anything over 600g in total. Not really the way to do it if you are trying to make money out of it. I still treat it like a hobby most of the time. Will be taking clones for the first time in about 2 weeks. I suppose that will be the start of a new way of growing for me, more geared towards production and uniformity.

I've just never had the patience for the more labour intensive training regimens. If I were to veg longer, I would just top more. Simple. I'm not knocking other techniques like scrog and lst. It's just not something I see myself doing. I also like the look of the taller girls with those long colas. Personal preference I guess. ;)
Autos Day 65 - Photos Flower Day 9 (Day 58 from seed)

First of all I am really thankful that people are asking questions here and making this fun and interactive. I'm not sure why but lately there has seemed to be a spike and I will always do my best to help anyone who asks. I still like to remind everyone that I have only been growing for 14 months and in coco for less than a year but I do feel like I have my way and if people like it then I will tell them how I am doing it. I came up with it based on a ton of research and 2 grows in coco so far.

Yesterday I began to flush the Gorilla Glue. It should be close to ready in a week or maybe even less. Smells great but I am really ready to get this out and focus on the other two since they look so good. I think the average of all the grows I found on the Gorilla Glue Auto was 72 days start to finish. That is one week away for me and in one week I need to start my next grows seeds. That will give them 7 weeks to veg (1 seedling week and 6 veg weeks) and will be ready when the Flower tent comes down (9 full weeks in flower but already 1 week gone and won't do it for another week. So 7 weeks will be left exactly for the flower tent when these get planted).

Gorilla Glue

Headlights - 2.5 weeks left

Cherry Bomb - 4 weeks left. This thing is going to get in the way of my veg a little bit for next round. There will be 1.5-2 weeks where the new 4 girls will be in their 3 gallon pots and this thing will be taking up a lot of space. I'll make it work somehow but I want to give it everything I can and see how it will do. The stacking is great at the moment so if it keeps up this might be one of, if not the best, plant I have every grown. It seriously has a better structure and stacking then my Chemdawg did at this point and I pulled 5.25 oz off of it. I won't hold my breathe quite yet but it's got me daydreaming a bit on the potential of the colas. I feel like I got a little lucky and nailed the structure of the plant. It should support nice and even throughout the 4 main branches. I had a tiny split happen and I tied it back together and it has grown back to solid now but I left the tie on there for support.


The flower tent is now hitting the part of the stretch that is amazing to watch. Day 9-16 is the fastest part of stretch for me usually. These things are bushes. Because of where my lights are at and how big the plants are I won't be able to take too many photos from above (can't get the whole plant into my shots due to my lights being in the way now). I had to move them aside today and that will be the last time I do that because I don't want human error to occur and drop a light on my girls or anything. I did have to get one last good shot of each from above though.

White Castle - Clearly the smallest of them all and the nodes seem to have a harder time getting nice and even on the surface. It'll start to look like the others soon.

Amnesiac - Doing well but I thought it would rival the Tangerine Dream for how big it would be. Looks solid and I am happy with her, but not quite in the ballpark of the Tangerine Dream.

Jack Herer - The crowd favorite (rudy! rudy! rudy!) is starting to really look incredible. I'm truly amazed at what this small girl has come back to be.

Tangerine Dream - What is there to say? I'm speechless. I had a great feeling about this strain. Lets see if the yield shows it for her in the end but she has been the front-runner the whole time. Main colas are starting to bow outward a bit instead of totally vertical. It's my experience that the plant is telling itself it is going to need more room in the middle so its being pushed out now. I was hoping this would happen. I have a theory that with the way I trained all of them, during stretch, that the plants would be able to space themselves out and I can just let them go the rest of the way without anymore LST or anything in flower. It should happen with all of them except the Jack Herer because it was tied down flatter than the others and it was the most sativa so it spaced the most and has plenty of room already for the colas it will produce.

Shot of the canopy of the flower tent.

Best sideshot I could get and I will take the same shot for the next couple updates to hopefully show stretch.
On my last successful run my average was just over 4 oz a plant. My goal with each run is to improve on the overall yield. So with the current flowering girls, I will be really happy if I get anything over 600g in total. Not really the way to do it if you are trying to make money out of it. I still treat it like a hobby most of the time. Will be taking clones for the first time in about 2 weeks. I suppose that will be the start of a new way of growing for me, more geared towards production and uniformity.

I've just never had the patience for the more labour intensive training regimens. If I were to veg longer, I would just top more. Simple. I'm not knocking other techniques like scrog and lst. It's just not something I see myself doing. I also like the look of the taller girls with those long colas. Personal preference I guess. ;)

I thought that was your theory but didn't remember. The way I did the training on these and the results I get will really determine if it is worth it (7 weeks total from seed to flip). You go about 5 weeks right? I think it will be my best yield per plant for sure but I just wonder how much better. If I only pull 3oz or so a plant I might look at your style a little more with maybe slight more LST if it means I can save a couple weeks. Hoping they end up more like my Chemdawg (5oz) last grow and are more towards the 4+oz mark. They look a little better at this point than that Chemdawg did and they have had the full additive schedule this time. Plus a light upgrade. All factors that should point to better. Keeping fingers crossed.

As I always try to remind people, there are all sorts of females in this world and guys are attracted to all sorts for different reasons. Tall, skinny, short, wide. No wrong or right way to do it. You can't say someones preferences are wrong.
I'm sure you'll pull more than 3 oz a plant bud. They look heavy set.

Yes, I usually veg for around 5 weeks. My current veg girls will go longer though, because I have to wait for space in the flower tent. So they will get topped multiple times. I normally only top once, so will be interesting to see how they turn out.
Autos Day 65 - Photos Flower Day 9 (Day 58 from seed)

First of all I am really thankful that people are asking questions here and making this fun and interactive. I'm not sure why but lately there has seemed to be a spike and I will always do my best to help anyone who asks. I still like to remind everyone that I have only been growing for 14 months and in coco for less than a year but I do feel like I have my way and if people like it then I will tell them how I am doing it. I came up with it based on a ton of research and 2 grows in coco so far.

Yesterday I began to flush the Gorilla Glue. It should be close to ready in a week or maybe even less. Smells great but I am really ready to get this out and focus on the other two since they look so good. I think the average of all the grows I found on the Gorilla Glue Auto was 72 days start to finish. That is one week away for me and in one week I need to start my next grows seeds. That will give them 7 weeks to veg (1 seedling week and 6 veg weeks) and will be ready when the Flower tent comes down (9 full weeks in flower but already 1 week gone and won't do it for another week. So 7 weeks will be left exactly for the flower tent when these get planted).

Gorilla Glue

Headlights - 2.5 weeks left

Cherry Bomb - 4 weeks left. This thing is going to get in the way of my veg a little bit for next round. There will be 1.5-2 weeks where the new 4 girls will be in their 3 gallon pots and this thing will be taking up a lot of space. I'll make it work somehow but I want to give it everything I can and see how it will do. The stacking is great at the moment so if it keeps up this might be one of, if not the best, plant I have every grown. It seriously has a better structure and stacking then my Chemdawg did at this point and I pulled 5.25 oz off of it. I won't hold my breathe quite yet but it's got me daydreaming a bit on the potential of the colas. I feel like I got a little lucky and nailed the structure of the plant. It should support nice and even throughout the 4 main branches. I had a tiny split happen and I tied it back together and it has grown back to solid now but I left the tie on there for support.


The flower tent is now hitting the part of the stretch that is amazing to watch. Day 9-16 is the fastest part of stretch for me usually. These things are bushes. Because of where my lights are at and how big the plants are I won't be able to take too many photos from above (can't get the whole plant into my shots due to my lights being in the way now). I had to move them aside today and that will be the last time I do that because I don't want human error to occur and drop a light on my girls or anything. I did have to get one last good shot of each from above though.

White Castle - Clearly the smallest of them all and the nodes seem to have a harder time getting nice and even on the surface. It'll start to look like the others soon.

Amnesiac - Doing well but I thought it would rival the Tangerine Dream for how big it would be. Looks solid and I am happy with her, but not quite in the ballpark of the Tangerine Dream.

Jack Herer - The crowd favorite (rudy! rudy! rudy!) is starting to really look incredible. I'm truly amazed at what this small girl has come back to be.

Tangerine Dream - What is there to say? I'm speechless. I had a great feeling about this strain. Lets see if the yield shows it for her in the end but she has been the front-runner the whole time. Main colas are starting to bow outward a bit instead of totally vertical. It's my experience that the plant is telling itself it is going to need more room in the middle so its being pushed out now. I was hoping this would happen. I have a theory that with the way I trained all of them, during stretch, that the plants would be able to space themselves out and I can just let them go the rest of the way without anymore LST or anything in flower. It should happen with all of them except the Jack Herer because it was tied down flatter than the others and it was the most sativa so it spaced the most and has plenty of room already for the colas it will produce.

Shot of the canopy of the flower tent.

Best sideshot I could get and I will take the same shot for the next couple updates to hopefully show stretch.

Your girls are looking great brother.
Wow awesome garden and canopy shots. I swear I just drooled when I saw those. U should yield the very well with those healthy girls. Great training too. By the looks of your gorgeous cherry bomb your gonna have a jungle of buds very soon!!

The Cherry Bomb is a huge surprise. When it stretched I thought there was no way i'd get colas that big that stacked nicely. It'd just be little separate buds all over the place. They have already stacked to the point where each bud is touching each other so now it will signal for them to get fatter instead of taller. I'm starting to think this might be my best single plant ever to date when all is said and done but the Tangerine Dream in the other tent might have something to say about that in 8 weeks. So many things to look forward to right now.

Honestly my goal for the girls in the flower tent is an average of 4oz a plant. I've grown a couple that have hit 5oz (not as dialed in and not looking as good as these do at this point) so there is no reason I shouldn't be able to do that often, if not every time. My goal for the Autos was to just learn how to train them and learn about their total grow times and I have already done that. A good yield on 2 of the 3 plants would be awesome.
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