Arteekay's Second Grow - Autos & Feminized - Mixed Strains

Hi RTK , your girls look mint as usual , just sent you a pm .
Be safe .

Thanks Sonic, got it and thanks!

Looking hellagood fellas. But...did I hear the words automated? Say it ain't so! Never put automated into a soil grow. Some will be too dry and others too wet! The plants will lose some of their connection to you. Like a dog on an automated feeder. What do they need an owner for if they get their food from a machine? I like my dogs knowing I bring the food and I like my plants knowing I bring the water!

I know you all are thinking of DWC...but try that Doc's Kit first. Doc's kit almost feels like it is automated. I just spritz in a few things and water. And sometimes mix a half cup of foliar spray. Nothing could be easier.

I did say it, it was late and I was high. At best I meant semi-automated, I can't see giving up my time with them every day. Meant vastly improved watering tools, our pitchers are terrible.

I've got that misting sprayer you have on my wish list, gotta get me one of those! Biz and I have stopped questioning your advice, so Doc's kit is next cause my big brother Shigs said so. :) :)

Looking mighty good! Your girls are feeding pretty good!

Thanks to Jaybiz's spreadsheet, we're now seeing how they compare against each other without depending on our memories.

Oddly, the smallest one, my Dark Devil, is using almost twice as much water (by weight) every day than their much bigger sisters when they were at the same age. For example, at day 30 CR used 0.8, NEM used 1.2, Jack used 1.6, and DD used 3.

I find that strange but cool to know. :geek:
I've got that misting sprayer you have on my wish list, gotta get me one of those! Biz and I have stopped questioning your advice, so Doc's kit is next cause my big brother Shigs said so.

i was looking at Doc's kit last week. Damn.

something to definitely keep in mind when i have the space for that much soil. One day i'd like to water with just.. water.. haha..

so all the power to you guys on that, after seeing the haul your last run got i'd love to see the results you get with Doc's Kit!

Thanks to Jaybiz's spreadsheet, we're now seeing how they compare against each other without depending on our memories.
Oddly, the smallest one, my Dark Devil, is using almost twice as much water (by weight) every day than their much bigger sisters when they were at the same age. For example, at day 30 CR used 0.8, NEM used 1.2, Jack used 1.6, and DD used 3.

I find that strange but cool to know.

also, spreadsheet? i'd be interested to know more about whats going on there. I've seen some software for plant breeding with a user interface that compiles all your info visually in one place, but to compare plant to plant on each run would be interesting data to collect, especially if you grow the same strains often.

Whats it telling you so far?

i was looking at Doc's kit last week. Damn.

something to definitely keep in mind when i have the space for that much soil. One day i'd like to water with just.. water.. haha..

so all the power to you guys on that, after seeing the haul your last run got i'd love to see the results you get with Doc's Kit!

It'll be a comeback grow and journal, after this grow concludes we're taking a few months off growing weed while we figure out what the hell we're going to do with all the weed we've already grown. :loopy:

also, spreadsheet? i'd be interested to know more about whats going on there. I've seen some software for plant breeding with a user interface that compiles all your info visually in one place, but to compare plant to plant on each run would be interesting data to collect, especially if you grow the same strains often.

Whats it telling you so far?


Well, I guess I'll reveal some of how geeky we really are. It's a work in progress still, but is already proving interesting and useful. Maybe we can convince Jaybiz to sanitize and release it once he's happy with everything.

Or maybe someone can get a developer to turn the concept into a database with a fancy front end. :)

Each plant has it's own tab for entering data (blue), and we get some data on weight change and water usage (white) for each.

There's also a summary tab for basic data on all of them

and another for water consumption against each day.

Like I said, it's a work in progress and he keeps having to change things because I'm a picky bugger. :)
With the data you'll pull with water usage and ferts and lights watts, ect. I'd like to see those graphs. You two will be (looking great now) experts far ahead of us new growers. Awesome.

so good! nice job, I'm sure that will prove useful over time, you could certainly have the beginnings of a handy application on your.. hands.. lol.

props guys; thanks for sharing!
Feb 10 Update. JH, CR, and NEM are 42 days old. DD is 31 days old. CR is on 24/0, Temp is 77 and RH is 32% at the canopy, 73 and 37% at the top. Temp for JH, NEM and DD was 88 today with RH at 27% during lights on, and 70 and 37% overnight. They are on an 18/6 schedule.

  • JH, NEM, and CR all got soaked through with full strength DNF Gro A+B and calmag+ at 914ppm and 5.8 PH
  • DD got soaked through with third strength DNF Gro A+B and half strength calmag+ at 495ppm and 5.7 PH

First time in a long time we had to water every plant we have on the same night. Humidity is going up for the next day I'm sure.

Poor Biz ended up mixing up three different batches of nutes for everyone for a total of 31 liters of water, then lugged the same to fill our 5 gallon buckets for bubbling again. Man is a workhorse! Meanwhile I futzed with tiedowns and training, lollipopping, some minor defol, etc. I really stole the good side right out from under him lately.

Sorry bud. :Namaste:

Family pics:

JH (7.6 lbs down from 11.4 yesterday, 20.8 lbs after watering):

CR (13 lbs down from 15.4 yesterday, 27.8 lbs after watering):

NEM (8.4 lbs down from 12.8 yesterday, 21.6 lbs after watering):

And the star of the night...

DD (7.0 lbs down from 9.0 yesterday, 19.4 after watering) She was beyond dry obviously, but that was intentional:

Look who's starting to turn purple... :yahoo:

Back in their tents:

Looking good loving DD my blueberry is slowly doing the same with colour and changing slowly but surely and am happy. It is my first time with coloured weed as well haha :thumb:
Nice update RTK, and the spreadsheets are awesome. I thought I was the only one that anal about keeping records on your grows lol. Im always writing every little thing down. Walmart had those composition notebooks onsale for 50cents. So to say the least I have a shit ton of data that I shift through on a daily basis. That im trying to go through and write down only all the things that work, then all the failed shit I shouldn't be doing. I think it reads more like stero instructions... All over the damn place lol.
It'll be a comeback grow and journal, after this grow concludes we're taking a few months off growing weed while we figure out what the hell we're going to do with all the weed we've already grown. :loopy:

Well, I guess I'll reveal some of how geeky we really are. It's a work in progress still, but is already proving interesting and useful. Maybe we can convince Jaybiz to sanitize and release it once he's happy with everything.

Or maybe someone can get a developer to turn the concept into a database with a fancy front end. :)

Each plant has it's own tab for entering data (blue), and we get some data on weight change and water usage (white) for each.

There's also a summary tab for basic data on all of them

and another for water consumption against each day.

Like I said, it's a work in progress and he keeps having to change things because I'm a picky bugger. :)

Dude I love this sh*T!

I really hope you guys have GRAPHS generated from all the data and you are just saving them from our undeserving eyes.

I've always thought it would be really cool to have complete tabulated data of water volume/nute strength/ plant height etc. all on graphs so that comparison between plant needs can be seen and made.

Oh yeah, nice plants too ;P
Right now Im compiling data on different companies nutrients, to see which performs best with one another, and what time and how much to give them. Some products from the line may be useless or subpar than others, so I thought why not find out which is the best combo of all these different lines to use with one another. I mean why not right?
Thanks to Jaybiz's spreadsheet, we're now seeing how they compare against each other without depending on our memories.

Oddly, the smallest one, my Dark Devil, is using almost twice as much water (by weight) every day than their much bigger sisters when they were at the same age. For example, at day 30 CR used 0.8, NEM used 1.2, Jack used 1.6, and DD used 3.

I find that strange but cool to know. :geek:

It is more than cool to know, it's smart to know. I read the link you have on how to water potted plants. Every plant doesn't drink the same amount of water. So, understanding your plants as well as you and JayBiz helps create beautiful plants such as the girls you guys grow.
With the data you'll pull with water usage and ferts and lights watts, ect. I'd like to see those graphs. You two will be (looking great now) experts far ahead of us new growers. Awesome.


No graphs yet, I think Biz has plans for lots of stuff like that. Trouble is I'm not great at remembered to weigh after watering, and things go a bit awry when we don't enter it. I'm not sure he'd want to build in a ton of error checking, etc.

so good! nice job, I'm sure that will prove useful over time, you could certainly have the beginnings of a handy application on your.. hands.. lol.

props guys; thanks for sharing!

Thanks Kingsnake, it's already proving useful, if nothing else as a kick in my ass to record more. :)

Looking good loving DD my blueberry is slowly doing the same with colour and changing slowly but surely and am happy. It is my first time with coloured weed as well haha :thumb:

It really happened overnight as far as I can tell. I'm absolutely loving the colors. We got a tiny taste of it with our first CKS Cane Candy (Trudy) and of course SweetSue's community grow thread sucked me right in.

Congrats on the purps! :thumb:

Bob ;)

Sounds like an exotic illness, maybe one Fred or Barney would get. :)

Hi RTK , the girls are looking sweat , I must admit i do like the look of that little scrog .
The purple coming out makes my mouth water , iv'e got to grow me some of that .
Oh and that would make a great phone app , brilliant idea jaybizz .
Be safe .

Biz did an awesome job on his scrog. It'll be around for a future grow for sure.

We've got the spreadsheet on a shared cloud, and both of us can use it on just about every device in the house via Excel mobile. Works pretty well.

Nice update RTK, and the spreadsheets are awesome. I thought I was the only one that anal about keeping records on your grows lol. Im always writing every little thing down. Walmart had those composition notebooks onsale for 50cents. So to say the least I have a shit ton of data that I shift through on a daily basis. That im trying to go through and write down only all the things that work, then all the failed shit I shouldn't be doing. I think it reads more like stero instructions... All over the damn place lol.

Looking great!! Good info as well

I picked up a decent day planner/agenda hardcover book from Walmart as well, but the weekend days both share the same space as weekdays and it's just too tight overall to put everything I wanted to record.

Then I decided to use it just to get data upstairs and post a daily journal here, where I could record everything I wanted every day. BEST decision we made by far!

mmmmm your going to have some delicious sativa smoke with that JH. Perfect morning, daytime, or adventure smoke. I had some sativa the other day and snowshoed 10k, all with a beer in my hand I might add ;)

ps. love the added info I have a secret love for spreadsheets

pss. congratz on your DD busting her purple cherry :) lets keep her rollin

The double topping kept her pretty small and bushy, but I think she's going to really explode in early flower. If I snowshoed 1k, they'd find my defrosting corpse sometime in the spring. :)

We've got the spreadsheets, now we need to cover the walls in whiteboards! :geek:

Dude I love this sh*T!

I really hope you guys have GRAPHS generated from all the data and you are just saving them from our undeserving eyes.

I've always thought it would be really cool to have complete tabulated data of water volume/nute strength/ plant height etc. all on graphs so that comparison between plant needs can be seen and made.

Oh yeah, nice plants too ;P

Plants? OHHH right, the pot that brought us together in the first place! :)

As has been the case, I'll share just about everything. There isn't any graphs.... yet! Once there is I won't be able to stop myself from posting whatever I get.


Right now Im compiling data on different companies nutrients, to see which performs best with one another, and what time and how much to give them. Some products from the line may be useless or subpar than others, so I thought why not find out which is the best combo of all these different lines to use with one another. I mean why not right?

Exactly my opinion as well. Why not! Hope you'll share with us when ready, I'll be very interested to hear your results!

It is more than cool to know, it's smart to know. I read the link you have on how to water potted plants. Every plant doesn't drink the same amount of water. So, understanding your plants as well as you and JayBiz helps create beautiful plants such as the girls you guys grow.

Emilya the water queen's post, great read for sure! Every new grower makes the exact same mistakes, despite research and intelligence or past experience. It's like a right of passage almost i think.

As always, thanks so much to all of you for continuing to read and respond to my journal(s). This community and your friendships mean as much to me now as the plants downstairs, and thanks to you all I've replaced my time wasting social media and reddit/imgur readings with your journals and responses, which is an infinitely better use of my time.

and thanks to you all I've replaced my time wasting social media and reddit/imgur readings with your journals and responses, which is an infinitely better use of my time.

hear, hear! this place is great for that.

Feb 11 Update. JH, CR, and NEM are 43 days old. DD is 32 days old.

CR is on 22/2, Temp is 70 and RH is 39% at the canopy, 69 and 40% at the top during its night.

Temp for JH, NEM and DD was 88 today with RH at 37% during lights on, and 72 and 37% overnight. They are on an 18/6 schedule.

New daytimes temps for CR tomorrow, I think Biz took the oil filled radiator out of operation. Too much on one circuit I think was the decision. We'll look to resolve/improve this weekend. He also hooked up the timer and has moved her from 24/0 to 22/2, so she's having her first dark since birth right now. Must feel great for her, if I'm to anthropomorphize.

She'll get dropped slowly, by two hours each time, over the next week or so to 12/12 is the plan I believe.

Dark Devil is showing some signs of not appreciating her training. Don't think there was one event that caused any problems, I just waited a few days too long and she got a bit woody. Sometime over the last couple of days she pulled away a bit from the knuckles on her first node and her split tops. She didn't seem to skip much of a beat and seems healthy and happy, but I released all her ties and will leave her for four or five days at least before I look to do any more training. Give her a chance to heal up any week points.

Sorry I didn't grab pictures of any of it tonight, but will tomorrow.

Otherwise we had no real work to do tonight other than some tweaking and tucking and whatnot.

Family pics:

CR (25.4 lbs, down from 27.8 yesterday):

NEM (18 lbs, down from 21.6 yesterday):

JH (17.6 lbs, down from 20.8 yesterday):

Tucking some higher tops back down into the middle.

DD (17.6 lbs, down from 19.4 yesterday) With all her ties now removed:

Back in the tent:

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