Arctic Bowl's 1st Ever Attempt At A Grow Journal

Ok, now we’re getting ready for the boring part :rofl:

Squeeze out as much of the coffee filter as you can.....gently so not to tear it.


Kinda like this, just slow steady pressure to wring them out best you can ok? Then rinse each jar with a lil everclear after you pour them into the rice cooker


Next take care of the weed mash....we trash it


Now, while you are boiling of the alcohol, just a safety note here, the shit is flammable so don’t be sparking one up while you are doing this process or any other part of this process or you may find your ass out in your yard with your hair smoking trying to get your wits about you to figure out what just happened :rofl:

We will get some pics of the boiling process and post them in a bit......

These are gonna be some fun ones :-) got a very special request for some 10:1 caps so that’s what these will be woohoo, hang on to your hat :rofl:
Whoa I remember last week you had stuff stolen from you. Just realized when me and the mrs were in the hospital for the birth of our daughter we had 3 ups packages ship to our house and someone stole them because we definitely never got them. Pisssssssed dude.

I'm making a fake package and putting the trail cameras out. I'm going to troll them and fill the inside with a note saying I have you on camera and proceed to fill it with dirty diapers. They'll shit themselves literally
Ok the concentrate is getting a milky color to it.......that’s a good thing, it’s on its way to getting done with the boil off, next there will be some small oil beads forming and I’ll try and get a pic of that when it starts.


Lol the 1st time we ever made these I freaked out when it turned this we know it’s just part of the process
Ok folks it's a wrap for tonight..... carrier oil added, sunflower letchen (sp) added and it's covered and cooling down a bit before it goes into the refrigerator for the night.


And a lil pure CCO on the popsicle stick for a buddy who hasn't tried any Cana caps :-) clean the popsicle stick with your mouth and enjoy Pluto :rofl: some wicked fun shit :rofl:

Tomorrow we will show the cap making saver to say the least, makes that part of the project way faster.

Merry Christmas to you all and see ya tomorrow:-)

Blessed blessed our friends and be well :passitleft:
Wow,..thanks so much for all your hard work D ...and J! Looks like ya mighta bin a bit thirsty...LMAO. Can you tell me bud,...when people wind up blowing up their house , it when they boil off the EC. No sparks ,..or BOOM right? Never seen this process before..very cool. A friend washed some shake many yrs. ago with alcohol and made some Honey Oil but it was basically a quick rinse and boil off outside on a hot plate. Your method is so much more refined and purposeful!!
Thanks again for this tut. you two...great job ..and how bout that Lilly...yeepa , yeepa!
Merry Christmas to you both D , J and all your friends too!:bravo::thanks:
Thank you all very much :-)
Just passing along what we learned right here on the Mag!! Wish I could say we invented this but we’re just not that smart to figure all this out :rofl: SweetSue is our Guru for all this, we just followed her directions........hmmmmmm, we have a theme going here, follow Docs directions and we get great Buds, follow Sues directions and we get great Meds :-) guess we are ok at following directions :rofl:
Morning and Merry Christmas :-)

We just transferred the Cana cream to there dispensers.....Ms J picked these up just for the Cana cream/lotion and will make applying the lotion much more rock Ms J.....she takes really good care of me, thank God or I'd be screwed big time :rofl:


So this is what the lil twist up gadgets will look like.....pretty cool, no more having to scoop some out of those lil plastic jars, I'm liking how these look so far so hope they function properly cause it's all in these now :rofl:

Be back with some pill making in just a bit :-)
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