Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

LED Panels*

The one panel wasn't enough for my closet size, which is a little over 7 square feet, and left me with something like 20 watts per square foot.

My room is about 6 square feet, but only 4 feet high, so a little smaller I believe. I agree two panels would be nicer for sure, there is nothing wrong with more light. I am looking at a few LED options, most of which are in the 360W range and above. So for my little 1 plant flux, it should be okay.... I think..
I was extremely skeptical over making switch to led, and no offense to mars but even more skeptical to their price to quality ratio, but I must say these things from Mars-hydro work!!! And not only do they work, they feel of quality. And when I did have a small issue Sara and Lucy were on top of it! Fixed my issue with lightning speed! They have definitely won my business and my recommendation.

I felt the same man lol. But the grow overall was decent, considering I wasn't using enough LED lighting. I'm hoping to see a big improvement next grow.

That is quite the care package Antics. Can't wait to see your outcome with those new nutes. :thumb:

It's not a bad deal, I like being able to try a product for a few bucks, before committing to it completely. That would get real costly. For $15.02, it's worth taking a chance to try them out. I'm real excited about all the various supplements though, I only used base nutrients in the past, Grow, Micro, and Bloom. This is a whole new ballgame for me.

Here's what came in the package:

The Sonic Bloom was shipped in a ziplock bag, and as my luck would have it, the bag was taped on top, but the side was split open completely, so I had to collect the contents from the shipping bag, and provide my own container.

If the bottles didn't say sample, and weren't all small, you'd swear I was a grower who knew what he was doing lol.

My room is about 6 square feet, but only 4 feet high, so a little smaller I believe. I agree two panels would be nicer for sure, there is nothing wrong with more light. I am looking at a few LED options, most of which are in the 360W range and above. So for my little 1 plant flux, it should be okay.... I think..

6 square feet is just a little smaller than my room, which is just a tad over 7 square feet (40"x26"). The two panels I have would give you a solid 50 watts per square foot, but the 48" height limit might be an issue without a bunch of LST, and using a shorter growing container would also help give you a bit more space.

18"-24" space between the light and canopy in Veg. It might be a tight squeeze, do you have any other grow space options?
Quick update without pictures.

Strawberry Blue is still going, not enough cloudy to harvest, and she's not going to be a 4/20 harvest. Maybe another time :)

The seedlings:
Cotton Candy is a beast. No complaints, she's doing great, took her first dose of nutes from the Humboldt lineup nicely.

All measurements are per gallon:
5ml Micro
7.5ml Grow
2.5ml Bloom

5ml Deep Breath
2.5ml Snow Storm Ultra
10ml Killer Tea

I'm not digging all the extra additives that I have to mix, but it might be worth the extra work when harvest time comes around.

Big Bang: I am now convinced that this is just a finicky, picky, whiney, bitchy, cry baby little strain. I gave her the same nutes yesterday morning, and we had leaf curl yesterday evening. I gave her a 20 ounce flush yesterday, and a 20 ounce flush today, plain water both times just to dilute what was in the soil.

Sure, you might think, well, she's young, she wasn't ready. I thought that too. Until I looked at my tiny little clones. 2 of which are rooted. One has a huge root all the way, and back up the pot. I'm going to say she's definitely rooted, and good to go. The other has some small roots going on, not established enough for me to say she's out of the woods,, but she's close. And the 3rd hasn't rooted, but is still alive and growing some tops just like the others.

The clones were all given the same nute mix as Cotton Candy and Big Bang yesterday. It's a tad strong for 'rooted starts' according to the feeding schedule, but the clones all show no sign of nute burn, no sign of curling leaves, and no problems at all.

For 'rooted starts' they suggest:
1ml Micro
1ml Grow
1ml Bloom
5ml Deep Breath
1ml Snow Storm Ultra
10ml Killer Tea

Big Bang just wants to be an asshole about everything. I won't be buying that particular strain again, way too sensitive and picky for my taste. The Strawberry Blue clones, however, they're built like tanks. I watered them like any normal plant, tons of water up top, got a good healthy amount of runoff, so the soil was loaded with nutes, and not one complaint from the clones.
:thumb: Great score on the nutrients Antics.
Picture time.

We'll do the seedlings and clones now, and Strawberry Blue when her lights come on.

Cotton Candy @ 25 days, she's doing perfect, and speaks for herself:

Big Bang @ 19 days, weak pheno, in my opinion:

This SB clone is fully rooted, with roots visible at the bottom of the pot today:

This SB clone is rooted, but not fully established. Also looks like a little nute burn on a few leaves, so she's going to get a small flush today:

This SB clone is not rooted at all, last I checked, but still has great new growth at the top:
Cotton Candy is looking strong! What is your plan with her?

Thanks brother! This grow, CC and BB will both be going into soil, 6-7 gal pots. Training will again be lots of LST, but complete defol like SBG did on his girls. A FIM or two for each, and possibly some super cropping. I'll be taking 2 clones from each for the next grow.

When the strawberry blue clones are ready, they'll be going into the grow in 1 gallon pots, soil, with similar training techniques applied.

Veg time is yet to be determined, but likely when she's where I want her to be, no real time decided at this point.
Fab- ulous as usual, the seedling look great and you might have a clone or two out of the deal. All is well.
Fab- ulous as usual, the seedling look great and you might have a clone or two out of the deal. All is well.

Thanks man! I honestly was going to toss those cuttings, and I figured why not give it a try? I have nothing to lose if it doesn't work. I'm pretty glad it worked, although the next round to flower, I'll have to settle for smaller 1 gallon pots for the clones. It's not ideal, but I figure I should be good for eh.. maybe 1/2 ounce each clone, which is better than nothing.

But as of now, definitely 1 rooted and taking off with growth, another is rooted but not fully established, so growth is still slow, and no roots on that 3rd clone. The cool thing, is the clone that has no roots, has the 2nd best amount of new growth. Very fun, and cool plants to grow. I've been learning a ton about horticulture from Cannabis.

And now I have a ton of flowers and plants in my yard that will be cloned as well. Azaleas, Rhododendrons, man oh man this summer is going to be fun :)

6-7 gallon pots? go big or go home :theband: :thumb:

I swear it wasn't my intention lol. I bought them because they looked to be roughly 5 gallons. Yeah, buckets are cheaper from the hardware stores, but then I'd have to drill holes, deal with a drain pan of some sort, etc.. so I figured for $7 each, they were about 5 gallons, came with attached drain pans for the runoff, and would save me the hassle of finding drain pans, drilling holes and all that,, so it was worth it to me. Then when I was mixing my coco and perlite for the last grow in my 5 gallon bucket, and dumped it into my pot, I was a good 6-8" away from the top of the pot. So 6-7 gallons is my estimate.

Here's a picture I took a while back of one of my pots next to a 5 gallon bucket. The taper isn't the most ideal shape from what I've read, but they work.


Looking great man, Can't wait to see some results with your new full nute line

Thanks man! There's so many to choose from, it was nice being able to try a sample pack to see how well things work. As the grow progresses I'll be able to see how the girls like the new nutes and supplements, and at what strengths. This manufacturer actually says plants seem to do better when NOT overfertilized, and not to exceed 1000ppm. Unfortunately, at this time I don't have a ppm meter, so I'll just be following their feeding schedule exactly. It goes on to say: "Most of our testers out in the hills get better results by always using less than normal amounts of fertilizer"

Where a few other products I looked at, specifically those for coco, seemed to have a lower NPK on the nutes, and the directions required higher amounts to be mixed for each feeding. In a coco drain to waste system, that can get a bit expensive. So considering my results in my last soil grow with just CFLs, the cost of coco nutes, and some advice from an experienced grower, I switched back to soil for the next grow.

I figure I should see some decent results on the upcoming grow of Cotton Candy, Big Bang, and the Strawberry Blue clones.
Happy 420 everyone :rollit:

Today should be spent not only enjoying one of the most amazing, and versatile plants known to humankind, but appreciating the work that many have done before us, spreading awareness, constantly pushing to end prohibition, studying these amazing plants,and of course, not forgetting those that continue these efforts today.

If you haven't already done so, take a look at some of the people who have helped get us to where we are today:

We've made a lot of progress, but we still have a lot further to go. Here's hoping for full, unrestricted legalization, and unlimited access to those who need it.

Lets have a great day, and continue our responsible use in treating our own ailments, and constantly sharing knowledge and experience with others.

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