Damnit you people reply fast lol. I was shitting around with the Vegging plants and taking pics, hoping to get both updates in before anyone posted lol.
Alright, here is Cotton Candy on Day 28. 7 good nodes (not counting the little shit growing at the first pair of leaves), so 14 total branches. 2 will become clones, so we'll flower her with 6 nodes/12 branches. I also topped her main shoot yesterday. Sooo much easier than trying to get a good FIM. I may also top a few more branches later, I'm undecided right now on that.
Next we have Big Bang at Day 22, although I should start calling this strain Big Bitch. Absolutely weak and no tolerance for nutes. She's back to plain water until she stops being an idiot. I plan on the same # of nodes, and topping as CC received, if/when she ever decides to get that far.
Strawberry Blue Clone 1. This girl is a champ. Took full strength Veg nutes no problem, and no burn. I think I damaged the main shoot when I took the cuttings, as she's growing as if she was already topped. No biggie for me, being that I grow on a small scale, I should be able to squeeze a half zip from her with a little work
Two views of her to show the growth:
Strawberry Blue Clone 2. She's rooted, but not doing much. Still not sure if she'll make it or not.
Strawberry Blue Clone 3. Not rooted last I checked, but growing new leaves as if she was rooted. No idea what's going to happen here, but she's only taking up a 3" pot worth of space, so she can sit for a while longer.
And that 4th Clone from SB was pulled by me last week sometime. She made no progress, leaves were dead, she really didn't have much of a chance.
But even if I only get 1 rooted clone, it's cool with me. It was a nice learning experience being able to experiment when it didn't really matter, so when I take my next clones, I'll know a little more on how its done, and should increase my success rate.