Another Year, Another Grow: Zkittlez Auto From FastBuds!

Plant: Zkittlez 2
Week: 8

She's had it rough since she surfaced but she took it all like a champ, looks like she's gonna start showing what she can really do now and still no signs of any pistils so lucky enough she still has some time left to grow before she starts flowering. I gave her 3ml biogrow today with 1 litre of water, pH was 6.1... it's her first 3ml feed so I hope she takes it well and doesn't stunt again which is the last thing I need but she should be ok, shes been taking 2.5ml all along.

Plant: Kush #1, Kush #2, Kush #4, Kush #5
Week: 3 (Day 15)

Sorry I didn't get the time to post up the Kush family yesterday.. been giving the garden a good tidying up for some bigger plans next year. Kush #2 seems to be the only one that's having problems.. her leaves are curling down, it's not from over or under-watering so I can only say that maybe it got too hot throughout the week which is highly unlikely. I don't know could be too much of a breeze hitting that one or something where its located. Other than that though all looking healthy and growing fine.. All on their third week now and I still haven't introduced feeds. I was gonna leave her go without feeding at all until flower and then only use some of the bloom feed but what are your thoughts on that? Should I start feeding the Kush's?

I'll have another few pics of the 'Zkittlez 3' later on today she is starting her fifth week tomorrow.

I usually wait until the third or fourth node before introducing light feeding. Sooner if the cotys turn yellow but not likely to happen that soon.
You want to get autos big, fast, so bringing in nutes early is key as long as you don't overfeed them. Too much and you stress the plant stunting it's growth.
Oops. You were referring to the Kush, not the Zkittlez. Same applies though to photo as for feeding. I start lightly at around third or fourth node, but not as aggressive if in a tent. Outdoors you are limited in time so feeding and finding that sweet spot early is beneficial to the grow.
Oops. You were referring to the Kush, not the Zkittlez. Same applies though to photo as for feeding. I start lightly at around third or fourth node, but not as aggressive if in a tent. Outdoors you are limited in time so feeding and finding that sweet spot early is beneficial to the grow.

Morning mr.Tommy ya I agree with mr.Sauga on the points he touched but then last season was 1st time round growing so it's putting into practice the valuable tips a person picks up along the way...

I'm holding fingers crossed for the Kush babies brother, cause that is a sinful delight to smoke...haha glad to see the skittlez have picked up steam which is a good thing....
I wasn't going to feed the 'zkittlez 3' or any of the kush's at all.. the zkittlez is 5 weeks old this week going into her her 6th and she hasn't got anything only plain water so far, she is only starting to push out her 4th node though so I might go with MrSaugas advice on this and start to introduce feeds.. same goes with the kush.. the more I think about it the more stupid the question sounds haha.. I mean why not feed them right?!

On another note the 'zkittlez 2' has shown some pre-flowers since yesterday so we have something to look forward to now finally, another few weeks before theres some bud!

I wasn't going to feed the 'zkittlez 3' or any of the kush's at all.. the zkittlez is 5 weeks old this week going into her her 6th and she hasn't got anything only plain water so far, she is only starting to push out her 4th node though so I might go with MrSaugas advice on this and start to introduce feeds.. same goes with the kush.. the more I think about it the more stupid the question sounds haha.. I mean why not feed them right?!
It's not a stupid question, but unless you have a soil that's full of everything the plant needs during it's cycle you'll need to feed the plant. At one point it's going to show signs of def, most likely Calcium first. The plant will really start to takeoff once you get a feed program going.
It's not a stupid question, but unless you have a soil that's full of everything the plant needs during it's cycle you'll need to feed the plant. At one point it's going to show signs of def, most likely Calcium first. The plant will really start to takeoff once you get a feed program going.
What your saying makes absolute sense, I'm gonna wait until they start asking for it before I start to feed though.. as soon as they start to show any deficiencies i'll jump right on it, the area in the back garden that i'm using was previously used for vegetables so there was some manure and compost, etc. already added to that soil before which is my main reason for not wanting to add more nutes.. although the veggies would have used it up i'm sure there's still plenty of nutes left there in that soil so i'm just gonna hold off for a bit I think in case I do overpower them with nutrients and stunt them.
Plant: Zkittlez 2
Week: 9

'Zkittlez #2' is starting her ninth week now and finally she is starting to come along nicely.. some pistils starting to show now too in the last couple of days so some exciting weeks to come for her, I'm gonna go ahead and mark this as week 1 for the flowering phase. The weather hasn't been too bad lately and we're looking at another high temp week this week again so all is good on that side.. the rain hasn't been too much of a bother anymore anyway as I used Smeegols idea with the cling film, rather than wrapping it all around the plant similar to a mini greenhouse though I just made a little roof over them.. I think doing it this way just leaves a little more air in around them too.. that's the other plants though, I have this one away on her own and she's sheltered were she is either way so she doesn't need the roof over her head.. she's kind of separate to the rest of the plants I have going at the moment.. it's the soil garden vs. the coco lol.

Update on the Kush's tomorrow! For now though some Zkittlez for everyone...

What your saying makes absolute sense, I'm gonna wait until they start asking for it before I start to feed though.. as soon as they start to show any deficiencies i'll jump right on it, the area in the back garden that i'm using was previously used for vegetables so there was some manure and compost, etc. already added to that soil before which is my main reason for not wanting to add more nutes.. although the veggies would have used it up i'm sure there's still plenty of nutes left there in that soil so i'm just gonna hold off for a bit I think in case I do overpower them with nutrients and stunt them.
It sounds like the soil is pretty healthy so you may just be fine. Your plan is good. The plants can turn fast so you don't want to lose many leaves once, or if, you see any signs.
Plant: Kush 1, Kush 2, Kush 4, Kush 5
Week: 4 (Day 21)

Kush's are all coming on slowly.. some better than others, I don't know what the hell is going on with 'Kush #2'.. the first set of leaves are curled right into the stem and new growth is pretty small, it's definitely the runt of them all! On the other hand I thought 'Kush #5' was mutated looking compared to the rest at the start but it's starting to look as though she's the most vigorous one of them all so hope that one is female.. as I said in yesterdays post we have a good week of sunshine ahead so they should all get some nice growth over the next week.. planning on topping two of these plants and i'm probably going to do some L.S.T along with that too.

Update for 'Zkittlez 3' tomorrow

Plant: Zkittlez 3
Week: 6

I think the zkittlez is just a slow starter, the kush's seem to be catching up to her already, but again she's healthy and pushing out new growth so no complaints from me.. starting her 6th week now and the cotyledons are starting to yellow so i'm gonna keep a close eye for any nutrient deficiency's from here on out! All is going well so far though..

Going back to the 'Zkittlez #2', I've started to introduce the (advanced hydroponics of holland: 2 Bloom) she's taking 1.5ml biogrow with that and 1l of water pH 6.0.. I'm gonna slowly start to cut out the biogrow now and increase the bloom feeds until flush.

Some pics of 'Zkittlez #3'

Evening mr.Tommy I hope this finds you well, I see the kiddos are all looking grand brother, how's the ol pooch behaving....haha

So I was doing a bit of thinking and realised something which makes sense to me in my stoned state this evening....haha and you can help explain something maby so here goes, my brother and his missus are moving back to the uk as they have uk passports due to uk ancestry and so do I but I'm remaining back here at home for the foreseeable future. I'm looking at coming over for a holiday next year for a week or 2 so maybe if the geography is right I might be keen to meet up for a chinwag and smoke..?
Do you allow South Africans into your neck of the woods.... :rofl: Also I'd like to meet up with @Bilbobudkin420 as he's in that neck of the woods hour or so away from my brother by train.

Have a good evening brother...
Sorry gang been on the D.L for a while! So, to pick up where I left off.. 'Kush#2' didn't make it I decided to pull it on week 7 cause it was showing no signs of growth and it was quite weak an miserable looking.. I topped 'Kush#4' on the same week and started some LST on 'Kush#5'

Since then i've been continuing to tie down 'Kush#5' as it grows and feeds have increased for all 3 remaining Kush's to 5ml bio-grow with 1.5l of water (keeping pH between 6.9 and 7.1 for soil).. I'm going to continue to feed with the 5ml bio-grow for now as it seems to be doing the job!

Not much else has really been happening with them.. 'Kush#1' has shown some pistils this week (Week 12 - 06/09/19) so she'll be a keeper, I think I can see some pistils starting to show on 'Kush#5' but its still a little early to tell so maybe another week and i'll know what I have.

Moving on to the main gal herself 'Zkittlez 2.0'.. sorry you guys had to miss out on this one,
I stopped giving the bio-grow completely and not long after she showed signs of nitrogen deficiency so I immediately started feeding that again all the way until flush at a lower dose.. the AHH:2 Bloom worked its way to 6ml before flush.. apart from the slight deficiency and some bad weather now and again she done pretty good.

So about 2 weeks ago I started removing some of her main fan leaves as she entered her flush, last week I removed any leaves that were left except for the sugar leaves and continued to flush the medium.

So she was due to come down Monday or Tuesday but I went ahead and took her down today because it looked like some mold was starting to form and I won't lie it was killing me to leave her alone lol.. I currently have her drying out now.

I'll have a look to see what pics I have from the last few weeks and i'll get them posted up as soon as I can!
Feels good to be back lol.. :hookah:
Evening mr.Tommy I hope this finds you well, I see the kiddos are all looking grand brother, how's the ol pooch behaving....haha

So I was doing a bit of thinking and realised something which makes sense to me in my stoned state this evening....haha and you can help explain something maby so here goes, my brother and his missus are moving back to the uk as they have uk passports due to uk ancestry and so do I but I'm remaining back here at home for the foreseeable future. I'm looking at coming over for a holiday next year for a week or 2 so maybe if the geography is right I might be keen to meet up for a chinwag and smoke..?
Do you allow South Africans into your neck of the woods.... :rofl: Also I'd like to meet up with @Bilbobudkin420 as he's in that neck of the woods hour or so away from my brother by train.

Have a good evening brother...
Bit of a late reply but the doggos have been kept well away whilst I was gone Smeegs lol..

I definitely would like to meet up for sure, but.. i'm a stretch beyond the UK here in Ireland :straightface:
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