Another Brix In The Wall: Sweet Pink Stink & Coked Out Girl Scout

Girls are looking good Ween! that tent is full! :high-five:

Thanks Gray, OL and Yeti! Are we able to multi quote yet and if so, any tips?

So the monster COGS is on the floor, the bigs SPS is on 1 box raised about 6" and the small SPS is on 2 boxes up about 12". I had to take a bunch of large fans from the top of the small SPS as they were covering the bud sites and tucking was not working. There is a small area in the back corner that could fill in, cogs grew over the oscillating fan.

Thanks Gray, OL and Yeti! Are we able to multi quote yet and if so, any tips?

So the monster COGS is on the floor, the bigs SPS is on 1 box raised about 6" and the small SPS is on 2 boxes up about 12". I had to take a bunch of large fans from the top of the small SPS as they were covering the bud sites and tucking was not working. There is a small area in the back corner that could fill in, cogs grew over the oscillating fan.

Nice work Ween--love seeing that even canopy, and a bunch of happy girls in flower. Week or two till Cat?
Thanks Stoney! I do the CDs on the late side so at least 2 weeks. Stage did some as late as day 37 with great results, not sure if I'll go that long but we'll see how they develop.

Are you a brixxer and do you have a journal?


Indeed I am--been lurking for years, then I made an account in 2016, and STILL haven't had a journal...Yep, you can for sure wait on the Cat drenches. It varies by strain, and I've found the timing of the application has a profound effect on terpenes--not just the yield. Later uses tends to result in 'skunkier/stankier' smells--so for OGs and the like, I'll wait a bit longer for the CATs to bring out their flavors. On the longer flowering sativas, I'll find myself giving them 4 or even 5 cat drenches, alternating with Growith Ionic Drench. I finish most plants--the vast majority--on Growth Ionic Drench.

Here's Strawberry Banana (Just got CAT #2) and Platinum Lemon Sisters, both with a little time left. Might pull that PLS next week--as you can see from the plants, I've had some environmental issues this run. Power outages while out of town left my grow naked and afraid for a few days....not great, but hey--somehow the plants seems to have survived.

Strawberry Banana:

Platinum Lemon Sisters:

Holy shit Stoney! If that is what you can do with environmental issues, I'd love to see what you can do without them! Those are some amazing buds sir! Wow! :high-five: please feel free to post any pics in here that you'd like and definately let me know if you start a journal so I can follow. Thanks for the cat tips!

You can multi post. Hit the plus quote on everything you want to quote aside from the last and then hit reply on the last one and then when you have you reply box up there will be something below it that says add quotes or some such. Click on that and it will bring up everything you hit plus quote on. You can then choose to add all those quotes.
Lookin' pretty "fake"...:thumb:...:high-five:...cheerz...h00k...:rollit:
Indeed I am--been lurking for years, then I made an account in 2016, and STILL haven't had a journal...Yep, you can for sure wait on the Cat drenches. It varies by strain, and I've found the timing of the application has a profound effect on terpenes--not just the yield. Later uses tends to result in 'skunkier/stankier' smells--so for OGs and the like, I'll wait a bit longer for the CATs to bring out their flavors. On the longer flowering sativas, I'll find myself giving them 4 or even 5 cat drenches, alternating with Growith Ionic Drench. I finish most plants--the vast majority--on Growth Ionic Drench.

Here's Strawberry Banana (Just got CAT #2) and Platinum Lemon Sisters, both with a little time left. Might pull that PLS next week--as you can see from the plants, I've had some environmental issues this run. Power outages while out of town left my grow naked and afraid for a few days....not great, but hey--somehow the plants seems to have survived.

Strawberry Banana:

Platinum Lemon Sisters:

Holy shit Stoney! If that is what you can do with environmental issues, I'd love to see what you can do without them! Those are some amazing buds sir! Wow! :high-five: please feel free to post any pics in here that you'd like and definately let me know if you start a journal so I can follow. Thanks for the cat tips!


Thanks Yeti! I don't see your quote, maybe I need to hit add quote for that one too.
Thanks Yeti! I don't see your quote, maybe I need to hit add quote for that one too.
Thanks Yeti! I don't see your quote, maybe I need to hit add quote for that one too.
You can multi post. Hit the plus quote on everything you want to quote aside from the last and then hit reply on the last one and then when you have you reply box up there will be something below it that says add quotes or some such. Click on that and it will bring up everything you hit plus quote on. You can then choose to add all those quotes.

Wicked cool, you can rearrange the quote to display on any order by dragging and dropping!

Spent a couple hours with the ladies, dang hippies needed their legs shaved big time. Then they all got EWC, recharge and watered it in with GE.
Holy shit Stoney! If that is what you can do with environmental issues, I'd love to see what you can do without them! Those are some amazing buds sir! Wow! :high-five: please feel free to post any pics in here that you'd like and definately let me know if you start a journal so I can follow. Thanks for the cat tips!

You're too kind--but I'm here to learn, like the rest of us. I should get off my ass and start a journal....cheers Ween!
You are welcome bud! Glad I could help :high-five:


You're too kind--but I'm here to learn, like the rest of us. I should get off my ass and start a journal....cheers Ween!

seriously Stoney, based on those pics I'm guessing some of us could learn from you so let us know if/when you start a journal!

Found your journal Ween. Very impressive ! :bravo::high-five:

Hi Delta! Welcome aboard and thanks! You too, if/when you start a journal, let us know. Brixxers unite mon! :ganjamon:

Man I'm sucking at multi quote! I clicked on the plus quote button from the last 3 comments and got 3 quotes from delta. I am going to post this and then try again.

I was forgetting to click insert quotes, oops. Previous multi quote was better! :bongrip::bong::volcano-smiley:
It's been 18 days since I took clones, day of flip, and I'm finally seeing some roots!

How long before I plop em into some soil?

The mothers were lights on at 5pm in veg and bloom but when I took the clones, they've been at 24/0. Is that going to present a problem when I change to my normal veg schedule of 16/8? Should I stick to lights on at 5pm?

It's been 18 days since I took clones, day of flip, and I'm finally seeing some roots!

How long before I plop em into some soil?

The mothers were lights on at 5pm in veg and bloom but when I took the clones, they've been at 24/0. Is that going to present a problem when I change to my normal veg schedule of 16/8? Should I stick to lights on at 5pm?

Hey there Ween, I am sure more experienced folk will drop by and help you out. But I wanna give this a shot. So I believe Doc says they need to have the same wake up time. Meaning if you're moving from veg to flower both areas lights should come on at the same time to reduce stress. So I would say, with the clones, when you're ready to bring them to a normal veg schedule just turn the lights out at the time you want them off, and make sure to set your timer to come on the same time as you usually do. As far as the roots go, Doc says not to let them get too long because then they may turn to water roots... not so good for HB. I actually trimmed mine back several times until I had several nice roots coming out, then plopped them into some HB soil. Make sure not to get the roots! directly on the clone roots... i killed one that way, but coulda just been me. Also, why so long to get roots? Are you spraying with weak De-stress every 2 days?

Edit: I ask about the De Stress and the length of time to get roots only because the only time I have ever tried to clone was a great success, it only took 4-5 days for roots to pop on mine, but I was using the De-Stress, and a make shift bubble cloner I put together. I also had them under weak light on 11/13.
Thanks Daj! I know the lights on time should be the same for veg and bloom, I was wondering if I've screwed that up by doing the clones at 24/0. I'll assume that when I change the light schedule that lights on should be 5pm which is what it was when their mothers were in veg and now in bloom. I might just go ahead and plop em in the 1's this weekend. I'm not sure why it took so long for roots. I did spray early on with weak destress but then added more water and have been using that 2-3 times per day to mist the plants and water bottle domes. 3 or 4 days ago I saw the clones would freely spin in the rapid rooter so I knew there were no roots so I pulled them out and re-dipped in the rooting hormone which is probably why I have roots now. I'm just happy I got some plants to start vegging that will be ready when it's chop time for these beautiful ladies. Speaking of, I just had to take some pics.

The resin has started and the cogs has a sickly sweet smell to her while the sps's are kind of planty/spicy smelling. Both SPS have large fans all over the top which I am thinking I need to trim more, I've been doing it all along but they keep popping up. They are +18 and I will plan on late cats unless it's suggested that I go earlier since they look like they're almost ready. They got straight RO tonight, no trans since they've been getting lots of food and got the recharge/EWC last water which was GE and both times I watered all down the top, today I added a little extra into the saucers.

If I go TD, RO and then cats, that will be 12 days from now so +30. Sound good? Too late?

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