Another Brix In The Wall: Sweet Pink Stink & Coked Out Girl Scout

Thanks Dark! I flipped 8 days ago and all are showing some pistils, the cogs had a bunch of pre flowers prior to flip.

Pics are prett easy. Click on Gallery or if you don't see that click entertainment then gallery, then add media. I know Amy Gardner did a tutorial, I'll try to find it for you. I'd like to see your plants!
It's weird how so many people come and go on here. A good number of my "friends" are no longer on here.

Almost level all the way across the canopy, lil shorty needs to put her high heels on, ha! :rofl:

Looking Nice

Please take a knee and receive the TITLE of CANOPY MASTER
while we place a wreath of BRIX Flowers on your head :goodjob:
Thanks Gazoo! I'm not so sure about master but appreciate the compliment! I am really happy with this round.

Have a rockin day!


Damn someone SMOKED the BRIX Flower Wreath so we will have to award you the badge instead

Damn someone SMOKED the BRIX Flower Wreath so we will have to award you the badge instead

Ha, nice! I'm gonna need to make some adjustments if I'm too keep that badge. How quickly things get uneven. Thanks Gazoo!

Is day 14 from flip a good time to recharge & EWC? Keep in mind I'm in 15's.

Still no roots on my clones! :(
For the ReCharge,'s mostly rocks that break down over many weeks. It actually helps the next run of soil too. By giving it a bit early will guarantee things break down in time to be used by present crop. I always give it a lil early..i want it to benefit in mid to late bloom , when they need it most.
It should be scratched in as deep as you can too, without harming roots of course.Make sure to really mix it up good first as lots of powder like to settle at the bottom, real quick. Lots of things work great for scratching it in,...i use whatever is closest to me at the time....LOL. It's a good idea to water right after too. As the weeks go by , u will see the rock dust accumulate in you water. I like to see it...lets me know i didn't forget it..LMAO.
Gotta fly...timer on stove......cheers eh!:circle-of-love:
Wanted to try and get pics of the waxy looking leaves since I gave my first leaf wash. Are you guys using leaf wash on all grows or only those with pests? Also, how often? I cannot stand the smell. I've come to like or should I say tolerate the smell of the other products. I am not a fan of fishy smells, I don't eat fish, I'll catch the crap out of em but always catch and release.

Don't like fish eh Ween,...LOL..Mare doesn't like it neither.. I love it , all kinds , any way , it's all good.
Transplant Drenches wouldn't do anything for ya then eh..LMFAO...:rofl:
My GR smells like a fish factory after one...:rofl:..How bout seafood bud, like?
I'm a lobster freak..just love to eat em. tasty...tasty...w/butter. cheers eh!

Especially not seafood. I don't mind the trans smell and it usually fades within a day but the leaf wash smell stuck around for a couple days and was strong, didn't really notice it today. Thanks goodness for the can33!
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