Sunday, January 12, 2025
Trouble shooting update: The Raised Bed

@Graytail @neikodog and other brixers who may have a take on this. :ciao:

I’m uber tired right now - I hope I explain this sucessfully ;)

I posted a few weeks ago that I’d been feeding the custom amended rasied bed way way heavier than Doc prescribed (like 5x stronger!). No harm done, but i adjusted it back to the minimal amounts. I’m now getting very extreme fade and wonder what folks might suggest. (I’ll aim to get this message to Doc, too.)

Here’s what’s played out recently around the the unpredictability of working outside. :D

2 plants. Candida at 4 weeks in flower (8-9 week strain) and Critical Mass at 6weeks flower (7-8 week strain) and I was just taking aim at lining up their cat drench windows (early for CD and late for CM).

A bit over a week ago I noticed a fade that has gotten worse. I was gearing up for the first Cat and I decided a hearty TP was in order to make sure things were “hooked up”. I mixed it a little strong maybe and got some tip burn.

Then I had to treat for mites (big local plague this season - all over the shire!). One treatment I did too late in the morning and things got pretty burnt, leaves and even pistils went black. That is mostly cosmetic really - but those mite foliars (Green Cleaner) did make it hard to get the Brix spraying done and that is definitely a factor.

Then, I gave the first Cat on Saturday. Not 5hrs later we had an unpredicted and massive downpour of 30 ml in 20 mins and then another 30+ml coming steadily in the 24hrs following. It’s just been hammering down. I now have them under cover from the rain (phewf!) since yesterday evening and am wondering how to proceed regarding the drenches.

I assume that the CAT drench I gave 2 days ago has all but washed away - although the garden is well contained. Maybe I’m wrong about that. In any case, its definitely had a ton of water and that breaks the Cat cycle right there.

Yesterday looking at them I kept thinking “Growth” and “Brix” and “Snake Oil”. These are all things I think have maybe been a bit under applied in the last few weeks. The Snake Oil is over a week late I think as the mite treatment and the rains have made it impossble.

So I will do a Brix w Snake Oil at the first opportunity. I am wondering if I should restart the Cats, or if I ought to skip that and get some Growth into it after the Brix/SO, and forego doing Cats on the Critical Mass (I can always Cat Drench the Candida later if it recovers well enough).

It’s the first season amending this soil and if issues are going to arise it’s going to be now, while the flowering demand is in full swing. I even wondered this morning when I woke up if I should be “recharging” it with some of the custom ammendment. Hopefully I’ll find Doc and he can advise on that :)

Anyway - I took these pics yesterday between rains... not winning beauty contests anymore, but it’s kind of a rite of passage to have a really ratty looking plant at the finish isn’t it!? :laughtwo:

I appreciate any insights and suggestions!

Note that the pistils aren’t that dried up - they got a bit burnt by the mistimed spray as well.

Critical Mass is prob’ly 2 weeks from finish. Candida has another 4-5weeks to go. It’s hard to see - but you can notice the large Candida leaves are showing inconsistency in colouring. It’s quite noticeable fade in person and it has been eating/dropping lower and large fans for a while. Both plants have faded to yellowish overall over the last week or so.









I’m so happy they’re undercover now! It’s going to keep raining for a day or 2.

These pics from today show the fade a bit more clearly:



Candida looks vigorous posture wise. I’m leaning more towards a remedial Growth Ionic Drench with some Trans. added (and tea of course) today, and then brix tomorrow morning and see how we go with that.

Doc is checking it out for me too so will hopefully have his take on it soon :)

Oh! And following up the other thing... these pics show the roughly installed rain cover a bit better to! Wonky and working :high-five:


These pics from today show the fade a bit more clearly:



Candida looks vigorous posture wise. I’m leaning more towards a remedial Growth Ionic Drench with some Trans. added (and tea of course) today, and then brix tomorrow morning and see how we go with that.

Doc is checking it out for me too so will hopefully have his take on it soon :)

Oh! And following up the other thing... these pics show the roughly installed rain cover a bit better to! Wonky and working :high-five:


Looks perfect!! Great job :high-five:
Well I picked a bad time to be trying to email DOc! It’s Sunday for you lot, and Sunday night now. Monday afternoon for me so I just didn’t click. Doesn’t help that I failed to include the link in my first email to Doc and he got back to me really quickly to say that, but I didnt see his reply for an hour or so... so a missed connection today perhaps.

If any other brixers swing by, would you treat mid bloom (pre Cat) fade with a strong Growth drench? :Namaste:
Typically to help with the mid bloom fade I try to hit them with a rescue drench before it really starts. The problem is that that is A LOT of transplant and may mess things up for you. It is hard for me to make suggestions though with your custom mix and feeding routine! I think Doc is really the only one that can give you expert advice since you are not in the regular blend. So I am kind of out of the comfort zone. the other thing that can be used to help combat the fade is snake oil. I feel like I read yesterday that you had one scheduled but have not had a chance to give it yet. I hope Doc gets back to you soon so that you can get some advice on how best to proceed! :Namaste:
Thanks Yeti :thanks: that really helps actually. I did the equivalent to a rescue drench 5-6 days ago (a triple+ strength TP) so that’s good to know its a done thing at mid bloom. I did read a bit about prepping for the Cat drench and I think it was mentioned there as well so prompted me to do it. It didn’t help the fade so well though.

I realise it’s a unique-ish situation. I should really have tried getting in touch with Doc directly a lot sooner. Just had a lot else going on and it honestly didn’t occur to me until yesterday to just email him, doh! I definitely missed him today when he responded so that was a bummer - so close!

In any case, even though the Candida had excellent posture today, looking fully charged, things are pretty advanced fade wise and continue to fade more so, being the executive Gardner, I made an executive decision and gave a strong GE with a dash of TP thrown in. Tomorrow I’ll get the brix with Snake Oil done and we’ll see how that settles in. Talk about baptism of fire. :cool:

And I know I’ll hear from Doc tomorrow so I’ll get to find out then how close to the mark my instincts are :nervous-guy::laughtwo:

Meanwhile - the White Widow in the 13.5gal pot continues to rock my world.:love: It got GE (with a dash of TP) Drench today as well. It also got a ton of rain through it over the last 48 hours so I’ll make sure the next Trans is a hearty one and I’m wondering if a little more recharge would be a good idea there too. :hmmmm:

I hope other folks’ gardens are a bit less eventful than mine right now :D
Good morning! Golly - it’s raining again... :eek:

Doc got back to me and his take was
So.....when you were over feeing, the roots got lazy. Prune off dead stuff......rescue drench. Carry on.
I think i did that last week already. A Rescue is normally about 5x he usual Drench strength. Seeing as we had worked out i needed about 4ml per week, I figured a recuse would be 20 ml.

It didn’t halt it, as I’ve said so maybe it wasn’t strong enough. I’ve emailed Doc back to see about that. Will report back.

At least I know now that the first thing I worked out was the right thing (the Rescue i aimed at last week). Perhaps the execution was lacking... I’m flying by the seat of my pants a bit with this raised bed...
:thumb:nice cover, it should give some protection.:hugs::high-five:We here are having a nice spring breakout here, Suns out the goldfish have shown themselves yesterday for the first time since early November. I have not tried to mix GE and trans together, not sure about that:hmmmm: let me know how it works. G'night Amy to your afternoon:passitleft::Namaste:
Amy to your afternoon:passitleft::Namaste:

:thumb:nice cover,

Sounds like spring has spring for you, d! :love:

On that drench thing - I’ve seen DB mention (others too) adding a little TP to all drenches at times. This seemed like a situation where that would be appropriate. But I have an update on the drench strength and yellowing problem... coming up. Boy what a day yesterday :eek:

Functional Update: State of the Garden

Mystery solved - hopefully disaster averted!

To recap - feeding wise for the raised bed, I started of giving 15-30ml every time I drenched, which was whenever it seemed to need it. This was right - perfect even. Remember that Amy :)

So end of Jan you may remember I looked back to the sheet DB sent me with the ammendment for the bed and for the drenched it said this:


Some folk may remember that a few of us discussed this and agreed that should mean 4ml of drench per week. We were all wrong. :eek:

Yesterday I clarified with DB that 1oz (30ml) of drench for 16SF is about right, and stronger wouldn’t hurt either. And that is not monthly - it’s for every drench, using the Drench - water - Drench pattern. This would work out to close to 2oz per week over a couple of drenches.

WHt that means is my poor babies got about 10% or less of what they needed from late Jan til now. Kind of a disaster for a plant going in to flower, oh my! I’ve been through an entire gamut of emotion working through it trying to figure out were I went wrong. I’m relieved to know that my math was ok - it was only the monthly thing making us break it down to weekly that threw things out.

So - no mystery. Hopefully no continuing disaster.

Gray suggested I could just dive in to the Cats now - but the fade is escalating fast so I’m too ‘nervous newbie’ to do that and I’m doing a big TP - not quite a rescue but a good double strength one. Next drench after that I’ll CAT if the Critical Mass looks like it can go another week or so (leaving me time for the 2nd Cat and then a water and a GE).

I always say we learn the most when the biggest f*ckups happen. :straightface:

I will never massively underfeed a raised bed again! :nerd-with-glasses:

For posterity: The original bottles said: 1-2oz per 30SF of garden. That’s the ticket. Doc says 1-1.5oz per feed for my 16SF is a good starting point.

I was gutted - but am less so now. These 2 plants are my main meds - they all go to oil pretty much - and I only have one chance every year to grow them. I’m thankful we’ve worked out what was going wrong and hope I can save them. Graytail reassured me that they don’t look too bad considering. :thanks:

I’m a bit exhausted from the whole thing - plus the shelter build! Might hibernate for a bit...

So relieved to know now...
Sorry to hear your troubles AG!
The rain tarp worked great! Now you know the proper feed amounts so that changes things going forward. Keep in mind the soil will be a little more active next go around.
I’ve been chasing the midbloom fade as well. I’ll be more careful next grow
Thanks Archie! I appreciate the sentiment a lot :ganjamon: I’m a bit less heartbroken and a bit more circumspect today.

The really great part is that it’s not like I’m scratching my head wondering was going on. I know exactly what happened so it’s an easy thing to avoid next time :high-five:

I’m recovering well today - hopefully the garden is too. Body is still whacked from building the cover, which i’m really happy with btw. There’s nothing like lying in bed hearing the rain, knowing that the nearly ripe buds out there are not getting wet from it! :slide: Now to get the WW under something and I’m all good.

Hearty TP drenches have been given all ‘round. The raised bed got 45ml of TP (+5ml tea) and then a few hours later a little more of each. Doc recommended about 2oz of drench and I’m somewhere in that ballpark. I decided WW could have a strong one as well, it’s still in the rain so it’s been washed through a fair bit. I gave it about 20ml(+2ml tea) . Hopefully that will repopulate things all round. WW stil looks amazing!

When I give water to the raised bed in a day or so, i’ll check the trichs on the Critical Mass again. This is a closeup from a couple of days ago. (Pistil tips were burnt by the mistimed mite spray - that was a newbie mistake! :confused: )


It’s getting close but I’m wondering if i can stretch it out to get it the (very late) CATs then h20 then water then GE. That would push me out another 10 days at least, so we’ll see...

I’d kind of like to try and give it that long just to let it recover a bit from the starvation! Is that the right way to be thinking of it? (That’s a general question for anybody :)) It’s mostly for pain and sleep meds so a bit of CBN isn’t a problem.

Hope your night is good Archie and all :passitleft:
Sorry Amy, I just now got around to stopping by. I didn't see the tag sorry I don't usually examine all the notifications. I wish they didn't notify me of every like or post somebody made. Anyway it sounds like you got a handle on your issues. I wouldn't worry about hitting them with the CAT drench either. The late CAT will give that plant a different taste at harvest. Who knows you might just like that. I've given some long flowering sativas late CAT drenches on purpose, it won't hurt anything and it just might help her finish. I don't see mention of using destress, I think that would help too. Anyway looking good to me, I've seen worse plants still produce top notch produce.
Thanks neiko - that’s great to hear. And no worries missing the tag. No-one else would’ve likely figured the prob anyway- And it was only when I told Doc I’d given a “heavy” TP at 20ml and he responded that this was super light for even a regular feed that I realised something was way off and then figured out the problem. I think that was only gonna happen in convo with Doc - so all good now! Hopefully he’ll be back soon :)
Anyway looking good to me, I've seen worse plants still produce top notch produce.
great to hear this from you :thanks: Graytail said something similar. It helps a lot. :cool:

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