Update: Critical Mass - day 90(8)
Ok - i’m calling it 8 days in flower. It seems to be still stretching. And it’s a beautiful beast. The raised bed is 3’ square
It’s getting a hearty Growth Ionic Drench today, along with the other photos. The raised bed got about 4-5 litres of rainwater this morning with 15ml of GI and 1.5ml of Tea. I’ll do about the same later this afternoon, when it’s in the shade. Then there’s a Brix spray due in a couple of days which coincides with the time for another application of Snake Oil. The Snake Oil is a once per month application to start addressing some micronutrient lack/imbalance in my soil.
Pics or it didn’t happen, right?
The branching is spectacular. Each end looks like a really vigorous little auto!
There are some white fly in the garden, but I hardly ever see damage on a cannabis leaf.
This is a big part of why that is...
It is here perched on the bamboo post between the Candida and the Critical Mass and it's been there every day for the last few in a row.
And because ... here’s another in the morning light.
So, you might think that the dragonfly was easily a critter of the week worthy event - and so it is. In all honesty though, I could do a dragonfly of the hour journal! They are everywhere and all the time. I've watched them hawking white fly on more than one occasion.
I also seem to be surrounded by jumping spiders a lot right now - and to my delight the Critical Mass has one all of it’s own, and the lucky little thing has the huge expanse of Critical Mass to hunt on.
You might have spotted this in an earlier photo...
Here it is!
They come to me - and it’s always a joy if the camera is in my vicinity when that happens!
Thanks for coming along again my merry band of gardeners!
I’ll be cruising around everyone else’s garden now until the next exciting instalment - same Bat channel... who knows what Bat time