Amy Gardner’s High Brix Dreams

Thanks newty! There’s definite improvement in the general vigour today. Plus - the pot is drying out super quickly so something shifted.

I was cleaning out the tent so had Blue out and am always stoked to see it away from the LED. Well it was right there but not right under it.

I’ve taken off the worst affected leaves. Her good bits are looking good indeed!



I love this... checkout how much difference light angle makes to colour! Same spot as above, but with the camera at a lower angle to the light source...

And a little frost :slide:

I took these earlier because I’m about to go away for 6days :eek: I have to travel for an appointment so am combining it with visiting some family. So I decided I’ll post these pics and then update when I get back.

The suddenly fast dry out on the Blue Dream means that I will get to treat that pot again before I go and it should be good till I get back.

I’ll do it in the morning and it will get a recharge along with a transwater (1/4 strength transplant drench) and the next round of Bti. I actually added some Roots! powder when I did the treatment the other day to help the roots recover a bit and I may add a little more this time too.

So, a big recharge and drench and then I depart for 5nights. I would say I hope Blue Dream will be ok, but of course she will... it’s me that’ll be having separation anxiety! BD will be happy for the peace and quiet I’m sure. ;)

I feel more comfortable that the gnats are being dealt with too so that will make it easier to leave.

Speaking of those gnatty gnats... I checked on the cooking soil earlier today (it has about a week to being ready :) ) and straight after I lifted the lid, 2 little gnats popped up and flew out! Little fookers!! And I missed catching em too, dang nabbit!
Ne’r mind.
That just confirms to me that I got eggses with either the peat moss of the castings. I’m glad I’m treating for it now. Things are definitely better in the tent and I now have 2 different kinds of sticky traps in there. I also turned the oscillating fan up a bit and made sure it points right at the dirt (like Shed said bobrown does).

Oh and DDA seems happy outside for now, and EM too. I’ll visit them in the morning before I leave and update on the road. Then I’ll be offline a little bit - maybe a lot. Some of where I’m going is out of service - which will be awesome. A reset. After morning drenches.

Nighty night and good morning, and good afternoon too ...


I’ll leave this here for anyone passing ... left
Hi AMy, Your updates are looking beautiful in spite of your gnatty issues! I have to tell you about something called "gnat nix". If it's available to you. It looks like pearlite and I put a layer on one of our house plants with f gnats with great results. We treated with neem, h2o2, with no help. This mechanically kills them as they crawl through it. The count went from always being around , to one every day or two flying around. A big difference and it was inexpensive. I don't know if it fits the brix method but if so then it might help. I'd use it in the tent in a heartbeat. About a half inch layer, maybe a little less. Have fun on your journey.
Thanks everyone- quick checkin while the family are out for a while (to give me a rest actually so I’d better have one ;) ). Crashed badly from the drive on Tuesday so have been mostly in a dark room for 3days recovering (in a quiet place with an amazing view of mountains which I enjoyed every evening).
get my heart scanned by ultrasound tomorrow :eek: can’t wait to see the pics! I love medical imaging. (I don’t love that I have to have so much of it atm tho’ But, silver linings, you know :)

Travelling with oils and a vape is so awesome. I can medicate for pain and no one really has to know :D Unless they’re interested... always educating the canna-naive

Reports from the tent tell me about stable humidity and temp:) (48% and 77 - perfect for flowering). Stretch baby stretch!

Have a great weekend all. :love:
Sorry... not a car crash! It can happen from something as simple as a car ride, that it pushes me into a severe symptom flare - that we call a ‘crash’. SO pain ramps up along with flu type symptoms and light and sound sensitivity, blood pressure and heart rate probs etc. ... a f^@#)^ng nightmare in other words. Just like can happen with other (any) sort of activity. “Crash” suits it well, because I feel like I’ve been in one (and I have once so I do know ;) ). Things are slightly better today - I’ve relocated and can handle having the curtain open which is nice (I have trees and sky). It will pass, it usually does (although it has been known to take weeks, sometimes months... and other times only days). Trip home tomorrow so depending on how that goes ... i’ll check in shortly after. Meanwhile... shutting down again and might pop up later to peruse other journals :)
Wow idk what I missed just stopped by to see how you've been Amy. I normally just keep up with you via shed journal. Sorry to hear you've hit a speed bump (trying to keep with the car analogy). I sincerely hope everything works out and you can be on the up and up ASAP! sending you and your plants lots of love, and positive vibes!
Thanks you great people.

Haha - crazy post to land on Dabber! Oof! As Shed would say :)

I been dealing with this stuff at a pretty severe level for a couple of years now. Recently some diagnostic breakthroughs are coming though which is both great, and a lot to process. There are not many treatment options for some aspects, mostly management. Cannabis is and will be a central part of that.

Hope everyone is having a super weekend!

Bom Shankar :rollit:

Update :ganjamon: week 14

Blue Dream #1 - Day 100 (22/13)

Looking good when I got home! The carer had to give about a litre of water on day 6 as things were drooping a bit. I got a series of messages bordering on panic, lol! “Droopy! What should I do? Why me?” LOL! So I asked for a litre of plain water in the tray knowing I’d be home to drench the next day. That did the trick.

The previous drench was a transwater which watered in the Recharge (plus some castings). This time we were up to another full Transplant Drench which I did yesterday, after all these photos.
I made 4L - with 10ml of TP, 1ml of Tea and 2tsp of Bti (for the gnats!). It was later in the day so I won’t Brix spray this morning, it’s prolly too soon - I’ll do it tomorrow. BD took about 2.5 litres of that drench, the rest went to the Autos outside.

I’m still treating for gnats. I’m certain there’re eggs in the mix. Hardly any flying around. I’ve literally seen 2 in the last week. The sticky trap caught about 10 or so more since I went away though so they’re still hatching. They still biting too. I left almost no damaged leaves on the plant, and came back to lots of marks.

Li’l buggers! It’s the larvae that do this apparently - eating the root fungi and damaging roots.

I also sprinkled a little more Roots! on the surface and watered it in with the drench yesterday - to give the root fungi a boost. This normally isn’t needed, I’m just mindful that the gnat larvae are still making things tough going down there.

I am very pleased that despite the gnats, the soil community seems to be functioning perfectly. Good colour and sheen and texture and plenty of sugar already!

I still feel like it is a little bonsai like tho. And maybe this is some kind of illusion...

I’ve never really grown indoors but I’m sure that my outdoor plants are just bigger in general bud structure at this stage. These buds all look perfect, but kinda miniature. Maybe they will get broader, but I’m scratching my head a bit. Perhaps the gnat issue has bonsai’d it a bit - either that or my defoliation and pruning.

Maybe I’m imaging it - and maybe y’all can help me out with your opinions on this. Check this out, this is the same stem freatured above (all frosty in the flash light ;) ) - with the 420lighter right next to it for size reference...

Miniature? Or normal... (I have no perspective!)

Regardless, Blue is still looking superb in most ways. I’ll leave you with one more of the pretty (tiny) bud sites.


Early Miss and DDA in the garden are doing ok - bit of a cold snap while I was away but they will survive - wrapped in their burlap sacks! No pics of them yet, wasn’t up to it (well I forgot the phone when I went out to treat them and I’m not up to multiple trips back n forth right now!). But Early Miss is getting her flower on :slide: Outdoor bud for Christmas!

I think you're just going to have a low yielder - darned thing just didn't stretch. :confused:

I've certainly had it happen to me. You apparently have an especially Blueberry leaning pheno. I've never grown outdoors, but I suppose the flip is an entirely different thing. The plant would tend to regulate its own bloom as the days stop getting longer.

So now you know that this particular pheno doesn't stretch. I had the same experience with the first try at my Bluniverse - got maybe 6 inches of stretch and a low yield. So, I revegged it and grew it much bigger before I flipped, and I got 12+ inches this time.

With yours, you could kinda see it coming, with the tight nodes, but I expected more than you got.

The good news it that it'll have plenty of soil to work with, and will probably turn out especially well.

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