Thanks Archi
Ummmm do you have any pics of your local kangaroo mob?? I just get my lawn mowed by wild kangaroos lol #nbd #socool
@newty - yes I have pics... I took some yesterday in fact. And there is one or 2 in my last journal- where, in honour of the forums relaxing the off topic rule to allow people to share pics of their pets, I featured a “critter of the week” in most updates. I’m sure the gardeners are in there somewhere ... I’ll see... but the pics I took yesterday should be easy enough to get to - stand by...
You’re totally right about the temperature and nodal spacing thing - and Archi is right that Doc also recommends keeping temps within 10ºF between night and day for tighter internodal length/ less stretching. So, I
have thought about that - and ironically it’s the one environmental I haven’t been able to get happening! So I don’t think that’s it. I have highs of 76º-80ºF lights on, and lows of 61º-63ºF lights off. So I don’t
think that’s it... as it’s been getting fairly cold overnight since big blue was little. Only Just this last week have the lows have been closer to 65º-66ºF as my overnight temps warm up in general. ANd the last few days she seem to be coming on a bi. But yeah - I thought about it too. I dare say Graytail is just right that it’s just this plant and how it wants to grow - a blueberry leaner. It looks quite a bit bigger this morning. (I’ve started monitoring my temps in ºF partly because it’s what the majority of the stateside folks talk in around here - and also because there’s more room for movement
Now... back to these local kangagardeners of mine. Here they are, newty! Hard at work during last summer (from my first journal).
We have anywhere from 1-7 of them hanging about most days (prolly 80% of the time). We’ve seen quite a few generations get born and grow up here and are pretty sure one of the mums around at the moment was the bare skinned baby we saw in the pouch the first year we were here. It’s mostly the mums and young ones that hang out here - with the occasional visit from a big buck.
Yesterday I photographed her and her new youngin’, with this journal in mind actually so newty’s request for pics is nice synchronicity
I was out on my deck to take these, but no joke I can see this from my bed... about 16-20m from where I sleep
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The best thing about the kangas is that they’re pretty much only interested in the grass, so they eat nicely around the bottom of other plants and sometimes it can look quite manicured
Birdy asked a while ago about wallabies though, and kanagroos ain’t wallabies. While they’re similar, they are fairly distinct, especially when it’s a swamp wallaby you’re talking about - which is what our our old boy is. So this one is for you
@AngryBird - he’s here almost every day too. The photo is also from my last journal, so was taken sometime in May this year
He eats the grass too... but he also eats many many other things. He can decimate a medium sized citrus tree overnight
we have seen it (more than once!). But he’s adorable. SO we put elaborate netting around the place to keep him out - and he hangs around anyway.
I’m going dark for 48hours or so - no internet, no phone.
It’s a beautiful dark moon. Great time to meditate, rest and reset.
I’ll see you all once the moon is new again (in about 50 hours). Big Blue is going dark too - I’m changing the light schedule to 11/13 today.