Amy Gardner’s High Brix Dreams

Hiya AmyG,

Very nice job chronicling your transplanted Blue Dream. She is really taking off now. How nice for you.

It seems weird to my that you're coming into spring, and we're in fall. Hard to wrap my mind around.

Good luck with your summer! Cya
Cheers Magoo. I think a few brixers have done autos in the kit successfully :D Graytail, and dynamo1, and Stoney Memoirs, just from memory, if you want to check some out. This one (the Early Miss) is a bit experimental because the pot size is too small, technically speaking, for the kit so I’ll be challenged to keep the microherd happy and active - but I’ll do my best, and learn some stuff as I go.

I am also planning to run 2 DDAs together in a big pot (about 12gal) - that one I’m quite excited about.

I was going to do the early miss in some of my own soil wiht seaweed and nettle etc. but I didn’t have the energy for that yesterday and teh kit soil was just there, so...

I’m currently enjoying the gently uplifting effects of a cup of tea spiked with a little “AVB Tea” - I made a big batch of AVB brew. This time instead of making a single coffee and just putting some AVB in with the coffee grounds, I used the large stovetop coffe maker and used AVB only. It made about a cup full and the colour is amazing - it looks like a really good ale. I used about a shot of it in my cup of tea and am experienceing a nice gentle mood elevation - nothing over the top, just nice and relaxing and happy. I’ll play around with amounts and effects to work out how much does what for me... this seems like a lovely use for the AVB - AVB TEA!
Thanks otter! Well, you ain’t seen nuthin’ till you seen Doc’s roots but yes, am pretty pleased with where I got them. :)
And, yes, the Brix kit helps roots but mostly it’s the watering methods Doc recommends (actually insists on !) that produce those roots. Good wet/dry, or parch/soak, cycles are the key to good soil roots. You want your roots thin and hairy and lots of them - and you get that through repeated water deprivation, to the edge of wilting. I think I posted a picture of docs roots earlier in the thread, I’ll go back and bring it forward.

Thanks otter! Well, you ain’t seen nuthin’ till you seen Doc’s roots but yes, am pretty pleased with where I got them. :)
And, yes, the Brix kit helps roots but mostly it’s the watering methods Doc recommends (actually insists on !) that produce those roots. Good wet/dry, or parch/soak, cycles are the key to good soil roots. You want your roots thin and hairy and lots of them - and you get that through repeated water deprivation, to the edge of wilting. I think I posted a picture of docs roots earlier in the thread, I’ll go back and bring it forward.

I'm very impressed. Now I need to read up. Where's my list. Interesting, I can get those nice thin plentiful roots , but there's an inch of soil around the perimeter of the cloth pot being wasted. Funny I water that way in veg to prevent fungus gnats. I'll be happy to see your progress teacher.
Hmm, it might work a little differently in a cloth pot, but I know people use them in the kit (Doc is not a fan tho). You wouldn’t get roots wrapping around the edges quite so much tho, cause of the air pruning. I don’t know if that makes much difference. Plenty of more experienced growers than me around, someone might chime in :)
Hmm, it might work a little differently in a cloth pot, but I know people use them in the kit (Doc is not a fan tho). You wouldn’t get roots wrapping around the edges quite so much tho, cause of the air pruning. I don’t know if that makes much difference. Plenty of more experienced growers than me around, someone might chime in :)
Oh I think it's interesting that the brix method makes what we want for roots in solid pots, and I grow in cloth and end up wasting soil. I might be doing it wrong.
I don’t think so! Heaps of folks grow in cloth pots and grow super plants. I just said Doc wasn’t a fan. I think Van Stank might use cloth pots... anyway lots of folks do use them and swear by them. I don’t think you’re doing it wrong otter!

Another Update Supplemental folks!

Man, day 2 after transplant and there’s some energy in this plant! I started LST bootcamp (as Duggan calls it!) yesterday and big blue responded really well... here she is this morning...


Should be good to flip early next week :slide:
THanks everyone for the encouragement - i’m Having a ball :slide:


knocking it out of the park:bravo:

Honestly I’m just trying to keep up! :eek: This thing is a crazy sprouter! Shoots everywhere every day! I’m expecting and hoping that will ease over the next 2 weeks with the waning moon which will allow me to prune for shape a bit more, instead of getting new shoots in response to trimming. We’ll see if that’s what plays out...

sorry to hear about losing your psychotaxi cutting. Though I think I know how you feel...
My heart wasn’t really in it. I’m not up for perpetual gardening like that right now, and besides, I’m only just getting started on my strain hunt - seeking the base plants for the medicine cabinet (for inflammation, depression/PTSD, pain and sleep) and a few joyful sativas and nice hybrids, and a hash plant. I have a good feeling about the base meds I have planned for this year - A (hopefully) sativa CBD (18-23:1) and some Critical Mass fro the pain and sleep oil and the topical as well. I really hope for the sativa pheno on the Candida CD-1 - i have a feeling it would be a good oil for mood stabilisation (among all it’s other wonderful traits).
:thumb: Couldn't look better!
I'm not a fan of cloth pots or "air pruning." In fact, I've come to the conclusion that plants aren't happy growing roots only to have them die off......

Give me a large, hard plastic or ceramic pot over a cloth pot any day!
Makes sense to me Doc. I got to get a real good read on your method. The air prune"waste of soil, nutes, grow time,root size, compared to your method intrigues me.
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