Okay here is some of the latest info.

I'm noticing an array of early deficiency brought on by what I can only suspect is too much nitrogen.

So I dialed back the cal mag xtra (4-0-0)

And fed to 20% runoff ....

3 ml cal mag xtra

4 ml botanicare liquid karma

5 ml sensi grow for coco part a

6.5 ml sensi grow for coco part B

Here's some shots of the gals yesterday

The sativa pheno is going to be a nightmare and a waste of space, but if I can keep her healthy she should produce some flowers COVERED with frost.

I'm going to start the CS spray on the little clone there in the middle, and hopefully flip Sunday night!

Happy shatterday EVERYONE

Supercrop that sativa...the middle is wide open!
I tried and snapped off the tallest arm.... hahahaha! I wasn't joking when I called her a nightmare. Good news is the "top" has already show to be increasing lower growth.

Here's the care package the sent. 2-- 3500k and 2-- 2700k boards.
Cool, new toys....... And QB's to boot. :thumb:

Hope you do a tutorial on the build too, for the people who are not electrically minded. I don't have a problem with electronics FWIW.
Totaly missed this Thread... Im In Dabbs

Is that a sponsored Care Package???

Nice on the 3500k and 2700K

Ya order yer driver yet?
Totaly missed this Thread... Im In Dabbs

Is that a sponsored Care Package???

Nice on the 3500k and 2700K

Ya order yer driver yet?
No worries welcome in my friend!!!

Sponsored? I suppose. The cost was free. I just paid shipping. As many of you know I'm a stay at home dad currently, so it's not always easy funding my grow, at least not big purchases. So it was a big help and relief when they agreeded to send some boards!

I haven't ordered a driver yet. Need to make sure funds will allow, but it shouldn't be long now :yahoo:
No worries welcome in my friend!!!

Sponsored? I suppose. The cost was free. I just paid shipping. As many of you know I'm a stay at home dad currently, so it's not always easy funding my grow, at least not big purchases. So it was a big help and relief when they agreeded to send some boards!

I haven't ordered a driver yet. Need to make sure funds will allow, but it shouldn't be long now :yahoo:
Congrats my friend

More light...mo Betta buds
Ok....ok.....I admit I smoked too much and got lost somewhere between your first journal and here. But I made it!!

Welcome Van! Glad to have you along for the adventure. I was supposed to flip em last night but..... didn't. So they'll go 12 12 here tonight.

I’m in, late as usual :popcorn:

Right on time my soul sista! Bout to run some dabs and flip these girls

@TheMadDabber - HERE! Ready to learn and watch the second instalment of your innovation. Loved your opening, creates a family atmosphere for all. Congrats on the sponsorship, you really really really deserve it so so so much. :love:


Welcome lady G!


Thanks for those kind words! I'm just working on growing some good meds and if we all can learn something new or help someone else do so, then mission accomplished.

Thanks for stopping by and always being an inspiration

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