Welcome to 420mag Dub! Lot's of great folks here willing to share their experience and help others out.
If you happen to have a bunch of pvc around you can build an inner frame of pvc just "so high" in your tent (or all the way up) like I did in mine. I use this to make string rungs back n forth where needed to support heavy branches. Like scrog but far fewer lines. This stops lots of the "tent suck". I don't glue the parts so I can easily take it apart and change height if needed, or add support. It also works for supporting small fans or clamp on cfl's, whatever.
As for pumping some humidity in there are a few things you can do. A regular room humidifier from wally world helps. Just make sure to get the cool type. You can also take thick wash cloths or towels, soak them, roll them up like a cigar and set them on the top edges of your buckets. Another way to add humidity, is to take a 5 gal bucket of water - say 1/2 full, and grab your wifes favorite bath or beach towel dip it in the water and hang it above the bucket to drip into it. I have to use all these methods in the summer time as out climate is so damn dry in the desert. Once they get big it isnt so bad as the transpiring the girls do creates some humidity too. In fact, presently I'm having too high humidity in flower. So I crack the tent to get more air in.