I'm going to agree & disagree with Jandre, Kinda.
In the end we will almost say the same thing, but allow me to expound some dribble, because I'm bored.
If using a large reservoir, I agree on taking TDS readings less often. Go for every 3 days according to the word of a master grower that explained it to me. This guy manages 76k watts of RDWC hydro grows in 3 different locations, so I tend to believe in his ability.
What he basically said is mark your res top water line. On 3 day intervals, always FILL BACK to top line BEFORE taking TDS readings. Remember to allow time for the new water to mix up well with the nutrient water to get a realistic reading. If your ppm has gone down more than 60, your levels are too low, they are eating heavier than you are feeding. If your ppm reading is the same or higher, you are feeding them too hot and need to back off on the nutes some.
So what is happening when the ppm went down 1 day then back up the next day? They needed to eat really bad. But then on day 2, after the plants responding to all those lovely nutrients they had been starved of (exaggeration), the new growth and boost from the nutrient required they needed to drink some water. Since they took in more water, it thickened the mix. Hence ppm went up.
Now, for me, because my res is only 5 gals, and I'm currently adding about 2 gals per day of water back in, I have to take readings daily. I've been seeing my nutrient mix take 2 gals water, wait an hour to take readings, find it low, take a quart out of res, mix up a gal worth of nute mix in the quart, add it back in to the res. let it mix up and confirm my readings are ok and back reasonably close to my ppm range desired. Which for me it appears as though about 2.20 - 2.30 e.c. or 1100-1150 ppm on a .500 conv meter.
I hope this makes sense. Jandre and I are saying basically the same thing in a slightly different manner.
Edit: If I used at least 10 gals of res I would wait in my grow. As it is, I see some days of little feeding and only add water and then the next day it's down that 60 points and I add back accordingly. I can't go two days w/o top off because the water in the buckets would be too low and far from the roots. But that's DWC.