Alafornia's 1st Time Multistrain Medical Grow

You are doing well. You will recover from whatever you have going on. I wish I could help. Made so many mistakes here and they are still doing ok. Although I did over feed 1 plant (as I found out 1/2 strength better) for nutes. She's chilling in the fridge now (too soon but ok). You're a great Dad if your sons and your plants.
I did go into the super soil. Are they beginning to look like they are recovering to you or getting actually worse? If worse, what might help? And would it hurt to wait a day to see what happens? Now I'm worried.
Are you certain that your supersoil has immediately available sources of calcium and magnesium? Because if you were a synthetic nute user I would tell you that's what they're looking for now.

If you're sure it's all in there, you can give them a few days and track new growth. If not, I'd grab some liquid cal-mag supplement and feed them that. They have nitrogen in them as well to handle any yellowing of the lower leaves. I used to use botanicare's cal-mag+ but there are any number of cal-mag sources available.

You can also use epsom salt as a magnesium supplement and gypsum as a calcium supplement.
Are you certain that your supersoil has immediately available sources of calcium and magnesium? Because if you were a synthetic nute user I would tell you that's what they're looking for now.

If you're sure it's all in there, you can give them a few days and track new growth. If not, I'd grab some liquid cal-mag supplement and feed them that. They have nitrogen in them as well to handle any yellowing of the lower leaves. I used to use botanicare's cal-mag+ but there are any number of cal-mag sources available.

You can also use epsom salt as a magnesium supplement and gypsum as a calcium supplement.

Epsom salt was one of the ingredients and it cooked for 2 months prior to being put to use. I think I see what your talking about, though. I can always run over to the nursery today and get some just in case, but I'm planning to keep an eye on it over a day or two before doing anything unless it seems to be getting worse.

This was the recipe I used (it was a half batch):

4 large bags of a high-quality organic potting soil with coco fiber and mycorrhizae (i.e., your base soil)
12.5 to 25 lbs of organic worm castings
2.5lbs steamed bone meal
2.5lbs bloom bat guano
2.5lbs blood meal
1.5lbs rock phosphate
3/8 cup or 6 tablespoons Epsom Salts
1/4 cup or 4 tablespoon sweet lime (dolomite)
1/4 cup or 4 tablespoons azomite (trace elements)
1 tablespoon powdered humic acid
I think I may have caused some confusion about the super soil in a post above when I was considering putting it in the very bottom of the dixie cups next go around instead of or along with teas as suggested to avoid these problems in the first place. It's possible you read that as me talking about these 1 gal pots. Sorry if I wasn't clear on that.
Sorry you're having a few problems,but probably better now than later on in the grow-you'll have it figured out in the next week or so,and then...nothing but smooth sailing !
Sorry you're having a few problems,but probably better now than later on in the grow-you'll have it figured out in the next week or so,and then...nothing but smooth sailing !

Definitely better now than later. We all have to learn. I'll be checking in on them again shortly.
Hopefully they’ll get their toes into the supersoil goodies soon. There is plenty in there. They just have to get it.

I mentioned the LABs above becasue it is exactly what will help the roots hook up to the soil. And you can make it with things from the supermarket :)
Overall picture (punny title)


Here’s some more while I’m at it.

I agree with sparkey with letting them dry out then feeding them clean ph’d water as a flush, but I’ve never made and grown in my own super soil so I don’t truly know what that would do because don’t you just feed proper ph’d water in super soil anyways and the soil feeds the plant:hmmmm:

I just want to add that picture on the last page I think, of the sunset (I have a bad memory lol) it was beautiful:thumb:
I don’t see why folks are suggesting a flush :hmmmm: They’re just transplanted into fresh super soil - they just need to get “hooked up” to it. Flushing won’t necessarily help that. Flushing is done to clear build up from the pots, which is much less of an issue in this kind of soil. I’ve grown plenty in LOS soils and have never flushed for any reason. If they need something they’re not getting from the soil yet then as ‘Shed said earlier, they’ll need feeding! (Or a nice injection of microbes to get that exchange going ;) )

I'll be checking in on them soon so we'll see then how it's going.
I edited this in above, but you’d already read it (faster that Shed!)... so i’ll make it a new post

Al, I recommend seeking out folks like @bobrown14 and @Van Stank and @LaquerHead all of whom are growing in versions of supersoil/LOS mixes (mostly ‘water-only’ I think). Maybe these call outs will get them over here to take a look. BUt I reiterate - some kind of tea and/or some microbial action is more what you’re after than ‘flushing’.
OK. I hope everyone’s ready because this going to be...a lot of pictures. If I counted correctly 39 pictures. I believe in quality over quantity and I hope you’ll find both here. My goal was to give you a good look at each plant.

The outside temp here is 81 degrees and humidity is 25%. Inside the tent is 80 and around 50%. What?!


I’m gonna go ahead and put the Russian girls in this post. Westley - what can I say?! Like many people if you weren’t aware you’d never know what struggle she went through to get here. Nikita is still going strong.

First up, Westley


Next is Nikita


Looking good so far. More to come
Four out of the next five have struggled recently. We figured out I let them stay too wet (aka watered them too much) and likely deprived them of multiple nutrients in the process. Water logging is not good for the roots and the wet/dry cycle aids nutrient absorption as the pH generally falls from wet to dry - at least in my case since my well water is about 7.3. Don’t faint, hydro guys. That’s ok for soil.

Master Hemp MH1 has been looking rough over the last few days. Our instinct is to panic when something goes wrong. That sorta worked out ok with Westley but patience is sometimes rewarded, and often much more so than haste.


She still has some rough spots but it appears we are on the right path now. I’m breathing a sigh of relief.

So many pictures I’m doing the rest with individual posts.
Hey Al! Sorry to Interrupt with your 39 pictures but for a bit of advice. If you post them onto the members gallery and tag your self in them you will find them in the lil camera icon in the tool bar above the text box and I think your aloud to post as many pictures in one post as you want :thumb:

Now I’ll go back up and finish reading lol
Next up is Orange Sherbet. She’s been strong from the start, like MH1, and I feel badly that I let them both down. Her structure is just gorgeous to me.


She is looking much better also. She has really added some height like several others. Again, she seems headed in the right direction.
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