Eeeiew that must’ve been an awful sight to be greeted by! Good call on just ditching them - nursing sick plants along doesn’t sound like fun at all. It must’ve been someone else you read with that technique, I have neem cake meal in my soil as a kind of preventive measure (and I found out later a source of nitrogen - didn’t know that), but I’ve never used the oil.
I’m going to quote parts of your description of that email function that isn’t functioning when I bump it to the top of the list of problems that need sorting. I’m sure they’re working on it already but it’s not solved and goodness knows how many folks are experiencing it, without reporting - at least publicly - and maybe just not bothering with the site out of sheer frustration, and who could blame them!? It’s a very challenging time to be a memeber here (what
was the code for that ‘banging my head against the wall’ emoti?)
I’m glad you’re hanging in for now
Well I’ve read that thread more than once (while collecting the ‘issues’) - closely - every post, and there’s no blemish on your name in my book! Think you were quite gracious actually. There’s so much stress over there at times things can escalate pretty fast it seems.
I think the issue AK is having is a really big one and it needs fixing. There’s no telling how many members are dipping out because of it. It’s a pain that we have to be the beta test bunnies - I think what salt said about that is maybe true tho, that a proper beta test process on the site would’ve compromised member security. I’d rather be doing this than having that happen. Tedious as this is. I keep trusting that it’ll get fixed, eventually. But I get that damage to the
membership is happening in the meantime - I hope it blows over, gets fixed and people come back.
Good luck battling the Borg AK! Captain Janeway cripples the Borg by introducing a nano-virus... I wonder if that analogy might fit. Feed them something toxic (to them) and spreadable. I look forward to tracking a successful eradication here!