Ajagunle's NFT White Widow Auto X Sweet Afghani Delicious Under CFL - Closet Grow

Had some real success with the x60 loupe, definite cloudy trichomes, but no amber. Cleaned all the New Toys very carefully, with a svelte cloth, and with the lens about 1cm away from the bud I can get a picture, working on the clarity. I will try and remember to get some shots without gadgetry tomorrow. Day 59 Today.


I am going to have to start a bean soon, Green Poison I Think.

send me some =) im in hampshire =D

Thank you GiGaBaNE, sorry, shortbread’s long gone! It was virtually the best I’ve ever had!!:thumb:

I am glad I could oblige AJ, always happy to cook for people who appreciate it!

And Giga, I am sure the postie could be persuaded to deliver some :winkyface:
I had been reading B.I.D.’s journal and following a discussion about glr when the rusty cogs began to turn. When growing my last harvest 420 was mentioned to me and I immediately signed up. At the time Twelve12 was keeping what turned out to be his final journal, for a while at least. After seeing his demonstration of cloning, and the community led debate, I attempted clones for the first time, 5 weeks into flower. They all took and three of them are my current grow.

Having the same strain for two consecutive grows appeared to make good sense, I could make some important decisions with the benefit of hind-sight. Also, I am sure I didn’t learn, but was taught, many Moons ago that when doing like for like experiments you have to keep all conditions the same.

So, management decision to keep under the screen for 2 weeks of 12/12 and to introduce glr at the same time was not very wise. Maybe the clue was in the description. I started the third week with such a sense of expectation, almost counting buds before they’ve stretched, and shock of all shocks, no stretch!!

Big :thanks: and reps to B.I.D. for the explanation, I had begun to doubt my very recently documented memories and wondered if ‘Old Timers’ had started.

Thank you for posting this AJ, it's always good to hear the effects that different choices have in a grow. I'm going to do the same as I continue to grow, it's such a fascinating subject!

And, as always, love the photos :thumb:

P.S. Do you like cake as well as biscuity type things? I made a lovely batch of lemon and poppy seed muffins yesterday, would be perfect with a cuppa :)
Thank you for posting this AJ, it's always good to hear the effects that different choices have in a grow. I'm going to do the same as I continue to grow, it's such a fascinating subject!

And, as always, love the photos :thumb:

P.S. Do you like cake as well as biscuity type things? I made a lovely batch of lemon and poppy seed muffins yesterday, would be perfect with a cuppa :)

Mmmmmmmm lemon poppy muffins!! My Favorite!!

If the Mrs. ever let's me tour the EU again, I'm definitely making a point of booking a Manchester gig with a day or 2 off so I can visit and exchange recipes!! :)

AJ, your pics make me drool!
Are you using DLR for flower too?
I'm mixed on that. Sounds more natural, but not sure if it has a + or - affect on end product or not. To many conflicting testimonies. As much credence as I can give to empirical data, this is one instance where I'm wishing a controlled experiment could be revie
Reviewed. I meant to finish. :) (stupid iPod )

Do you know if the guy that brought this method to light has anything on the subject other than theory? With the little I know if his background, it seems he would. Just haven't found it yet.
Hi Korloin, GiGa and Fluffy,

DLR? I assume glr, twelve12 or 12twelve had a journal on here only a few months ago, if you work out how to search for threads it will be here somewhere, I do not remember if there was any empirical data included in his journal or just anecdotal information, either way it was convincing enough for me and more than a little attractive to the wallet, oh! Here it is Twelve12's Perpetual Grow). There was also a short string of comments regarding trying to copy nature a bit further with the inclusion of a soundtrack and possibly other stoner ideas that would contribute to the perfect harvest. I’m still working on providing morning and evening Birdsong for my little bit of Eden. Yes, seriously.

The diminishing day length during Flower makes logical sense to me, I can’t say I have noticed any benefits, certainly no drawbacks or negatives, but I do know it is costing less, quite substantially less over the period of a whole grow.
Providing comparison type evidence relies on a few facilities not available to me, space being the ‘Game Over’ factor for me. I am also finding it almost impossible to only change one thing at a time, as soon as I see a beneficial change I go straight ahead and implement it straight away, glr and UVb light being recent examples. The Next Grow is always so far away!

Reading about the benefits of UVb I have convinced myself that I can discern a definitely visible difference in the swelling after a session at the Tanning Salon, in fact I am going to leave it in one place for the remainder of the grow.

In front of these Buds (Day60 flowering);


Talking about cake, yes is the answer, I like all nice food, special place for my afternoon sugar fix, I am male after all. Lemon and poppy seed Muffins sound just the job! There is also a thread on here about making Canna Butter, once you’ve got the magic in the butter you can go for your life, ice creams, cakes, biscuits and I did read about making Hollandaise, but with a suitably witty name (Cannadaze?), planted my Asparagus bed the same afternoon, so spring time 2015 is the deadline to learn Canna Butter!

Thank you for the compliments on the photos, I just wish I could show you what using the x60 Loupe looks like, not a sign of Amber, which is my goal.

Tall Girl at the Front

A Nice pair.
Hi Korloin, GiGa and Fluffy,

DLR? I assume glr, twelve12 or 12twelve had a journal on here only a few months ago, if you work out how to search for threads it will be here somewhere, I do not remember if there was any empirical data included in his journal or just anecdotal information, either way it was convincing enough for me and more than a little attractive to the wallet, oh! Here it is Twelve12's Perpetual Grow). There was also a short string of comments regarding trying to copy nature a bit further with the inclusion of a soundtrack and possibly other stoner ideas that would contribute to the perfect harvest. I’m still working on providing morning and evening Birdsong for my little bit of Eden. Yes, seriously.

The diminishing day length during Flower makes logical sense to me, I can’t say I have noticed any benefits, certainly no drawbacks or negatives, but I do know it is costing less, quite substantially less over the period of a whole grow.
Providing comparison type evidence relies on a few facilities not available to me, space being the ‘Game Over’ factor for me. I am also finding it almost impossible to only change one thing at a time, as soon as I see a beneficial change I go straight ahead and implement it straight away, glr and UVb light being recent examples. The Next Grow is always so far away!

Reading about the benefits of UVb I have convinced myself that I can discern a definitely visible difference in the swelling after a session at the Tanning Salon, in fact I am going to leave it in one place for the remainder of the grow.

In front of these Buds (Day60 flowering);

Talking about cake, yes is the answer, I like all nice food, special place for my afternoon sugar fix, I am male after all. Lemon and poppy seed Muffins sound just the job! There is also a thread on here about making Canna Butter, once you’ve got the magic in the butter you can go for your life, ice creams, cakes, biscuits and I did read about making Hollandaise, but with a suitably witty name (Cannadaze?), planted my Asparagus bed the same afternoon, so spring time 2015 is the deadline to learn Canna Butter!

Thank you for the compliments on the photos, I just wish I could show you what using the x60 Loupe looks like, not a sign of Amber, which is my goal.

Tall Girl at the Front

A Nice pair.

Thanks AJ. I've been doing GLR during my veg, so far. And I think it's working great! I was asking more in reference to the diminished light routine (DLR). I guess I'm wondering if it's worth all that schedule manipulation or if the return would be nominal for the effort. I like easy, generally. So GLR has been no prob. :).

The DLR (I'm not telling YOU anything new here, i know) in flower is all kinds of changing the hours to more and more dark time gradually. I was just curious if you knew of anyone doing a controlled experiment of 12/12 vs. DLR is all.

Thanks though!

I'm not quite sure yet if I'll try the UVB on this grow. But I definitely would like to at some point. Maybe if I do an indica exclusive grow to make em' super knock down! ;) My sativa, I think, I'm gonna harvest at mostly cloudy trichs. For more trippy head high (which suits my brain thing better). :)

Peace my friend.

Thanks AJ. I've been doing GLR during my veg, so far. And I think it's working great! I was asking more in reference to the diminished light routine (DLR). I guess I'm wondering if it's worth all that schedule manipulation or if the return would be nominal for the effort. I like easy, generally. So GLR has been no prob. :).

Hi K, (excuse the familiarity)

Sorry for my ignorance, didn't know what DLR was, the whole glr procedure works for me financially, and to no discernible detriment to the Girls, the diminishing day length, at very little extra effort really, does appear to work but to be honest I've smoked a lot of weed since my last harvest.


As B.I.D. has said, the reduction in 'stretch' following glr veg is very noticeable so it follows, in my mind, that subtle alterations to the standard 12/12 could also have a noticeable effect, and it kinda follows the natural cycle of their wild ancestors at a reduced cost! Win Win
Thanks for explaining all this AJ, I really appreciate it and have got some more places to go digging for information now too. I've been watching the diminishing light scheme you are using (DLR) as I was going to employ that as well as the GLR for, as you say, the energy savings for no real detriment to the plants.
Hi K, (excuse the familiarity)

Sorry for my ignorance, didn’t know what DLR was, the whole glr procedure works for me financially, and to no discernible detriment to the Girls, the diminishing day length, at very little extra effort really, does appear to work but to be honest I’ve smoked a lot of weed since my last harvest.


As B.I.D. has said, the reduction in ‘stretch’ following glr veg is very noticeable so it follows, in my mind, that subtle alterations to the standard 12/12 could also have a noticeable effect, and it kinda follows the natural cycle of their wild ancestors at a reduced cost! Win Win

Thanks AJ. :)

I hope I didn't come off as flippant or anything. I really respect your opinion. Being that you have far more experience than I and are employing the same lighting schedule, you were my go-to for a question that had been perplexing me. I've seen arguments on both sides, but both perspectives have been academic in information sourcing and not experiential. Kinda like engineers arguing physics. :)

Your buds seem to be doing rather well in flower, so I may just follow your lead here as well. :)

Thanks again!
Thanks AJ. :)

I hope I didn't come off as flippant or anything. I really respect your opinion. Being that you have far more experience than I and are employing the same lighting schedule, you were my go-to for a question that had been perplexing me. I've seen arguments on both sides, but both perspectives have been academic in information sourcing and not experiential. Kinda like engineers arguing physics. :)

Your buds seem to be doing rather well in flower, so I may just follow your lead here as well. :)

Thanks again!

Of course you didn’t K, it appears to be a challenge for all of us, I’m glad ‘texting’ never encroached on my life, never got a mobile phone, did they catch on?. Thank you for the compliments, not sure they’re deserved but I’ll take all that’s available. I would definitely not want to mislead you, this is my first glr grow and I can find only positives. Now I know what to expect, the effect on stretch using glr it is a definite advantage

A bit unsure how much to decrease the day length to, where the days get really short is not renowned for growing strong meds. I have discovered that the hole in the Ozone layer over the Arctic led to a decrease in Plankton and fish spawn as the strong UVb light in the spring killed it off so I don’t think I will introduce UVb during veg.

I guess I'm wondering if it's worth all that schedule manipulation or if the return would be nominal for the effort. I like easy, generally. So GLR has been no prob. :).

The DLR (I'm not telling YOU anything new here, i know) in flower is all kinds of changing the hours to more and more dark time gradually. I was just curious if you knew of anyone doing a controlled experiment of 12/12 vs. DLR is all.


There is very little messing about, I just shorten the day by 20minutes every Friday. I Haven't seen a controlled experiment but try it, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with the effects on the Girls and I know you'll appreciate the lower cost!:thumb:
Day 61 of flower.

Fantastic!! I can see at least 3 amber trichomes on the bud in the front right hand corner.


The buds nearest to me, on the outer edge, have no amber but cloudy trich’s. I can’t get my head under the lights to look over all the buds but I think it will be safe to assume the buds on the outer edge will be less mature than those in the middle. So, going by GFs comments previously, they could be in their final week!!

I shall now procrastinate for at least a day, probably more, before deciding on when to administer the Flower forcing solution, GHE Ripen, for 3 days before I flush.

The buds are fattening nicely, very firm and sticky!
Oh wow, not long now AJ. I'm jumping from foot to foot like one of those cute desert lizards on hot sand in anticipation! :)
Oh wow, not long now AJ. I'm jumping from foot to foot like one of those cute desert lizards on hot sand in anticipation! :)

Reminds me of the time I saw a fluffy cuddly duckling dancing on top of a biscuit tin being sold in a street market and when I asked how to stop it dancing the vendor took the lid off the tin and blew out the candle
More practice with the x60 and I have decided to delay procrastination until at least Sunday. I was getting somewhere with the x160 illuminated magnifier until I touched my eyeball with it just once too often


Started removing all fan leaves with a visible stalk, although it makes it look a bit woebegone, it has exposed more bud to more light, I will definitely continue reading up on defoliation, it appears a relatively simple and very inexpensive method of increasing the harvest , even if it is only slightly.


Top buds are still swelling


Remembered (because I wrote it down) to take something with me into the garden to get an idea of size

Reminds me of the time I saw a fluffy cuddly duckling dancing on top of a biscuit tin being sold in a street market and when I asked how to stop it dancing the vendor took the lid off the tin and blew out the candle

Awwwh! I'm a sucker for anything little and fluffy (hubby says it's because I am too, apparently) and this is adorable! I couldn't make the poor beastie dance for me like that though. Cuddles and aloe vera gel for his tootsies :bigblush:
More practice with the x60 and I have decided to delay procrastination until at least Sunday. I was getting somewhere with the x160 illuminated magnifier until I touched my eyeball with it just once too often

Started removing all fan leaves with a visible stalk, although it makes it look a bit woebegone, it has exposed more bud to more light, I will definitely continue reading up on defoliation, it appears a relatively simple and very inexpensive method of increasing the harvest , even if it is only slightly.

Top buds are still swelling

Remembered (because I wrote it down) to take something with me into the garden to get an idea of size


I always get excited waiting for your photos AJ :blushsmile:

I highlighted my favourite one in the quote from your post. You really manage to capture the correct section of the plant. angles etc to show a full view of the beautiful subject matter. What I'm trying to say is that you don't just show us pictures of close ups which have no context. I love the faded background on this one which really brings the gorgeous bud into the limelight it deserves.

Bloody awesome my dear, I hope to be able to offer something worthy of comparison when gadgets are available :)

(ps my contract is up for renewal on 12 October! So I can get my iPhone 4S shortly after that. Went with that over the 4 purely for the camera. I will have enough for the ickle gizmo gadget for it then too. So excited, I don't go out much and had forgotten how much I love taking photos. I should have remembered because of every "outing" there are copious amounts of photos. I take loads of my wee mad doggie but I don't class that as photography because he doesn't sit still long enough to class it as anything other as grab what you can picture taking!)

I did splurt my tea when I read the eyeball comment though, you do make me laugh. And I am definitely going to bring you some cherry bakewell shortbread round, I love your comment about the fact you remembered because you wrote it down, that's me all over. I realised in my 5 year dry period that yup, my brain is definitely mushy without weed too! I don't feel alone now lol :high-five:
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