Ajagunle's NFT White Widow Auto X Sweet Afghani Delicious Under CFL - Closet Grow

Hi Fluffy, really appreciate your kind words, Cherry Bakewell Shortbread sounds just the ticket!:cheertwo: Could you post a picture because I genuinely love the sound of it and a picture would give me an idea of how to recreate it? Almonds are one of the finest ingredients!

The photos have been a recent hobby, not really very skilled, I take loads of shots from as many angles as possible, with lights on, most lights off with flash and then I spend a bit of time having my sugar fix and capotcinno and try editing each half-decent photo in Paint.Net, real easy piece of shareware, some days I get no usable shots, yesterday I think I had 5 decent, my most successful shoot!

I was going to say 'Awesome' but you said it on one of the vids, it made me think how inappropriate the word is (the word not our use of it), it's not 'some-Awe' it's 'Full-Awe' but that doesn't work either, just bloody brilliant then!


What lighting schedule do you use for veg?

Not my style, but love the Home-brew Tea, how did these plants manage to get Nutes from sea shells in Nature?
Ps. Love the Name, turning something ordinary into Gold really is your business.
Hi Fluffy, really appreciate your kind words, Cherry Bakewell Shortbread sounds just the ticket!:cheertwo: Could you post a picture because I genuinely love the sound of it and a picture would give me an idea of how to recreate it? Almonds are one of the finest ingredients!

Ooh blimey, don't think I've got any pics. The way I do it is make this shortbread recipe (roughly, my recipes always change a bit depending on what I have forgotten to buy) and then put some cherry jam/jelly/puree on the biscuit, then add chopped almonds as a topping. I actually don't like fresh cherries weirdly but you could chop some really finely and sprinkle on as well. Put in the fridge like this for about 30 mins before eating. No idea why but it always seems to make it better to me.

If you want a slightly heavier taste dark brown sticky muscovado sugar works beautifully in the recipe too, and I actually often prefer golden caster sugar to the icing sugar. You could also use finely chopped fresh cherries over the glace if you wanted.

I hope that helps, and I agree about almonds being super duper :) One of my favourite healthy snacks is a sweet Pink Lady apple that's been peeled and kept in the fridge eaten alongside a handful of almonds.

200g plain flour
100g icing sugar
50g corn flour
50g ground almonds
250g butter
50g glace cherries, finely chopped
Few drops of almond and vanilla extract

Edit - ooh, I wonder if making a light cherry and almond infused buttercream would go well on the top too? If having a sit down dessert make a couple of layers of that then pour a generous amount of homemade cherry sauce (or coulis if you want to be posh lol) over the top. Mmmmm....
Hi B.I.D, I am going to wait for more Amber, I suffer fromspasticity and a more couch-lock smoke may ease the use of potentially Narcotic modern prescription drugs, heavy use of a more old-fashioned Herbal medication does the job but I am trying to avoid the ‘heavy use’, but it will be soon, trying not to rush and have to wait another +3 months.

Hello Fluffy Ray of Sunshine, thanks for the recipe, going to try it soon, but using the ‘Glut’ of seasonal soft fruit is the priority, going to attempt to dry raspberries to add to flapjack. Love the idea of dark Muscavado in short bread but can’t see using icing sugar, does it make it more ‘snappy’ (crispy)?

I have definitely decided to extend the Girls life, mostly cloudy trichs, very few amber, some clear. I have not seen any Mushroom shapes with big bulbous heads, one of the drawbacks of cfl? Temps have been running at Max 93f for the last week, CO2 provided by the yeast method which is slowing down now that outside temps have plummeted.


Continued to remove any leaves with a visible stalk, surprised how white and juicy the pistils are on newly exposed bud sites, definitely going to harvest in layers, and defoliate through-out the next season. Not sure how close I will get to the 'fine-line'


Cropped from the same photo as the white Pistils is a nearby bud showing the sparkly evidence of Faerie dust!


I have long been jealous of the Aspen-ish snow dusting effect achieved by those using 'Proper' lights, CFL can achieve a very light frosting I think


Hello Fluffy Ray of Sunshine, thanks for the recipe, going to try it soon, but using the ‘Glut’ of seasonal soft fruit is the priority, going to attempt to dry raspberries to add to flapjack. Love the idea of dark Muscavado in short bread but can’t see using icing sugar, does it make it more ‘snappy’ (crispy)?

Hello my darling! It is good to see you back. I was going to post tonight to make sure you were OK :blushsmile:

Honestly, I can't remember exactly what the icing sugar does to it, I just know I wasn't so keen so changed the type of sugar I used. Sorry I'm not much help! I always tend to play around with the type of sugar/sweetner I use anyway (usually because I bought the wrong one or forgot I hadn't got any :) ) so half the time I can't remember which one I used.

Ooh, flapjacks...I LOVE flapjacks! And with raspberries too... mmmm.... The Beast (i.e. my belly) is growling.....
I have definitely decided to extend the Girls life, mostly cloudy trichs, very few amber, some clear. I have not seen any Mushroom shapes with big bulbous heads, one of the drawbacks of cfl? Temps have been running at Max 93f for the last week, CO2 provided by the yeast method which is slowing down now that outside temps have plummeted.

Continued to remove any leaves with a visible stalk, surprised how white and juicy the pistils are on newly exposed bud sites, definitely going to harvest in layers, and defoliate through-out the next season. Not sure how close I will get to the ‘fine-line’

Cropped from the same photo as the white Pistils is a nearby bud showing the sparkly evidence of Faerie dust!

I have long been jealous of the Aspen-ish snow dusting effect achieved by those using ‘Proper’ lights, CFL can achieve a very light frosting I think

Ahhh...my fix of AJ's beautiful girls. I was starting to get withdrawals. Gorgeous as ever my dear ;)

How long do you think you will be extending the flowering period for?
looking ever so toot sweet my brother! reps today for you, some strains you may want to look into haliquinn,cannatonic, and the stuff from cbd crew,these have a higher cbd level often 1:1 or greater ratio tch:cbd, for that medicinal effect, im on huge amounts of rx painkillers, i hate the effects and dependency i suffer with, but pain rules my every moment, finding a painkiller strain is paramount for me, i search and breed ,searching till i find it, then i will stockpile!, many ppl find that cfl bud has a higher potency than with big hids because the hid lights destroy a fair amount of the cannabanoids due to the intensity of the lamps, so though they may not appear as impressive, that does not nessessarily mean a lesser medication content, in fact the opposite, other than weight i find the buds are not that much better with big lights, i think what is improved is quantity and structure, when i flowered with cfl my bud was plenty potent and definatly more aromatic, just some personal observation i thought id share,that said i would still get hid when you can,having more bud for the same time investment is gooooooot vedy vedy goot! lol
the pics are beauty, good job ! i put up a couple new vids in the last couple days ya might enjoy, c ya late:thumb::420:
Hi Fluffy, make the most of the next 3 weeks, set some of your own ground rules on what you are able/willing to do and so control how others set expectations of you, sorry to interfere x Haven't been able so far to stockpile any Raspberries for drying, it's my first decent harvest and very few make it to the kitchen, wish I knew how luxurious & decadent a daily fix of Raspberries and cream is a few years ago!


Thank you Fluffy and BID for the comments on the photos, certainly encouraged me to persevere and learn! (good/ beneficial human contact) If I take 40 shots to get 3 usable I consider it a success.
How long will I extend their life? Good question, very well put & deserves an answer. I'm not entirely sure, now in week 9, no sign of many amber trichs yet, although studying them has been fraught with frustration, touching eyeballs, shaking hands (no the other kind) and only being uni-dextrous has led me to purchasing the odd bit of cheap gadgetry and I am waiting for the next..


Last harvest, of these ones' Parent, was on the first day of wk11, I harvested because I could no longer hide 3 clones around the house so they needed to go in the garden.
This grow there are 95 extra watts, dlr, UVb and the main 600w lights are all red, last half red half blue. I feel the changes will shorten flowering but determined to identify 30%amber before I get busy with the Scythe.

BID, I had forgotten that when I started looking over your shoulder you were using cfl, very encouraging words! I see the snow-capped peaks and suffer from uncontrollable drooling, it may be slightly easier to maintain my manners with this news! The buds feel more swollen, solid and heavy than I have grown in the past, and if what I have been reading about a decreased loss of weight when drying after using dlr is true then I still have a way to go before I am maxing the cfl harvest and in the meantime I will be selling as much junk on the auction site as possible and reducing outgoings until I can afford an HID and in such a confined space I think air cooled hood will be the way to go. Thank you for strain breadcrumbs to follow, I have till next spring to research properly, got to get Christmas and family birthdays paid for first!

:xmas: (sorry)

Onwards and upwards!

I also have GHE Ripen, a forcing liquid to bulk up the buds, to be used for 3 or 4 days before 3 days of flushing with plain water, would you do this when trichs are amber or do you start the finishing process a week before you think they'll be amber?
Hi Fluffy, make the most of the next 3 weeks, set some of your own ground rules on what you are able/willing to do and so control how others set expectations of you, sorry to interfere x Haven’t been able so far to stockpile any Raspberries for drying, it’s my first decent harvest and very few make it to the kitchen, wish I knew how luxurious & decadent a daily fix of Raspberries and cream is a few years ago!

You interfere away my dear. Your "interference" has helped me no end, and kept me smiling! :blushsmile:

Raspberries, especially fresh ones, are pretty much my favourite fruit. I don't like cream but I love having them with greek yoghurt and some manuka honey. Either that or greek yoghurt and fresh passionfruit. Yummy yummy in Fluffy's tummy :)

Thank you Fluffy and BID for the comments on the photos, certainly encouraged me to persevere and learn! (good/ beneficial human contact) If I take 40 shots to get 3 usable I consider it a success.!

Lol, this is like me. Half the time I can't work out why it isn't looking like I want it to so I just change all the settings and take one pic of each :) You've definitely got the knack though. It's all part of the fun I reckon.

How long will I extend their life? Good question, very well put & deserves an answer. I’m not entirely sure, now in week 9, no sign of many amber trichs yet, although studying them has been fraught with frustration, touching eyeballs, shaking hands (no the other kind) and only being uni-dextrous has led me to purchasing the odd bit of cheap gadgetry and I am waiting for the next..

Last harvest, of these ones’ Parent, was on the first day of wk11, I harvested because I could no longer hide 3 clones around the house so they needed to go in the garden.

This grow there are 95 extra watts, dlr, UVb and the main 600w lights are all red, last half red half blue. I feel the changes will shorten flowering but determined to identify 30%amber before I get busy with the Scythe.

Thanks for answering this so well AJ, it is useful for me to see other people's reasoning because it helps me develop my own (if I don't understand the wheres and whys I can't make up my own mind). I get the sense the gist of this is that you have a goal of the 30% amber, but the timing of this depends on the plants themselves.

I suppose a lot of grows, even grows in same conditions and strain, are different just because they are different plants...

Anyway...I shall watch, listen and learn with eagerness, as always!
I also have GHE Ripen, a forcing liquid to bulk up the buds, to be used for 3 or 4 days before 3 days of flushing with plain water, would you do this when trichs are amber or do you start the finishing process a week before you think they’ll be amber?

I don't know if I would even use that stuff at all, it seems unnecessary, your girls seem to be ripening up perfectly so I would not force them to do anything :)

Beginning flushing alone and causing the leaves to yellow and fall off will help to ripen/mature your plants as it helps imitate the autumn season :)

Yeah that would be a good description of the process :)

It's the fact that when being flushed you remove all the nutrients from the soil and the plant is forced to use up the energy and build up of nutrients that it has stored instead, this energy goes directly to the buds as a last attempt for survival and a lot of bigger and lower leaves will begin to yellow and fall off as the plant uses up their energy, this process also removes a lot of the chlorophyll from the plant making it far less likely to have that ''planty'' taste, it should also remove any excess P and K which can make the weed taste harsh, sharp or even cause that crackle or sparking which is due to excess phosphorus within the plant matter igniting ha ha after flushing the real Aroma and Flavour is able to shine through :)

I'll quote an article for you better than I can describe it :) ha ha

Herb must be flushed properly

In order for ganja to reach its ultimate potential quality, the plants must be cut off from food and thoroughly flushed with clean water for several weeks or more before harvest. Of course this step is much more important when harsh chemical fertilizers are used than with organics. But if ultimate quality is to be reached it is necessary with any setup. The amount of flush time varies depending on the situation, but I generally recommend stopping all feeding and switching to pure water approximately one month before harvest. This timing can be shortened for indoor plants or lengthened for outdoor plants, depending on container size, the fertilizers used, the strains grown, and a number of other things. This gives the plant time to finish all remaining food, and the leaves will then start changing colors and the plant yellowing. Yes, you might be able to crank out another few grams or so by feeding them up to the end or close to it, but we are going for ultimate quality here, not quantity. Cannabis plants that are allowed to yellow on their path to senescence have a much more beautiful and complex flavor when smoked or vaporized than plants that are fed and are bright green right up to harvest. Again, I have done experiments that have proven this again and again. Skipping this step is one of the main factors that has ruined most Canadian and Dutch herb. There are many connoisseurs who completely agree with me on this point!

Now these really are brilliant close ups AJ, makes me want to just stick my nose right in there and sniff :)

In answer to your previous question...

You didn't commit yourself! But the way you explained your reasoning, including the fact that you weren't committing yourself, answered what I wanted to know. I don't think there is always a definite answer in this MMJ growing game, so you wouldn't have been able to give that to me anyway.

Does that make any sense at all? I am so tired, sorry if this post is utter drivel! :bigblush:
Thank you for posting this GF, makes sense, I think I need to change my subconscious default setting of 'More, more, more' to the Connoisseurs mode of 'going for ultimate quality here, not quantity'.


I did Google 'Cannabis forcing solution ghe ripen' to reassure myself I wasn't just being one of the 'sheeple' and this journal was on page2! Lol.

Going to start the flush GF
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