Ajagunle's NFT White Widow Auto X Sweet Afghani Delicious Under CFL - Closet Grow

Now these really are brilliant close ups AJ, makes me want to just stick my nose right in there and sniff :)

In answer to your previous question...

You didn't commit yourself! But the way you explained your reasoning, including the fact that you weren't committing yourself, answered what I wanted to know. I don't think there is always a definite answer in this MMJ growing game, so you wouldn't have been able to give that to me anyway.

Does that make any sense at all? I am so tired, sorry if this post is utter drivel! :bigblush:

Perfect sense, no drivel!
So after a lot of reading about ‘flushing’ and a small amount on Forcing Solutions, I satisfied myself that majority of Trichs were cloudy I drained and rinsed the tank, washed the pump and filter and refilled with 10l of 5.9ph harvested rain water that has been bubbled for 48hrs. Seed pods are still swelling nicely, exposing a bit more new light green flesh every day.


Removed a couple of the remaining fan leaves, screen is now clearly visible through the canopy.


Had another learning experience with my USB microscope, very plastic, very cheap, not very good. I did take a sample bud, for research purposes obviously, and the magnification is just not all that. It is sufficient to get a decent idea of the presence of amber, I think.

I think I'm getting almost as excited about this as I am my own grow AJ! :cheertwo:

Thanks for the notes on the USB microscope. Is it absolutely vital to have one for harvest determination? (I'm just thinking about how much money I haven't got for the next few months while I pay myself back from being out of work)
I think I'm getting almost as excited about this as I am my own grow AJ! :cheertwo:

Thanks for the notes on the USB microscope. Is it absolutely vital to have one for harvest determination? (I'm just thinking about how much money I haven't got for the next few months while I pay myself back from being out of work)

Not a must have at all, certainly not an efficient use of precious resources. I think a £10 widget on a phone gets tremendous results (GF), I'm trying to get something that has as little reliance on me as possible lol

:thumb: and :thanks:
Not much of a speed reader BID, learning lots just the same :thumb:

24 hrs of flush, ph has risen from 5.9 to 6.1, not sure why, no biggie, reset to 5.8. It is not dissolving Mylar as that is mildly acidic as I established earlier.

The right hand bud is next to the UVb bulb, the black object is my LED loupe (about the size of a Zippo). Not sure this demonstrates clearly enough but the UVb is definitely increasing width on the hips.

we do what we can when we can, i fill my time with many things when i cant be upgrading ,one is gaining knowledge of technique and reading the experiences of others, amazing how much we can improve just by learning
i used to fantasize about the watermelon sized buds i would grow when i got my hid lights! :rofl::thumb:

Lol! Thank you so much BID, it's really good to have the moral support and to know I'm not alone in the precious resources stakes. Reps to you for this my dear.
AJ, I love the use of the doodah for scale and comparison in your shots. Really shows the difference, definitely chuckled at the width on the hips comment. Sadly I know all about that the older I get!

And thank you for the reply on the microscope, it really does help to know what is "essential" and what isn't.

Not a must have at all, certainly not an efficient use of precious resources. I think a £10 widget on a phone gets tremendous results (GF), I'm trying to get something that has as little reliance on me as possible lol

:thumb: and :thanks:

My poor ass has been getting pretty good close ups - well, clear anyway - using a magnifying glass and my ipod camera. We'll see if I can see trichome development soon enough. :)
My poor ass has been getting pretty good close ups - well, clear anyway - using a magnifying glass and my ipod camera. We'll see if I can see trichome development soon enough. :)

I have heard of such coordinated wizardry! Knowing that Envy is such a despicable frame of mind does not prevent it from presenting itself every so often, :Hookah:
I read a quoted piece in hightimes4evr’s journal (First Closet Grow! ) (reps on credit I regret to say GreenFingers) regarding degradation of THC when the trichs go amber, got the old Twitch re-awakened, going to harvest when I can see no clear instead of 30% amber (whoever suggested 30% , I don’t know, oh it was me!)


I have circled what I think are cloudy trichs, the cap is cloudy but not the stem, do I wait for all to go cloudy?


The buds are still swelling, fresh green growth showing on the stretch marks of the ‘now reaching their final days’ Ladies, strangely attractive, but they are only plants! Or are the stretch marks getting so pale because the nutes are gone and they can’t produce chlorophyll?


One for my year book, of what is now the Tall Old-Dear at the front.

There's me thinking AJ can't possibly take any better pictures and then... there are some more! :thumb:

I wish I understood more of the technicalities so I could join in better, but I am sure the girls don't mind some more adoration :blushsmile:

Is it tea and cake time soon my friend? ;)
howsit bro!

loving your close up shots ma man! looking flaveeeersum! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Thanks Alkhemist, just beginning the learning process of using the Macro close ups lens. Very jealous of you being able to walk round your plants! :thumb:

Smell is building, very sweet & musky, wouldn’t be out of place in a Souk or Bazaar!

Your buds are looking delicious :yummy:

It is purely the cap of the trichome that you want to focus on turning cloudy as this is the only part that contains the fully realised THC :)

Keep up the good work


I think they will start their Long Night v.very soon
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