Ajagunle's NFT White Widow Auto X Sweet Afghani Delicious Under CFL - Closet Grow

Oh wow, they are looking great AJ! Will keep my fingers crossed you can suss out the pH issue... odd.... keep us posted.
Looking good! Hope you figure out the ph thing soon. That would nerve wrack me to no end at this stage. ;)

Thank you Korloin, kind words and I hate to Say that once I had burnt some of the tops I stopped fretting about the grow. I had spoilt it already. I think I have sussed the ph though. Thanks again for stopping by and for the compliments!
The first of the next generation in my family is conducting a farewell tour before going up to University, for the first time, in late September, no chance for any gardening for 56 hours. Good test of how discrete it is. Had a one and a half day game of 4 player 4 mission 2 person Risk, everything was going fantastically well until my Grand-Niece asked that killer of all questions

'Do you still make the wine Mum talks about?'
'As it happens, last years' parsnip....'

Quite an easy win after all, youngsters will learn eventually I guess, might as well make the lessons as memorable as possible, it's part of the job for us Oldies.

Surprised ph had only dropped to 5.7, and hardly any water has been used, guessing because there is less leaf. I have a Mylar sheet, with 3 slits cut for the plant stems, as a blanket wrapped round the reservoir to lower humidity and block light from the shelf, well one flap had become immersed in water on the shelf. All the silver lining has washed off leaving a white sheet. I deduce this is my ph problem! Complete res change tomorrow.

I crunched some brown bits off the burnt buds, they are still putting on weight and sticky!!


Need to change the CO2 bubblers in the next couple of days, production is slowing, might change just one and then the other next week, more consistent production that way.

Some family photos!



Ahh! The mylar in the library with the candlestick! :bravo:
(mylar in the res w/ the coating washed off just didn't have the same ring.;) )
Well, one mystery solved though! :)
Those buds are still looking pretty tasty! Crunchy as some may be.
Being one thats spent most of this year killing his plants, I'm envious.:clap:

Entering wk 7 of flower, breeder says 8 wks, I harvested after 11wks last time, but lights are a different configuration now, first time was 300w blue &300w red, it is , now 2*300w red & 45w red & 2*30w blue, introduced 26w uvb for one hour. I will rotate the eerie black bulb around the 3 supplementary light fittings, moving one place per day. The bulb is the black bar in the top right corner


Buds are definitely thickening, the aroma is getting stronger, not unlike a blend of cream cheese and bay rum, almost.



Now that all the silver has been washed off the piece of Mylar covered in water took the opportunity of draining the res, cleaning the pump, rinse the tank and then recharge with 10l of fresh diluted nutes, ph set at 5.8, fingers crossed.


Lovely glisten to the bulb at the front!


Thank you Fluffy, really pleased with 19 shortish buds and never had Trichomes (Bill gates obviously has no knowledge of this word!) as developed as this before!

I'll pop round yours in a bit, hope you've got some nice biscuits!


Always got good biccies my dear and plenty to share ;)

I really love the photos, they look so good even though the heat did get to them before. Resilient little buggers and I have no doubt they will still give you a good smoke.
I'm curious about the bulb being black, which makes me assume that it is a black-light rather than a UVB bulb ?

What does it look like when turned on ?

Black-lights have a spectrum of 370-405 nm whereas a UVB bulbs spectrum is between 280-315 nm


I am thankful to your curiosity, I think I got over excited after reading your post, you are correct in that the bulb is 365nm, not what is required, as you rightly point out. So they had a night at the Discotheque instead of the snake house.

Ordered Reptiglo 10.0 UVB Compact 26W Desert Lamp Light Reptile today, definite UVB, not UVA.

Always got good biccies my dear and plenty to share ;)

I really love the photos, they look so good even though the heat did get to them before. Resilient little buggers and I have no doubt they will still give you a good smoke.

Very kind of you, thank you. I have a little sample bud drying that I can test in the next couple of days and I will let you know.
This uvb thing is interesting! I've read so much conflicting info though, so my heads not quite wrapped tight enough around it to consider using myself just yet. I'm very interested in your experience here aj!

This uvb thing is interesting! I've read so much conflicting info though, so my heads not quite wrapped tight enough around it to consider using myself just yet. I'm very interested in your experience here aj!


If you have a look at my grow journal I fully explain UVB in big long posts :)

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