Ajagunle's NFT White Widow Auto X Sweet Afghani Delicious Under CFL - Closet Grow

Searching the web for 'Green Algae NFT Reservoir' brings me a choice of non-med related sites, surprised as med-growing normally occupies most of the first page, but all sites say a variation of 'eliminate all light, but you won't get rid of it',

I am imagining/I have cut a Mylar blanket that over-hangs the res all the way round and 3 slots cut to accommodate the main stems of the plants growing from each Grodan cube. To a large extent this will also deflect dropping CO2 away from the root zone, proper job!

The 5 P's that in a previous life used to obsess me, proper preparation prevents piss poor performance.

All light fittings have been wired up and plug attached, with all cable grips used, rechargeable electric drill recharged, my smallest wooden drill bit located, screws ready, electric screwdriver charged and ready to go. I am writing this next bit in the past tense to ensure I get it done!

Measured where the plants are on the tray, cut the slots, made sure I retained easy access to the tank for; filling, daily pump clean, daily ph testing. Picture to admire my handy-work. Refill the res with full bloom nutes and double Oxplus and Hygrozyme for the roots. Clean pump and filter with hot water.

Installed 3 es light holders, all plugged in to the timer, which I have altered to increase night time by 20 minutes. (That means week 3!)

Fitted the lights, 2 blue on the left and a 45w red on the right, removed for a few days until I have raised main light another 3 ", only 9.3% blue light, I will need to construct cages to prevent the girls getting singed. Some self-inflicted, predictable and considered worth-it, damage to the flowering tops.


But they'll recover;


Fitted the reflective blanket over the res tank with overlap, you can just see it bottom LH corner, honestly.


Oh there it is


A good job jobbed.

Pump filter had algae threads and I discovered 2 discarded fan leaves on the tray when fitting the blanket, establishing and then maintaining a well-managed under-carriage is going to be time-consuming and more suited to Mister Gadget!


Max temp has dropped below 90f, CO2 produced all the time but only utilised above 90f, above 90f with CO2 is preferred I understand, still took me 2 days to lower the light, Max. Temp is now 93f., WAA!. Where was my bridge? Only joking!

Measured the grow space footprint, 17" x 23" = 2,7sq feet,

Journaling helps me convert intention into action,

Day 15 of flowering, fairly even canopy but some holes, maybe more focused training during veg, or a bit more patience. Flowering tops are still supple and short enough to work away from LHS soon-to-be blue bulb. Raised the lights an inch this morning.


I wish I could get in my grow space with or without shades! I have got room for 30w’s of clip on blue.


I just love seeing the flowers revealing themselves.

Raised the lights another inch, tops are about 3" above the screen, and on the tallest beginning to see the classic alternate buds.

So delightful & promising.

Light blanket seems to work, no algae in the pump at all.

RH 48%, always high with NFT but was hoping the Mylar blanket would help reduce it, putting the CF below the lights will help.


Need to make a ledge I can raise for the temp probe as the canopy rises.

Thank you TM420, :thankyou:

hoping I've left enough stretch to fill the space!

Changed the CO2 generators, and will every week and ensure they are both at full fermentation before they go in. High probe max of 97f.

A good job that Mother Nature’s annual glut will soon be upon us. Or is this all part of cosmic design? I won’t be thinking this in 6 months’ time, but I will thank the man or woman who invented freezers.
Max temp has risen to 102f, which means the CO2 generators are almost fizzing!


Canopy is another inch higher, love the splashes of yellow. RH is down to 45%, as the under carriage is so ‘jungly’ at the moment, will try and get a fan blowing under the screen. Challenging to get all the tops exposed to the lights, not sure whether it would increase yield by being a bit more savage with leaf removal, or will this decrease cola size significantly. Fewer but fatter, or more but thinner. Any opinions?


The easiest bud to photograph, I'm sure to get to know her well, and yes, she will be the first

looking great!

as far as leaf trimming, i would be selective. just take a top down look and pinch off any big leaves that get in the way of bud sites.
doesnt have to be a mass cull, just pluck a few leaves each day untill all bud has los to the lights. going slowly like this will pretty much remove any cropping stress. a plant can lose a single broadleaf without stopping for breath ;)
Nice work ajagunle

Its great to see that everything has bounced back for you :)

I'm subbed for this one


Good to have you along, really pleased that these abused scrawny urchins are growing into fine young ladies, all the effort always ends going up in smoke!
Hi GiGaBaNE, I have been a bit more ruthless and unburied 3 or 4 dwarf potential bud, definite learning point for next time, should have been more diligent throughout the screen filling phase and then in very early stretch, too busy keeping everything under the screen and not paying attention to what has remained hidden, I thought it was going to get a bit easier, but reading the journals, bit of medication and before I notice my expectation is completely HUGE,

Thank you for the advice!:thumb:
Hi GiGaBaNE, I have been a bit more ruthless and unburied 3 or 4 dwarf potential bud, definite learning point for next time, should have been more diligent throughout the screen filling phase and then in very early stretch, too busy keeping everything under the screen and not paying attention to what has remained hidden, I thought it was going to get a bit easier, but reading the journals, bit of medication and before I notice my expectation is completely HUGE,

Thank you for the advice!:thumb:

always happy to spout ideas, some are even worth listening too ;)

if you have some stunted ones that are unable to get to your lights, you may want to stick a couple of puny 10 watt lamps right in there among the branches to help them on their way. such low power wont cost much and will barely make any heat worth mentioning.
always happy to spout ideas, some are even worth listening too ;)

if you have some stunted ones that are unable to get to your lights, you may want to stick a couple of puny 10 watt lamps right in there among the branches to help them on their way. such low power wont cost much and will barely make any heat worth mentioning.

I was planning on clearing most of the below screen stuff at about week 5 or so and as you will see I have raised the main light enough to fit my supplementary lights, too late to change the plan for this grow, when I have thought it all through, de-skilled the implementation I should (or could) be ready for next season
With every grow there has been an accompanying incident that has reduced the potential harvest. There was the 'Big Freeze of 2011', the 'Mysterious case of the Pump in the Night Time' and now a case of 'A Bend too Far.' On my learning grow I kept all stretch under the screen for 7 days and the shoots grew into the lights after 14 days, so I kept all growth under the screen for 14 days and now stretch is well and truly over, I still have about 8" of unused space above the light. *uckity *uck!


Buds are beginning to look more promising even if they're a little short.


Started adding the extra Elixirs a couple of days ago, always an exciting milestone for me, entering the penultimate stage before harvest.
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