Hi Korloin, GiGa and Fluffy,
DLR? I assume glr, twelve12 or 12twelve had a journal on here only a few months ago, if you work out how to search for threads it will be here somewhere, I do not remember if there was any empirical data included in his journal or just anecdotal information, either way it was convincing enough for me and more than a little attractive to the wallet, oh! Here it is
Twelve12's Perpetual Grow). There was also a short string of comments regarding trying to copy nature a bit further with the inclusion of a soundtrack and possibly other stoner ideas that would contribute to the perfect harvest. I’m still working on providing morning and evening Birdsong for my little bit of Eden. Yes, seriously.
The diminishing day length during Flower makes logical sense to me, I can’t say I have noticed any benefits, certainly no drawbacks or negatives, but I do know it is costing less, quite substantially less over the period of a whole grow.
Providing comparison type evidence relies on a few facilities not available to me, space being the ‘Game Over’ factor for me. I am also finding it almost impossible to only change one thing at a time, as soon as I see a beneficial change I go straight ahead and implement it straight away, glr and UVb light being recent examples. The Next Grow is always so far away!
Reading about the benefits of UVb I have convinced myself that I can discern a definitely visible difference in the swelling after a session at the Tanning Salon, in fact I am going to leave it in one place for the remainder of the grow.
In front of these Buds (Day60 flowering);
Talking about cake, yes is the answer, I like all nice food, special place for my afternoon sugar fix, I am male after all. Lemon and poppy seed Muffins sound just the job! There is also a thread on here about making Canna Butter, once you’ve got the magic in the butter you can go for your life, ice creams, cakes, biscuits and I did read about making Hollandaise, but with a suitably witty name (Cannadaze?), planted my Asparagus bed the same afternoon, so spring time 2015 is the deadline to learn Canna Butter!
Thank you for the compliments on the photos, I just wish I could show you what using the x60 Loupe looks like, not a sign of Amber, which is my goal.
Tall Girl at the Front
A Nice pair.