Accidentally bought Happy Frog

I'm going to try all there products on my next grow

A word of advice from someone who used Bud Explosion and Sweet Candy with the new version of MegaCrop....Don't do it!....guaranteed to fry your plants. (I fried one)
The basic MegaCrop is all you need...maybe a little cal-mag if you use RO water,but nothing else is needed.
You might get away with using a little "Sweet Candy",but it's 16% soluble potash,which might raise the potassium levels high enough to cause damage. I'd be careful with it.
A word of advice from someone who used Bud Explosion and Sweet Candy with the new version of MegaCrop....Don't do it!....guaranteed to fry your plants. (I fried one)
The basic MegaCrop is all you need...maybe a little cal-mag if you use RO water,but nothing else is needed.
You might get away with using a little "Sweet Candy",but it's 16% soluble potash,which might raise the potassium levels high enough to cause damage. I'd be careful with it.
Ok. I will be extra careful.
I'm starting to worry because my plant is turning purple. The leaves are turning purple and so are the buds.
most likely normal. maybe even good.

a couple pics may help.
I'll upload some here shortly. I'm still waiting for my coffee to finish.
Good idea thanks. I will once I have completed my first grow
jump in anytime.

the MC thread is for anybody. we are trying to gather as much experience as we can with MC together in one spot.
nice looking outdoor grow.

what are conditions like ? Az is pretty dry, and about the only thing i'd worry on is bud rot, not too likely.
Should I put them on the mega crop thred?
sure if you like.

no one has a monopoly on experience. all of it is valued. none of it has value unless shared.
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