Accidentally bought Happy Frog

Nice looking plant, she should give you a nice bunch of buds! Sure, if you see some that are there take them. I've been reading that quite a few growers will do this. If , when, I'm faced with this I'll harvest those that are ready and let the rest be and get themselves ready.
What does 10 percent look like under 60x or anything

Are you sure it's not dying?
Have you ever done a salt flush? If you dont mind? How and when?
If this is a container grow and you are using synthetic nutrients then yes, about 2 weeks from the end a 3x the container sized flush will wash all of the salts out of the soil, allowing for full uptake at the end when the buds are growing the fastest.
If this is a container grow and you are using synthetic nutrients then yes, about 2 weeks from the end a 3x the container sized flush will wash all of the salts out of the soil, allowing for full uptake at the end when the buds are growing the fastest.
Nevermind I got my answer from the old fashioned Google. But still......those sound potent. I have alot more learning and research to do. I'm a bit o.c.d.
Mega crop is basically organic
well, its not salt based... it is using a new technology called aminochelate... or attaching the mineral atoms to an amino acid to keep it stable. This explains why the Mega Crop is such a powerful nutrient, because it is much more efficient than a salt chelated nutrient that has to break down in the soil to become mobile... the amino acid chelates actually go right up into the plant and are broken apart inside of the plant... no debris is left over in the soil!
Bottom line, it is not a traditional synthetic nutrient... is is an organically bound artificial nutrient. I am impressed, and you should not have to flush because of any sort of buildup if you use it properly.
Interesting reading from research just a year ago, regarding the technology behind Mega Crop:
The effect of aminochelates in plant growth is not yet sufficient clarified. Aminochelate formulation is a new progress in plant nutrition. Various studies mentioned in this review revealed that they have a superior effect on plant growth and productivity compared to simple chemical salt fertilizers. Aminochelates represent a more efficient and safer form of fertilizers in plant nutrition, without environmental side effects. The aminochelatos are certainly suitable for specific conditions, such as iron deficiency correction in calcareous soils. Progress in aminochelates formulations and application may in future lead to them becoming the dominant strategy in plant nutrition. Application of routine fertilizers as well as commercial synthetic chelators like EDTA is not regarded as a sustainable practice, and in this regard aminochelates represent a suitable candidate to replace those fertilizers. Although aminochelates first evolved as food additives in human nutrition to combat iron and zinc deficiencies, nowadays they have a wide diversity as effective fertilizers for agricultural application. In their future, it is important to know whether nutrient absorption (such as iron) from these fertilizers is different for various elements or amino acids, and even for soil versus foliar application.
Mohammad Kazem Souri
Aminochelate fertilizers: the new approach to the old problem; a review
DOI: 10.1515/opag-2016-0016 received September 13, 2016; accepted November 28, 2016
well, its not salt based... it is using a new technology called aminochelate... or attaching the mineral atoms to an amino acid to keep it stable. This explains why the Mega Crop is such a powerful nutrient, because it is much more efficient than a salt chelated nutrient that has to break down in the soil to become mobile... the amino acid chelates actually go right up into the plant and are broken apart inside of the plant... no debris is left over in the soil!
Bottom line, it is not a traditional synthetic nutrient... is is an organically bound artificial nutrient. I am impressed, and you should not have to flush because of any sort of buildup if you use it properly.
So does this mean Mega crop can be used in a water only organic soil like the stuff I used?
So does this mean Mega crop can be used in a water only organic soil like the stuff I used?
I found more answers about this... from the Mega Crop site:
MEGA CROP is a Vegan fertilizer, not Organic. Vegan fertilizers have the exact same standards as Organic fertilizers as far as toxins, heavy metals, and other contaminants and pollutants.

“Organic” fertilizers refers to a certification done by the private company OMRI, which will give OMRI Listed® certification once paid the appropriate fees ($$) and requirements are met.

Vegan fertilizers have several advantages over Organic fertilizers.

  • Not sourced from animals, so no risk of antibiotics, antiobiotic resistant bacteria, pharmaceuticals, hormones or pathogens that are associated with animal based fertilizers
  • Far more water soluble and available to the plants, for better absorption, quicker and complete uptake by the plants
  • Lower environmental impact
  • Not supporting the animal agriculture industry
Then I found the description of one of their side products, one that they say you don't need along with the Mega Crop because it is all already in there, but read this description and see that this product is enhancing the microlife that is available in the soil. This system is not only compatable with an organic grow... it can help enhance it!

Sweet Candy
Sweet Candy is a premium, full flavor, aroma and yield enhancer … and carbohydrate source all in one! Promotes bolder terpenes, scent, root zone health, beneficial bacteria and vibrant plants. Contains several different types of carbo sources, 20 amino acids, 70+ vitamins and minerals, isoflavonoids, anthocyanins, polyphenols, tannins and isoterpenes for superior aroma, potency and heavy yields. Sweet Candy also enhances the root zone for optimal beneficial bacteria and fungi growth to help benefit and protect your plants.
Nice! Thanks for finding that out. Looks like Mega Crop is something I need to get. They have a 500 grm deal for the price of shipping on the standard MCrop. I'll have to check and see if it's on the sweet candy as well.
I found more answers about this... from the Mega Crop site:
MEGA CROP is a Vegan fertilizer, not Organic. Vegan fertilizers have the exact same standards as Organic fertilizers as far as toxins, heavy metals, and other contaminants and pollutants.

“Organic” fertilizers refers to a certification done by the private company OMRI, which will give OMRI Listed® certification once paid the appropriate fees ($$) and requirements are met.

Vegan fertilizers have several advantages over Organic fertilizers.

  • Not sourced from animals, so no risk of antibiotics, antiobiotic resistant bacteria, pharmaceuticals, hormones or pathogens that are associated with animal based fertilizers
  • Far more water soluble and available to the plants, for better absorption, quicker and complete uptake by the plants
  • Lower environmental impact
  • Not supporting the animal agriculture industry
Then I found the description of one of their side products, one that they say you don't need along with the Mega Crop because it is all already in there, but read this description and see that this product is enhancing the microlife that is available in the soil. This system is not only compatable with an organic grow... it can help enhance it!

Sweet Candy
Sweet Candy is a premium, full flavor, aroma and yield enhancer … and carbohydrate source all in one! Promotes bolder terpenes, scent, root zone health, beneficial bacteria and vibrant plants. Contains several different types of carbo sources, 20 amino acids, 70+ vitamins and minerals, isoflavonoids, anthocyanins, polyphenols, tannins and isoterpenes for superior aroma, potency and heavy yields. Sweet Candy also enhances the root zone for optimal beneficial bacteria and fungi growth to help benefit and protect your plants.
where can i buy that?
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